Canada: Ottawa Police Chief “It is now unlawful to protest against government, 100 checkpoints have been established” – IOTW Report

Canada: Ottawa Police Chief “It is now unlawful to protest against government, 100 checkpoints have been established”

CTH: The interim police chief of Ottawa, Comrade Steve Bell, made it clear today that he and the residents of Ottawa are “sick” of the protesters. Therefore, effective immediately, no Canadian citizen will be permitted to access, enter or walk lawfully in the downtown Ottawa area.

“100 police checkpoints have been established” Bell said, and citizens are being questioned about the reason for their travel.  Additionally, within his current authority as the regional guard for government he has been authorized to offer “safe passage” out of the area for any current protestor or dissident supporter.  However, if people do not exit the area within this current window of amnesty, the safety of the remaining citizens cannot be guaranteed as heavily armed tactical operations begin. read more

50 Comments on Canada: Ottawa Police Chief “It is now unlawful to protest against government, 100 checkpoints have been established”

  1. Why would ANY trucker bring ANYTHING to Ottawa now?

    …they don’t want you there, truckers?

    …don’t GO.

    …shouldn’t take more than a week for them to start killing each other over dumpster scraps and torturing the fat to find out where they’re hiding food, and they will definitely have a walking city if you don’t bring them gas, so the outskirts won’t be troubled by their resorting to cannibalism, either…

  2. Governing a country by the seat of your pants, making shit up as you go, is never a good way to keep the peace. There’s no difference between this demonstration and Turdo kneeling with BLM. The difference is .gov made Freedom a bad word spoken by proclaimed terrorists, misogynists, and racists, and BLM proclaimed a good word that actually involves legitimate terrorists, misogynists, and racists.


  3. Did the Ottawa police department train to operate in a non-permissive environment?

    most police departments aren’t really built to operate as a hostile occupation force and don’t have secure camps to spend their nights in, but go home to their families right next to the people they’ve spent the day “conducting tactical operations” against.

    …sleep tight…

  4. I called it two weeks ago. Force is all they have. They have no moral authority. NOW they will feel the wrath of all truckers. The Canadian Army will have to transport goods into the cities just to avoid the collapse of that fragile veneer of civilization.

  5. So if you are sick of something then it can be banned. Well I’m sick of paying taxes so let’s not pay taxes anymore I’m sure you’re all sick of it to.
    If I was an American trucker I would not drive in Canada anymore since it is run like Iran.

  6. This is a great idea. However, Canada should also consider building a giant wall on the Canada/United States border in order to keep out the hordes of Americans wanting to relocate to the Socialist Utopia of Canadian Keggers.

  7. It feels as if this is all about to come to a head. There are only two endings to this: (1) Trudeau wins, the truckers go home and he knows he now has the ability to get away with anything. (2) the truckers stand firm and are joined by millions of other Canadians who force Trudeau and the entire government out.

  8. @SNS:

    This will transition first to a ‘Contested Control Area’ before it reaches Non-Permissive Environment. There is a natural rhythm to these things that can’t be sidestepped.

    Guess we get to see how much submission has been conditioned into these people.

  9. Trudeau is behind this attack in order to invoke Emergency Measures. These are tactics used by the Hitler regime which is no different than what Canada has right now. How Hitler Sized Power in NAZI Germany:

    1. Create a crisis,
    2. Demonize opponents
    3. Declare a State of Emergency
    4. Undermine elections
    5. Make the rule of Law Irrelevant
    6. Rule by Executive Order

  10. As a driver, this would be my end of the phone conversation:
    “When am I going to deliver your 50,000 liters of gasoline? I already did, it’s in the median two kliks outside Ottowa limits… You should hurry if you want to save any, it’s soaking in pretty quick…”

  11. “citizens are being questioned about the reason for their travel” – umm, because we are supposed to be a free country??

    Not to mention: “However, if people do not exit the area within this current window of amnesty, the safety of the remaining citizens cannot be guaranteed as heavily armed tactical operations begin”. Sounding more like Tiananmen Square every day

  12. Well, Komrade Bell may be sick of the protestors, but I think that is just his personal opinion expressed as The Royal “We”.

    “Therefore, effective immediately, no Canadian citizen will be permitted to access, enter or walk lawfully in the downtown Ottawa area.”

    Ok, easy-peasy solution. Pull the trucks back to the freeway/highway entrances/exits. Set up the blockade there. It IS outside the Ottawa downtown limits, n’est-ce pas?

    There is ALWAYS a way around everything.

  13. @ Jerry Manderin FEBRUARY 18, 2022 AT 12:23 PM

    Openly supported and financed by the Fabian Socialists in England and the progressive movement in the United States as he achieved critical mass, rose to power and consolidated power and continued to support him and the National Socialists right up to the very launch of Operation Barbarossa. The only reason their allegiances shifted was because they recognized that Stalin and the Soviets were even more prolific engines of innocent human suffering, misery and death. Recognize that increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death and separating innocent human souls from God is what progressivism is all about and why they exist in the first place and you can predict what their future alliances will be with 100% accuracy.

  14. Hunter
    FEBRUARY 18, 2022 AT 10:23 AM
    “This is what happens when you allow the government to confiscate your guns.”

    …doesn’t HAVE to be…

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago

  15. Lowell
    FEBRUARY 18, 2022 AT 10:52 AM

    This will transition first to a ‘Contested Control Area’ before it reaches Non-Permissive Environment. There is a natural rhythm to these things that can’t be sidestepped.”.

    …I’m sure you are correct. You are more knowledgeable about it than I am.

    I am also sure that, if it DID transition to “contested” or “non-permissive”, we wouldn’t HEAR about it.

    …they do control the media, after all, maybe this is actually a reaction to that and it’s more serious than we are allowed to know…as Jerry Manderin said above, “Hitler was seen as invincible at one time so there’s that.”…

  16. There are rules for leaders to follow and if they don’t govern by them they can’t expect the people they govern to respect or obey their made up mandates. I can make up my own rules as easy as any tyrant.

  17. That Ottawa “police chief” is as sinister and sadistic as the Terrorist Trudeau who has the slob engaging in abuses against human rights and medical freedom. Post his gluttonous face everywhere.

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