Elaine Chao Cited For Misuse of Office, The Fix Was In To Keep Her Out Of Legal Trouble – IOTW Report

Elaine Chao Cited For Misuse of Office, The Fix Was In To Keep Her Out Of Legal Trouble


The inspector general’s investigation detailed a series of instances in which Elaine Chao [spouse to senate minority leader Mitch McConnell] reportedly directed her staff to spend federal government time and resources to help with matters related to a family shipping company and her father.

“A formal investigation into potential misuses of position was warranted,” Mitch Behm, the department’s deputy inspector general, said on Tuesday in a letter to House lawmakers, accompanying a 44-page report detailing the investigation and the findings of wrongdoing.

The report indicated “Chao had used her staff to make extensive arrangements in 2017 for the planned trip to China, which was canceled just before her planned departure after ethics concerns were raised.”

The Chao family company, Foremost Group, was responsible as of 2019 for a large portion of orders at one of China’s biggest state-funded shipyards and has secured long-term charters with a Chinese state-owned steelmaker, Breitbart News found. Foremost’s ships carry bulk cargo such as iron ore and coal, focusing on shipping those commodities to China. More

CTH indicates that a deal was struck in January allowing Chao to resign quietly and lend credence to “insurgency” narrative. Here

14 Comments on Elaine Chao Cited For Misuse of Office, The Fix Was In To Keep Her Out Of Legal Trouble

  1. The one lesson we learned the last go-around was that The Deep State protects its own so in that vein, we will never uncover the dirty dealings and backroom negotiations that really took place.

    Of course, she should be investigated with all the rigor and enthusiasm appropriate, but what’s laughable is that what Hunter and Daddy did was a trifle compared to this.

    Only Republicans or their appointees get looked at, get scrutinized, dems are insulated/protected and free to feed their rapacious appetite for greed and corruption.

    The double standard makes a mockery of our judicial process.

    Of course, she should never have been appointed to that position in the first place.

  2. Ain’t nothing gonna happen to the CHI-Com spy or her rebounding bowel movement of a husband. So I’m not going to get excited until I see some of these traitors hanging from ropes.

  3. Again, we have a high ranking official charged with a lesser crime (misuse of staff and resources for personal gain), and we ignore the gorilla in the room; the fact that she and he family shipping business are tied to the Chinese military.

  4. Dan Knowles
    Spot on, also taking God out of everything doesn’t help either.

    We do get the country we deserve, when our leader’s are not held responsible for crimes committed.


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