Election 2020 Open Thread – IOTW Report

Election 2020 Open Thread

Okay guys and gals. This is it. We are switching comment preferences today, so new comments will be at the top.

What are your thoughts? What are you hearing on the street? What’s happening?

378 Comments on Election 2020 Open Thread

  1. I was at my polling place with my wife at 5:30 this morning. A small town with a population of 16000…..there had to be 2 to 3 hundred people lined up waiting in the cold to vote….in all my years voting there , I have never seen anything like it. I don’t think that many were there that early because they are enthused about Gaffe Meister B.

  2. Increasingly politicians have almost NEVER kept their word, so despite the fact that alot of dummy voters won’t remember the others,
    I agree with Toenex, that more will vote for Trump than all of us in 2016.

  3. My rural polling place had a line across the parking lot this morning at 10 AM. Never have I seen such a turnout here. Everyone was friendly and calm.

    I’m excited by the turnout. We’re in MAGA country!

  4. Huge crowd in town outside of Boise Idaho. I was there before the polls open in the am and there was a line of 100 people already there. Far more than the last time I voted. More Californians here now than a few years ago but they had no Biden stickers on their cars. Lots of Trump stickers.

  5. “What are your thoughts? What are you hearing on the street? What’s happening?”

    1. I like turtles
    2. moo
    3. chicken broth is coming along nicely.

    Man….I really gotta’ move to someplace that has people.

  6. May President Trump use his reelection as a lethal weapon against the Fake Media.

    Starting with their using “polls” like a sledgehammer to force their will on the public.

  7. Voted first thing this morning in very rural west Michigan. Trump country. I have never seen turnout like this. Usually worst case is a 10 minute wait on some Presidential election days. This morning it took me 1 hour and 20 minutes. The line was just as long when I left at 8:20 as it was when I got there at 7.

  8. So we know Biden won’t be writing a What Happened? book.
    And he won’t be around whining about Russia stealing the election for the next four years.

    Hopefully the Dems will give crazy Nancy the boot so shit can get done.
    – She is certifiably deranged.

  9. 3 Democratic Sarasota County Commission candidates accused of campaign finance violations… big article published yesterday. I voted RED on everything! Violation of campaign finance laws is a misdemeanor with penalties of a fine of $500 or 60 days in jail.

  10. Ground report: I phoned DH before noon. He has been working the same double polling precincts for years since he retired. Well before noon they had more people voting than have voted in other elections by the end of the day. These precincts are located in a farm turning suburb area of IN.

  11. Yuuuge turnout at my 85% republican polling place.
    I really don’t know, but I feel the stress. I have a headache, a neckache and generally can’t focus on work today. I also know I won’t sleep tonight.

    I am amazed after the last 4 years that Biden even has a chance today.

  12. Huge turnout in rural Southcentral PA (near the line) with lines longer than I’ve ever seen them in 36 years! People wearing Trump shirts/masks/hats. One lone sign (Biden) sign outside poll door was unusual in its aloneness.

    Brisk attitude of business in the air like Americans know what needs to be done.

  13. I emailed my ballot last night. If it weren’t for the fact that the border is closed I would have driven down to Seattle and voted in person this time. Unfortunately that was not an option.

    It still does not show as having been received.

  14. Voted this afternoon at the town hall about 1:30 pm. I was #292. I was told by the volunteers that there are 370 registered voters in the township.

    The polls closes at 8:00 pm. The volunteers expected upwards of 85% turnout. One told me there were people voting today he’d never met before.

    Red Wave? More like Red Tsunami.

  15. My wife and son and I went to our polling place early this afternoon, and there was quite a line of voters, including many first time voters. I knew that because the poll workers would ring a bell for each one coming to vote for the first time. My hope is those youngster voted for Trump!

  16. In 2016 I bbq’d a Ribeye, had a couple glasses of red wine, and for desert opened a bottle of champagne to watch the returns come in. That worked so well I’m doing the same thing again.

  17. My thought – if Biden wins the election was stolen or WE ARE deserving of what we get because then the majority will have voted to flush our Democracy down the drain.

    Did you hear Crazy Nancy says they want the election to be so screwed up that the House will “select” the President…now that’s halloween story.

  18. I’ll report on my parents voting experience in East Columbus, Ohio. They live in a predominantly black area. They voted at 9:30 am and there wasn’t a line. They walked right in. Dad said it was very light compared to the Hillary/Trump election but there are quite a few Biden signs in their neighborhood. So, I dunno?!?

  19. Lots of callers into WMAL in their Forties and fifties that are first time voters, voting for Trump. One was eighty one. Never thought it mattered.

    Amazing how the democrats burning of cities turns out to be the largest get out the vote operation of all time.

    This can’t be picked up by pollsters.

  20. I live in the belly of the beast — heart of Chicago — Juicy Smolliet’s neighborhood, Streeterville. Very light at the polls at 8 this morning. All my progressive acquaintances voted early. Lots of moneyed people but not many conservatives in my neighborhood. Illinois is lost because of Chicago but I know that the suburbs and downstate are strong for Trump.

  21. DJT hasn’t lost any voters since 2016. He has gained a lot, so I’m confident he has the votes for a substantial win. My concern is the left trying something stupid like a Color Revolution. The media would certainly go along with it. And if you listen to Crazy Nancy and Chuckles talk, it’s almost like they’re confirming somethings going to happen.

  22. You’re all acting like Trump! The tough guy. He likes playing the tough guy. Who would like to take a shot at you go, you know, you know the THING! We have the biggest fraud organization ever. We’ve got physicians, um, you know, the voting assistant thing, ah, people at the poling houses to help you vote properly, man. They’ll even take your temperature to make sure you don’t have CONAN-19! I ain’t makin’ this up. Jill and I were at one the other day and they had hamburgers and fries. I had a Pepsi-colin – a soda – they didn’t have any coke. Oh man, no coke. I gotta call Hunter. We’re gonna win this thing! We can do it! Keep voting. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Just go out there and what? My mask? Oh, sorry! I’ve got a plan for that! I’ll be the first to intreduct interrogat introspe do a prestidigitationnasillevelprzr! nation all over. Oh man, I probably shouldn’t say that.

    (The remainder of this post is unreadable in English and has been translated as well as possible by Google, as follows.)

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

  23. Northeast Ohio, in a bit of a blue county. First in line at 5:30. Was a bit concerned when the verification machine would not read my DL and had to call a supervisor, but his machine verified me. I wore red, voted R.E.D.. The line was about 50 deep when I left. Absolutely beautiful November day here.

  24. Funny…just spoke with DH again. Every time he’s worked the poll, the workers had people remove pol hats and t shirts had to be covered. Today, even dem workers have no problem with PT hats. Am thinking tthey themselves voted PT.

  25. Red northeast Ohio County south of ‘Crooked’ County Drove up Trump Alley to the polls. This is the main road in the township where everyone has multiple Trump signs on both sides of the road. One lone Pedo Joe sign. There are about 2,000 to 2,200 registered voters here who use the Lutheran church. Today 1/2 the precincts were moved to the neighboring fire station.

    2:00PM and all middle aged and old farts voting. No lines, no waiting, use the hand sanitizer, wear a face diaper. A lot of people wearing red clothes minus slogans. In and out of the place quickly.

    Earlier this month I went by the BOE in town 3 times. Each time the parking lot was full and the line was out the door and around the building. No social distancing and few face diapers.

    In this red county I can count the Biden signs on one and 1/2 hands. In neighboring blue counties of Cuyahoga (Cleveland) and Summit (Akron) I am seeing more Trump and R signs than I have seen in 30 years.
    Trafalgar poll shows Trump up 5 points in Ohio. This is the only poll I trust. Forget Real Clear Politics.

  26. We don’t have counties in Alaska and I never see MSM – when they do bother with us – report on boroughs or anything else except us as a whole.

    Just 12:25 here and I’m at work, will vote after 16:30. Not sure what it’s like at the polls yet, been here since early a.m.

  27. L.A. CA (South Bay) Just voted at the Civic Center. Computer kiosks here which I do not care for- I prefer the”Inka Dot” method. Turnout was moderate at lunch hour. No problems, in and out in less than 10 minutes.

  28. Stood in line with the wife for half an hour at our polling station this morning (SE Tampa Bay area) and it’s NEVER taken more than a couple of minutes to pop, grab a ballot and vote. Hopefully, this bodes well for a Red Tsunami.

  29. The #securethevote hashtag that I saw this morning was tagged to Indivisible, a resistance group, and it looks like unrest might start around 5pm.

    Later though, the hashtag is also being used by Trumpers. 👍

    At 7pm, AntiFa is ready to go here in Seattle. A murky day, chilly and rainy, perfect for a protest. 🙄

  30. random people i talked to today all said they voted Trump.

    Totally confident Trump will be vindicated today. First verse i thought of this morning was Psalm 43:1.

    Like i predicted last night, Trump win plus adds seats in senate and retakes the house.

  31. Hoping and praying for a huge Trump win! Not going to let the lying media get me down. Haven’t been out yet so no word from anyone else yet. it’s going to be a long night!
    Trump 2020!

  32. I voted (all red) at 2 this afternoon to avoid the lines. Wrong… Still a line all the way out the door & into the parking area. It was nice to see since it’s West Michigan & we are for Trump! Kept my mask on until I got to the door where there was a sign that said they “strongly support” use of a mask. At that point I used mine to keep my upper pocket warm.

  33. Here in Washington state we might get a 90% turnout.
    If we do it might be enough to cancel the west side vote.
    King county (Seattle) had 1.4 million ballots cast before today that is 3/4 of all votes in the county.
    There is hope for Washington.
    If and it is a big if I am upping my final tally to 354 to 184.

  34. …just voted, SW OH. Gerrymandering to death after they moved Africans in and blew up the projects in the City so they could spread Democrat-incubated poverty and want throughout the County, so my vote doesn’t really count, but me and the whole family went anyway. My MIL had a Republican card to help guide her, and because its such a Blue district they didn’t even have a Republican poll worker, but I happily took the Dem one and thanked him.

    One, because I used to be a poll worker, and there’s no need to be a dick to the guy. Yet.

    Two, because there were a BUNCH of “non-partisan” Judge races where they didn’t put their affiliation on the ballot, and I don’t hang out at courthouses so I don’t know all the names, so I unfurled my handy-dandy Democrat sample ballot…and voted straight the other way.

    Thanks, Blue Guy, you helped me, just not the way you think…

  35. There was nobody at my polling place I guess all the Democrat’s mailed theirs in, and they started to tell me I wasn’t on the voter rolls, I had steam coming out of the top of my head. 🤬

    The poll workers must have been hanging out with Joe in his basement.
    I was taught to respect my elders, but they had a deaf guy and the the other elderly woman couldn’t see. I let them know I wasn’t happy, and was not about to fill out a provisional ballot.
    Well they finally found me, and I was allowed to vote. Gee wiz, what do I expect? Well, this is Tucson for you, the most liberal county in Arizona.

    Putting the check next to Trump’s name made up for it though. MAGA 🇺🇸

  36. Cleveburg West Side here – Went to the polling place with the wife this morning at about 9A and saw a pretty long line, so we passed it up to check back on it later. Upon returning at about 11A the line was a little shorter. Since it was a nice day we decided to stay – all in all, it took about 45 minutes. Smooth process handled by the people in the polling place. Remaining very optimistic that the American people are not about to vote this country down the drain!!

  37. Already gave our experience voting today, but I have a relative that works for a county election board(not the county I live in), she’s a democrat, just like many in my family. She’s bummed according to what she’s telling others in the family.
    Now this is a red state, but that county is one of the 20 that is still majority registered demons. Early voting and absentee voting started getting tabulated this morning and the demons are losing, even their local elections the demons are getting crushed. Even the registered democrats are voting for Trump, 60% to 40% and Republicans are only crossing over 5%.(Yeah we have some true democrats registered as Republicans to screw with our primaries in the state.) Registered democrats are 50/50 voting for Republicans at all levels. Independents are 90% going for Trump, 5% for Biden and 5% for third party and about the same for all other offices. Libertarians are voting for Libertarians 100% and not voting at all in offices without a third party.

    Again we’re a deep red state that has no bearing really on the rest of the country, but with early numbers being through the roof with voter turnout, I can’t imagine the rest of the country’s Trump voters aren’t doing the same. This of course is only one county, but it sounds good for a traditionally democrat stronghold county, especially with local elections. They still don’t vote for Demon Presidents.

  38. I voted earlier and then went to lunch. The waitress had voted before work and we were both remarking how huge the crowds to vote are here compared to previous years. I said, “choo choo,” and she laughed and gave me a thumbs up.

  39. I also work in a very, eh, polyethnic workplace, and in ’12 and ’16 everyone who didn’t have a uniform wore a Dem shirt, and would NOT shut up about it.

    This year, no talk, and only one angry Black woman wearing a Biden mask.

    …I’m a little encouraged by that…

  40. @Eugenia… In my county east of the Crooked One, the Trump signage has been minimal but picked up a bit the last two weeks. However there are countless yards with signs for all the down ticket R’s and no Trump signs. I believe they are all Trump supporters. Hubby got a Trump flag and I had some concern about putting it out because I work in a school district in the Crooked county and some of my neighbors work there too, but he insisted. It’s been flying for a few weeks now. My immediate neighbor on one side told me she liked our flag. She is an independent small business woman (house & pet sitting) and she said she feared loss of clients if she put up anything. Her business took quite a bit with all the ChinaVirus lock down.

  41. Old Racist White Woman

    thats encouraging. Its what i thought/hoped would happen. First timers and pissed off democrats that came to their senses will Rock the Vote for freedom and liberty.

  42. I live in the middle of everywhere America….No waiting for me but the two behind me had to wait. Cafe was closed for the vote in a town of 80….a couple of down ballot votes had a democrat or a libertarian to vote for. Other then that it was all local Republicans. I bought the poll workers some well deserved ice cream. Lois now has a crush on me…..

  43. Quick public service announcement. You might want to consider wearing a mask to the polls, as there is a *real risk* that you might breathe in some of the air that was once in the lungs of your area Democrats. This is a scary and disgusting proposition, and I do not suggest you chance it. You might also consider whistling or humming “God Bless America” while you wait in line to vote, as this tune operates as an effective prophylactic against the horrific liberalitis toxicus infection.

  44. @Geoff I wanna see some blue seats flip red (insert lefty shocked face here) and boot Inslee outta office (insert lefty shocked face here). Let the red wave touch WA borders, please oh please. Facebook will be a delight to read if that happened. We’ll break out the 20 year old Lagavulin in celebration.

  45. I am sitting in the waiting room at the car dealership while some work is being done on the car.

    They have the Global BC News Channel On. They just had a story about a ten year old who predicted who would win the US election. Of course the kid predicted that Biden would win. We would not have seen the story had he predicted Trump.

  46. The current story is telling how the Republicans are in danger of losing the Senate. No mention of the Democrats in danger of losing the House.

    The media make me sick.

  47. My wife and I showed up at the polling place at 5:45 – polls opened at 6:00. We are usually the first ones there, this year we were fourth. But, by the time the doors opened there were at least 20 people in line – that’s never happened before. We live in southern Illinois, in a very red county. So, all of us down here know that our votes are meaningless. Seeing that many people come out, knowing it didn’t really matter, is a very good sign.
    Interestingly, one of the items on the Illinois ballot is to split Illinois into two states – leaving Chicago on its own. It won’t pass, but we can dream.

  48. Every vote for Biden is a victory for MSM brainwashing. Remove politics from the equation, Joe is not likeable one bit. He’s an angry bitter old man. The speech he gave last night in PA he yelled the entire time after beginning with “Hello Pittsburgh! I’m Joe Biden’s Husband!” I would never vote or support or be friends with anyone who thinks yelling at me is the right thing to do.

    Anyway, I’m confident Trump will win. So long as corruption isn’t as blatant as it is in Pennsylvania across the entire country. This is my only concern for a Trump victory. Weren’t several districts in and around Philly 100%+ victory for Obama? Sad Trump didn’t fix this BS the past 4 years. Now poll watchers are denied from entering polls.


    The Trinity did NOT reward the godless left in 2016!

  50. I have been baking cookies to pass out to my MAGA neighbors who brought the bucket lift, chainsaws and 40 ft. trailers to clean up the down tree limbs on our street after the ice storm last week. They refused payment but they will eat cookies.
    Son says Phoenix and southern suburbs are boarded up. Daughter says Dallas is too.



  52. Summit County Ohio. Yesterday I got a gallon of vodka, a case of mix, and a case of beer. TRF and Eugenia, that howling noise you’ll hear from near Wayne County will be me, when Trump is confirmed as our continuing President.

    Today there were Trump signs all over the city of Barberton. It’s really quite amazing.

  53. My polling place was a ghost town at 1:00 today. My son and I were the only voters going in and coming out. There were about ten cars in the parking lot, had to be the poll workers. Two or three cars had Biden stickers. I did see a car driving in as we left that had a Trump sticker. Same precinct was this empty four years ago, too.

    When I lived twenty minutes away back in 2012, in a different precinct, I had to wait for an hour to vote for Romney. Long line there back in 2008, too. Weird.

  54. They started barracading and heavily guarding the County Courthouse in this very Blue county, almost like they’re expecting some kind of outcome other than MSNBC is predicting, and like they’re well aware the Democrats that live all around the downtown Courthouse are sore lovers.

    Funny story, my wife was tapped for Jury Duty in that Courthouse last month, with a term that was supposed to start…yesterday.

    Like I’m going to let my wife be disarmed and alone at a flash point for rioting, where the parking is so screwed up you have to park blocks away and – again, DISARMED – walk through an urban hellscape festooned with Black Lives Matter Marxist banners with your White skin hanging out, right through areas that ALREADY had riots, and to a Courthouse they have stated they want to burn down, to be a public record juror in a room full of hostile BLM and Antifa types that WILL follow you back to your parking lot.


    Happily, she does have back issues, and her doctor swore her up, so she’s safe at home with several guns I need to load extra mags for in a little bit, with a basement full of non-perishable food and drink and a husband who’s kinda hoping the war starts tonight, truth be told.

    Civic duty is one thing, but if the Democrat County government is so screwed up they wall up a building with one hand and force innocent people into it after disarming them during civil unrest is quite another.

    And the cheif of police in the city is an affirmative action hire that knees with the crowd, while the County seeks to elect a militant bull dyke as Sherriff to replace the old Democrat guy who’s there NOW.

    Think they’ll walk you to your car?

    Think again…

  55. Benito the Bombed Beaner
    NOVEMBER 3, 2020 AT 5:16 PM

    …THAT is NOT a helpful thought, Bonito. That’s probably the grossest thing I’ve read all day. You win no points, and may God have mercy on your soul…;)

  56. “Report: If Media Declare Biden Winner, He Intends to ‘Address Nation’ as ‘New Leader’”

    A Breitbart headline. Shit like this fits right into the Color Revolution playbook.

  57. Here east of the Crooked county in Ohio again, had to drop off car for repairs. Waiting to make left turn on to the main road… And there was a car driving by with a huge Trump flag and the driver was so young. It brought joy to my heart ❤️. Gave a toot toot, he looked and we shared a smile.

  58. If this isn’t called by tonight I can’t decide what to do tomorrow. I can stay in the office, pretend to work but be on the web all day. Or, I can hit the road, visit a bunch of our stores and listen to talk radio all day. Either way I’m going to be a basket case.
    Any ideas?

  59. Brad you raise a very scary prospect. The media could just arbitrarily, albeit as a coordinated effort, declare Biden the winner. Who can prove them wrong? A Trump challenge would be met with accusations of “not accepting the will of the voters”. It’s all part of creating chaos over what used to be a very civil process.

    Leftist commies really, really suck. Scratch that, they are really, really evil!

  60. Very slightly off topic. Katherine Henry, the lawyer who argued the case against Whitmer’s use and abuse of executive orders, was arrested today in Allegan County Michigan.
    We were watching a livestream with her, when a deputy made the arrest.

  61. stirrin the pot

    Yes, that is, essentially, a Color Revolution. The CIA has perfected and used it in other countries. The founder of Revolver.news, who was part of the Trump admin in some capacity, swears that’s what’s going to happen. Let’s hope he’s wrong. We really need the election called tonight.

  62. Report from Montana.

    Our Covid crazed Gov “Buttocks” (Dem) is running for Senate and mandated mail in ballots for the state. He stands to benefit personally from his edict. Republicans and the Trump campaign challenged in court and lost.

    Ballots were mailed out last month. But our county at least had a collection box at our normal polling place. There were plenty of observers on hand and my name was taken and written down in a book by one of the polling workers. There were a handful of people dropping ballots off. No lines. Just in and out.

  63. My Petey B may not have gone very far during the democrat primaries this erection season but right now he’s about to go far into my unbleached elastic starfish!

  64. Radio Matt. The more votes that have been accounted for the harder it is to goose up the total.
    As you know here in Washington we have a way to trac our ballots. And I will be doing that as will AA.
    We have a very good vote in mail system here,but as we all know they will try to find a way to cheat.
    Have faith and hope all is well with you and the Miss Radio M. in B.C.

  65. For the past several months I’ve been looking through the election and on to a Christian reformation in this country and around the world. I’ve never worried about POTUS Trump being reelected and I think the reason is that saving America is only a part of the reason God tapped him for the Oval office. The main reason, I believe, is that he will spend his remaining time in office doing and saying the things that will “take back America” for God. We cannot go on like this, accommodating every kind of nastiness and perversion in our public institutions and in our society. I’m sick at heart and shocked at the things I see going on in our cities, towns and neighborhoods. Just last week in the financial district of Seattle I watched an obese woman wearing a sports bra under an unbuttoned see-through shirt as she was crossing the street (against the light). Her enormous right breast was half in an half out of her bra. By the time she left the crosswalk her blue jeans had slipped below the bottom of her butt and her entire, naked butt was there for all to see. This was in broad daylight.

    I’ve watched men pee in the middle of the street in commute traffic and two guys stealing a car battery from a store without a care in the world. They didn’t even look back or quicken their pace. Too many of our pols are involved in sex, drug and money scandals. How can they still refer to our state houses and Congress as “hallowed”? They’re not, they’ve been desecrated by these fools.

    Our Father, which art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Please give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.

    Abba, here our prayers.

  66. I wish Moe Tom and a few others were here with us tonight to see President win again.
    A President trump win will help erase alot of the bad taste that we all have in our mouths not just from 2020 but the 4 years the of crap that he has had to endure for us.
    Remember his words. “Its not me they are after it’s you”

  67. @flip I will listen for the howling and join in. There are a lot of Trump signs in Ghent, Bath, Copley, Fairlawn. Unbelievable to see in a liberal county. Speaking of Barberton, I need a trip to Snowball Book Shop. I have the fixins’ for margaritas,

    If it helps any I have a mass of friends and family in Germany who are praying for a Trump win. Of course they want their own Trump too.

  68. Saw a comment on another site that Mark Levin sounds suicidal right now. So, good thing I have stopped listening to him. Guy Benson was on Jason Rantz’s show on local Seattle radio wasn’t particularly enthusiastic-more like Biden winning was more likely. Trump could squeak out a win if he clings to such and such state.
    Stressed me out. Ugh.

  69. Have to go back to County Elections Office this week. Plan is to shove dirty, wrinkled mask up my sleeve and walk in without a mask on. When snotty little Mask Marshall confronts me I’m going to stick my arm in a recycle bin and magically produce a dirty mask and put it on. Hope she shits herself this time.

  70. I went, I saw, I voted. No real line to speak of, the usual small town thing. Looking forward to all the political signs on every square inch of public property to go away.

  71. I had to turn off Mark Levin, he was depressing. My gosh, you would have thought President Trump didn’t have a chance. I may as well have been watching CNN or MS LSD. MAGA 🇺🇸

  72. If you are stressed out please follow these easy steps to calm your nerves:
    Take a deep breath.
    Think about how good your life has been up until today.
    Count your ammo.
    Fill your magazines.
    Clean and polish your firearms.
    Remember what Admiral Yamamoto said: “You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.”
    Take solace in that hundreds of millions more have been purchased by conservatives since he said that.

  73. Got the call from my sisters tonight. Mom’s dying. Quick get out here.

    I was looking forward to kibbutzing with y’all, but I’ve got to get from VA to NV by the morning. I was looking forward to tonight. Alas. Life has made other plans for me.

  74. Went to vote about 16:15, took about thirty minutes. 8 or ten people ahead of me. One thing that stood out was a sign on the entrance door directing people to have proof of identity ready before entering.

    One poll worker, a family friend in her 70s, who had stated yesterday at church she wasn’t sure she would work the polls this time. But told me today that while it was busier than past elections, it wasn’t so busy, or crowded that she felt she ought to go home. I overhead one person say they were there to vote earlier in the day but left because he could not find a place to park.

    Two other things were noticed.
    1, my son is still listed in the roll book, but he has lived in Ohio for 4 years, going to school, then met a girl, got married and stayed (abandoning his dear old loving parents).

    2, There were only two voting machine, that were a new type I had not seen before. Which caused me to remember the controversy during the 2016 election about voting machines used in 16 states made by a company with ties to George Soros, a Hillary advocate. Anyone remember that? Or if any shenanigans was discovered about it?

    https://www.theepochtimes.com/voting-machines-in-16-states-tied-to-george-soros-ally_2176907.html .

    Geez, on the way home I also listened to Mark Levin, he didn’t seem down to me, just encouraging people to get out an vote for Trump, especially in areas where Joe might win. iow encouraging an overwhelming Trump victory. But I can only listen to him in my car, maybe Mark took a down turn after I got home.

  75. 2 good signs tonight, when I picked up my daughter from work there was a full rainbow to the Northeast at sunset which is always a good sign and a very reddish orange sunset. And Pandora just just played The Battle of New Orleans by Johnny Horton. Everything is well, I expect a Trump blowout over Biden and will talk to everyone here again in the morning.

  76. To PHenry. May God give you a safe journey to Nevada to be by your Moms side before she passes.
    Dear Father please hear our prayers, for PHenry and his Mother in their time of need and bring your comfort to them and their family. Amen.

  77. Trying not to watch the news. Too much talking and ads. My brother said Fox is claiming Biden will win big. Newt Gingrich thinks Trump will win so big Biden’s people can’t cheat their way in.
    Not buying that. Talk about trying to suppress votes.
    On a lighter note, United Spot has a new video up on youtube.

  78. Do keep in mind that the media — everything on cable and network — will be “calling” states for Biden in a last ditch effort to suppress the Trump vote. Why vote, right, if the state’s already been called? The AP, especially, is notorious for doing this and I think they’ve already been to court over this stuff before.

    If you haven’t yet voted, totally ignore any early “calling” and get your ballot in NOW!

    Here is an Irish Prayer — the same one I posted 4 years ago:

    May those who love us, love us;
    and those who don’t love us,
    may God turn their hearts;
    and if He doesn’t turn their hearts,
    may he turn their ankles,
    so we’ll know them by their limping.

    ~author, Anonymous

    Be of good cheer and the prayers of saints shall be heard by our Father in Heaven.

  79. Anyone remember how the networks where reporting the Hillary beat down of Trump vote count at 20:25 (8:25pm) on Nov 8, 2016? Or how it had changed by midnight? Might bring some perspective on tonight’s reporting.

  80. PHenry — Love, big hugs and prayers going out to you, your mother, and family.

    My own mother just died a few weeks ago, so we know what it’s like to get that call. You will be in our thoughts and prayers as you make your long journey.

    AA & Geoff C.

  81. PH enry: may peace be with oyu in your time of sorrow.

    Geoff C: thank you. May you be well, also.

    King County still has not acknowledge my ballot. They are probably waiting until they know what they need to do to throw the state to Biden.

  82. BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden has won Canada (0 EC votes), China (0 EC votes), and Iran (0 EC votes).
    The Biden campaign is hopeful that will push him closer to 270 and victory.
    No word from North Korea yet.

  83. PHenry – May the loving healing hand of God touch your Mom and your family. Whatever His plan may be, please take comfort that He has a purpose, which we may not understand but have to accept. I hope for the best for you and your family.

  84. fox just called the NC Senate race for the challenger D’rat wife-cheater Cunningham & that asswhip governor D’rat won re-election there too

    & w/ the stupid repubs deciding to split their candidates for Senate in GA, possibly giving the D’rats another win … that’s 2 seats for the D’rats in the Senate … one more & it’s a tie

  85. PHenry John 14.1….
    “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

  86. Great, Nancy Piglosi is going to keep the Impeachment crap going. What the hell is the matter with the American people? I guess they like bending over and grabbing the ankles.

  87. I echo others here. WTF is the matter with the American people? How can Crazy Uncle Joe and insane Leftnuts like Hickenlooper be winning? WHY is it SO close? Or is this just Democrats STEALING the election as an ART form??
    God HELP US ALL!

  88. Worked at the polls today. Very busy with probably record turnout. But we’re here is Connecticut where Conservatives are outnumbered by Lib-tards so of course Biden is the winner. Sad do many idiots and freeloaders live in our once prosperous State.
    Hoping the rest of the Country has enough sense to vote President back in.

  89. This really pisses me off that the Democrat’s keep the house, and I thought I was pissed off when I went to vote today.

    We are going to have to put up with her lip’s smacking high dollar ice cream, denture’s falling out, walking around without a mask while telling the rest of us to wear one. Thanks again California, you deserve the government you voted for while the rest of the country suffers for it. 🤬

  90. The fact that Biden is getting any votes is a testament to the bias and power of the media and laziness of Americans, specifically Democrats. The Bidens have numerous scandals going and the media has covered them up and so influenced an election.
    Pres. Trump has brought God back to the WH and to the public square. I believe God will honor that.

  91. You may be biting your nails, but whatever happens I really DGAF because: My earning years are about over. Netting $10K a year, paid off my first house at age 30. Bought an airplane the next year. It was a great life and the only country in the world that could offer something like that was the U.S.A. . Joined the service to fight communists. At that time communists were all overseas. If a majority of Amerikans are now homegrown communists and want to take a turn at running the U.S. have at it. It’s strange though, youths in communist countries want out of communism and Amerikan communist youths want in. The U.S. is an airplane. Sure, we are airborne. But we have been gliding without power to a crash landing for years. And no parachutes. WTF??

  92. ….and Vermont, fuck you and your maple syrup.I’ll get mine from Canada now…..and, and ,and JoAnna’s sweater’s were made from Wyoming sheep…..and Daryl, Daryl and Larry were from the Bronx and loved gnocchi from their Polish grandma….

  93. https://www.outkick.com/current-presidential-election-gambling-odds/

    We are finally in the home stretch of the presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, and we are going to be taking a look at how the gambling odds adjust into the evening. Gambling on politics is not legal in the United States yet. However, Paddy Power, a UK book owned by Flutter, which also owns FanDuel, a partner of OutKick, has the following odds (as of 10:00 pm ET):

    Joe Biden: 13/5
    Donald Trump: 1/4

    This means Biden is +260 and President Trump is -400. You risk $5 to win $13 on Biden and risk $4 to win $1 on President Trump. This means that President Trump has gone from being a 2-1 underdog as of 5:45 pm ET to being a prohibitive favorite.

  94. Made the mistake of looking at Drudge. Out of habit. Then I checked Ace. Pfeww. Rational no agenda truth. Ace of Spades gave us the truth. Inhale. Exhale. Trump has more than just an edge. The MSM are LIARS.

  95. Democrats are vile disgusting pieces of shit. Fucking scum. I hate them all with a burning, teeth-grinding passion.

    May they all suffer the torments of the damned even here on Earth.

    May all of you communists be covered in painful sores; may all of your teeth fall out; may you rot from the insides; may you be covered in lice and fleas; may you all live long lives of pain and despair.

  96. they’ve been stringing out FLA for over 2 hours now

    got a feeling that North Cackelacky & PA are going to wait until the mail-in are counted … they got extra days …. thanks to Little Lindsey holding up the vote for ACB until he got enough $$$ … ‘effin’ crapweasel

  97. What I’m going to miss this time around is the utter SHOCK and DISBELIEF that registered on the faces of all the usual talking heads. This time it will be just minor gnashing of teeth compared to ’16. Nonetheless, it will still feel good that they feel so bad.

  98. Should I break out the pre-celebratory wine? One must properly prepare for victory. (I’m not following the numbers much. Four years ago, I tuned-in around 11:00 p.m. and watched the talking heads crying. Don’t want to jinx it this time! 🙂 )

  99. Thanks, Jethro! I know she’s a long shot, but …. one can always hope. 🙂 I like her a lot. If she doesn’t win, I’d like to see Trump use her in his admin somewhere. She thinks Bigly, like him.

  100. I was in Costco one Super Bowl and a guy was in front of the televisions mumbling: The wheels is coming off. He had the same look that the CBS/NBC/PBS et all commentators now have on their faces.

  101. I know he’s a RINO. However he’s been damn useful at times. When you consider the amount of money spent by Silicon Valley assholes to defeat him. Thank God Lindsey Graham has been re-elected. It’s the big FU to Libtard money.

    PS. Right now CNN is more accurate than FOX. What the hell?

  102. The President is up 7 points in Ohio with 85+% of the vote in. Some counties had as much as 80% of the vote for Trump. With the exception of 1960 the way Ohio goes is the way the country goes. 1960 Ohio went for Nixon and the country plus Big Joe’s cheating for JFk

  103. They are shooting off fireworks in my neighborhood now.

    We may have it signed, sealed and delivered before bed time tonight if the President’s lead exceeds the outstanding ballots in a few key states.

  104. “The reason why most of them don’t call FL win for Trump is because they’re waiting for CA to call it for biden so it doesn’t make the libs cry.“

    They just called Florida for PRESIDENT Trump. PERFECT CALL MJA!

  105. Thanks, Joe6pak – I just poured a glass. And here’s to everyone here that I read and enjoy most every day. And to President Trump – who makes me believe that our problems cans be solved. Because without that belief, we WON’T solve them.

    Donald J. Trump IS THE ONE.

  106. @Claudia – I have a supply of Gilligans!! Drinking my light beer and thinking of all of ya’s. YOU can have a cream soda… ;>)

    Thanks @Charlie WalksonWater…the squirrels broke THROUGH the cardboard box!

    Best popcorn EVAAAAAAAAA.

    Be smart to prep up…

  107. I truly think they are keeping the “real” results from being announced until later. The rioters are ready in NYC and DC to go and attack. So sad but I truly think it will all come full circle. My boys asked me who I though would win and I told them Jesus Christ will.

    God Bless us all!

  108. @Margot — Not seeing anything about this in local info. Where’d you see that?

    In OR: DeFazio (14 terms!) has apparently won over Skarlotos (R). Sad for this, but Skarlotos is young and I hope he makes another run at it.

  109. BFH calculation –
    Trump wins.
    I’m giving Biden Nevada, Hawaii and every state currently light blue. He doesn’t get to 270.
    He needs one of the light pink states to go to him.
    Which one is that?
    The only state that it could possibly be is Pennsylvania. And that’s because they can cheat in that state because of the voting laws. The count can go on for days and they can “find” the votes they need there.

    Trump wins, if the dems do not cheat in Pennsylvania.

  110. Mrs. RadioMattM and I are enjoying my world-famous Nash Cosmopolitans. One part lime juice, two parts cranberry cocktail, three part triple sec, and four parts vodka.

    Don’t plan on driving afterwards.

  111. looks like PDT probably gets Ohio, Texas, GA, probably NC (gonna be contested), Montana & Alaska … the Pedo gets Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico & Hawaii

    if PDT gets Iowa he doesn’t need Pennsyltucky

  112. @ BFH NOVEMBER 3, 2020 AT 11:31 PM

    Donald Trump is no candy ass establishment Republican who is more than willing to go along with any Democrat cheating. Without those bastards dry shaving us every time they have an opportunity we wouldn’t have to worry about Democrat cheating.

  113. David Barton over at Blaze TV is calling for the Republican’s to take the house, keep the Senate and President Trump to win. Way different perspective than the other news organizations. WTF?

  114. Arizona goes blue. California has been gone for fucking ever. Oregon & Washington gone. Colorado gone. New Mexico gone. The best parts of Montana/Wyoming/Utah/Idaho/Nevada and Texas are under extreme duress. All are victims of the California blight that spreads when the vermin leave the nest.State of Jefferson, put up or shut up for at least 20 minutes….

  115. I’m starting to think everything I’ve heard and seen is wrong. Either they’re that good at cheating or far too many of these damn states are full of communists.
    I refuse to see my grandbabies grow up in a communist country. Just split the damn thing right now and the few commie bastards in our part can get the hell out.

    How the hell can people vote to have your taxes raised, your guns confiscated, and freaking communism? I’m not just talking about voting for Biden either, the idiots voting for commie governors, commie senators and commie representatives.

    Even if Trump manages to win, no way in hell this shit should be this close. I’m pretty disappointed with a lot of states tonight, including Texas.

  116. BFH, you’re right! Thanks for pointing that out. If everything trending blue right now and Nev. is Biden’s he still doesn’t have enough to 270.

    I was starting to get down. But it looks good.

  117. folks need to understand, the only difference since 2016 so far, is AZ flipping because of the Kali Locusts.

    PDT only needed to hold on to most of what he had last election & he wins …. so far, it looks like AZ might be the only loss

  118. Can you believe the candidate pictures Fox chose for their header?
    Biden looks like he just whiffed half a tank of nitrous and Trump looks like he just saw someone piss in his Cheerios.
    Nice job, Fux!

  119. Not the red wave we were looking for. I’m shocked we have so many wanna be socialists in this country. Right now it’s looking like they’re going to give it to Biden. I’m out

  120. Pedo Joe didn’t sound very confident …. seriously, I doubt he even knows where he is

    he just kept repeating that we won’t know the results until next morning

    it IS next morning! … what a putz

  121. @ Joe6pack..”.stay safe out there”….is that a threat?…lol….

    @Charlie Walks On Water….I’ll meet you in Paxton Nebraska at Ole’s Big Game Steak House….It’s on me….It’s about 15 miles east of Ogalala on I-80….20 miles or so west to North Platte. I think it’s kind of in the middle to Rapid City…230 miles for me and almost 300 miles for you….who drives the least pays the most…..

  122. Willy, there is a geographical center of the us N. of belle fourche sd too. You said 7 miles w so i assumed wyoming or montana and confused missouri river w/mississippi. Where is this one you mentioned?

  123. I just watched a couple airheads on PBS talking about how this will stretch out for days, as democrats struggle for every vote, making sure every vote is counted, how Biden needs to get in front of Trump concerning claims of illegitimacy and voter suppression on the part of the Republicans.

    If this thing isn’t wrapped up by morning, there’s gonna be hell to pay.

  124. @ Charlie Walks on Water….Geograpic Center of America, not North America….Lebanon Kansas…..imagine that…..Lebanon…..I’ve signed the guest book, plus I can show you the World’s largest ball of twine in Cawker City….or the Orphan train museum in Concordia, maybe even a Taco Johns near a shitty Wal-Mart….

  125. After the disgraceful showing in Arizona, I am going to have to seriously think of getting out of here.

    I want to thank our douchebag governor who put a loser candidate up for a Senate seat, we will never get rid of Mark Kelly now. Thanks Doug you nevertrumper prick. 🤬

  126. So, the only hope for the future is to move out to still red states and protect them from the blue creep. I dunno. All the riot crap that has happened in Seattle, it’s head tax and screaming socialists and homeless camps it is bluer than blue. Depressing. I was hoping for one or two flips in western WA. Nope.

  127. The one thing I can be happy about tonight is my state of Oklahoma only has about 500,000 commies in it. Yes, if you’re a registered democrat voting for commies, then you are a commie. Eventually we will run your ass out of this state along with you dumbass Libertarians who love killing babies, sanctuary states and drugs as much as commies.
    Last map I saw we once again had every county go to Trump. We got rid of that stupid bitch Horn and we expanded our lead in the State House. Now if we can just get RINOS to do their job or get the hell out.
    A bonus we defeated both of their dumbass state questions, sorry Libertarians(they pushed for it the hardest) and commies your past record will still be held against you when you commit another felony.

    Oh and 60% of Republicans voted.

  128. got a real bad feeling about this … the counts haven’t moved in hours

    it’s too close & too many ‘mail-ins’ gonna be showing up later this morning

    waiting for PDT’s remarks … then I’m out

  129. If Trump takes GA, NC, PA, MI, WI – the states he’s currently leading in with counting seemingly halted – he wins. He may yet win Maine, Arizona and Nevada, though not likely. Calling it a night.

  130. U.S. West Coast – Wed. 20.11.04 @ 0242

    Couldn’t take it anymore and went to bed around 2100. Kept waking up, and had to check on how things are progressing.

    Following on Brietbart’s election map, and not a lot of surprises about who won which states, other than Nebraska still being undecided. I can see Biden winning Michigan, Alaska, and possibly Nevada, but that wouldn’t be enough to put him over. Trump could still win with only three states: Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia. Thank God he won Ohio, Florida, and Texas.

    It wouldn’t be a blowout victory, but a win is still a win. As long as Biden doesn’t take Pennsylvania, I’m cautiously optimistic.

  131. 3:06a – PST

    There’s no way the race should have ever been this close. There has to be a combination of mass vote fraud (mail-in, early voting), the MSM suppressing the most recent Biden lap-top/Ukraine/China money laundering/pay-for-access, Google/FB/Twitter subliminal message influence (up to 10M votes and MORE), Chinese $ funding Dem races, 4 years of MSM 95% negative Trump, all the $ funding “Resist”, “BLM”, “Antifa”, and “Color Revolution.” Etc. Etc. Etc.

    When Trump is reelected (and I believe he will be), we MUST go after all these guys. You can’t fight this conflagration with a squirt gun, especially when most of our fire fighters are on THEIR SIDE.

  132. It looks like Biden has the lead at this point in both the popular vote and the electoral vote with neither Biden or Trump having enough votes to win the election but fewer electoral votes needed to be gained by Biden to win.

    The House seems to be kept by the Democrats which is what I would expect with a Biden win but the Senate may be staying under GOP control.

    Whatever the outcome is, I’m glad Trump didn’t leave a USSC seat open for Biden to fill.

  133. I’m really having a hard time believing this. No one showed up for Biden, no endorsements, no enthusiasm and obviously mentally deficient. HTF does it even be close? I don’t get it.

    After 2016 and the over confidence that REgressives had I said the dems would be planning from Day 1 that no way would they lose these close states again and I think that’s exactly what has happened.

    Listening to CNN now, Trump has a 500,000 lead in PA vote yet the “Commissioner” says they can’t count votes that haven’t come in YET. They have until Friday for votes to come in!

    Who in the fucking world waited until Election Day to mail their ballot? Maybe a few 100 people but 500,000!!! Fucking bullshit. You can thank John Roberts for this crap.

    And this same thing, that is waiting until R votes have been counted to see what they need to make up, is happening in Detroit and Milwaukee to swing MI & WI.

  134. They are searching for a single fraudulent Republican ballot in GA, NC, MI, WI or PA as a reason to nullify the rest.

    I might be making shit up or maybe it’s still 2020.

  135. If anyone wants to know what and why the Dems are up to, just revisit the 2004 Washington gubernatorial election.

    They are not dealing with the establishment Republican milk toast this time around though. This cat is straight up gangster from Queens and knows how to deal with punks. His biggest problem is keeping the meddling Republican establishment bed wetters from getting in his way.

  136. Trump is up by 600,000 in PA. There are only 65,000 absentee ballots.
    He’s up 100,000 in GA, NC and up in NV & MI.
    If they would stop the shenanigans and call PA, GA, NC and NV Trump wins. The Dems are trying to steal this.

  137. If they do force Biden on the American people, I predict boarded up buildings for years to come…. I see many people lashing out (rampant vandalism, general disregard for law and peaceful order). Forget about many US cities, they’ll be like Paris’ “no-go” zones.

    And the leftists will eliminate SlowJoe themselves, by whatever means they choose, and with a preznit camelhoho it will get exponentially worse. The world will follow our lead down the shitter. Armageddon, the way the Bible described it.

  138. No matter what happens unless President Trump wins and uses his 4 years to correct a whole lot of bullshit(like teacher’s unions and mail in voting) this will be the last R president in my lifetime.

    I’ve seen what happened to the once solid red state of CO happening to a score of other states right now. My friends in CdL in ID tell me the larger cities in the south of the state as well as CdL are growing from huge influxes of out of state locusts.

    NC, GA(can you believe that?)TX, NV, AZ…all once solid red states are slowly undergoing a demographic change.

    I never was much of a Cory Gardener fan but it’s a nose count in Congress. CO elected Hickenlooper??? Michael Bennett and Hick are the Senators?? Lord above. When I moved to CO in 1970, Denver had a Republican Congressmen.

    The century+ work of the teacher’s unions is complete. They turned our history and traditions on their heads. The great men that fought for and build this country are now demons.

    I’m telling you, if Trump pulls this out, his mission from Day 1 had better be to be as ruthless as Harry Reid and put the torch to big tech and teacher’s unions as well as entrenched lifetime bureaucrats in our federal institutions.

  139. Massive Democrat fraud. The Trump administration was way ahead of this game and allowed the Dems to hang themselves.
    Blank ballots, probably printed in China were in secret drop boxes all over the country. When it looked like Trump would have his landslide the perps stopped counting and took the blank ballots home to be filled out for Biden. This is just one of the many election frauds the Dems thought they got away with. The administration said they have the proof. This is interference in a Federal Election. Standby for the rest of the story. Trump is still our President and has won four more years.
    Did anyone else see Joe speaking to parked cars with no one inside?
    It summed up the entire Biden campaign, running on empty.


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