Election Day 2 – Open Thread – IOTW Report

Election Day 2 – Open Thread

This is a continuation of this thread.

201 Comments on Election Day 2 – Open Thread

  1. CTH-
    The election results are still unknown as the sun rises on November 4, 2020. The presidential race is in a state of flux as several key state contests remain undecided. Georgia and North Carolina are likely to be added to President Trump’s electoral tally; and there is a possibility Arizona’s current result in favor of Joe Biden may change depending on outstanding mail-in ballots.

    Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania all reported a cessation of ballot counting shortly after midnight. However, some returns were updated. At this point we all watch and wait to see what those key states do with their outstanding ballots.

  2. And so it comes down to the bottom feeding scum sucking lawyers to determine the results. I hate the media and anyone affiliated with the new socialist democrat party.

  3. Unfortunately, in my useless opinion this in coming down to…

    Detroit, MI.

    Lets hope these guys get it that Trump did everything he could to bring back as much manufacturing as possible but I honestly doubt it.

    Lets hope & pray for some loyalty.

    I think AZ is lost to the Turncoat Astronaut and the efforts of McShitstain’s useless Daughter.

  4. This feels like 2012 all over again. So much fraud and Romney refused to fight. At least trump is a fighter and whenever they target him it ends up exposing them. He seemed prepared for the battle last night. But I’m ready to vomit with anxiety

  5. Arizona lost everything even down to the local level. It’s assholes that move here from blue states after they leave their state’s in shambles then move onto another state and continue the insanity. The McCain machine and the Governor are also complicit in all of this. 🤬

  6. Biden holds a good lead in the popular vote, over half of it, and Trump is way behind there.

    If it stays that way and Trump manages to pull of an electoral college win using the courts there will be trouble. Probably big trouble. As in real, real big trouble.

    Or worse.

  7. All the crooks will be back in the Harris administration. Comey, Brennan…and Hillary as SecDef. And they’ll all be out for blood.

    Whale oil beef hooked.

    Dig in, everybody. Whether Trump wins or loses, the left has shown it will stop at nothing to force its will on us.

  8. If Biden wins it will be because of the media bashing Donald Trump for the last four years. They don’t even try to hide their hate for the man and too many people trust them to tell the truth.

  9. MI is in the treacherous hands of the anti-law and order governor. Those counting ballots will obey her edicts or else she will hang them.

    Only God’s mercy will prevent the massive voter fraud from stealing the election now.

  10. This is from Byron York’s news letter this morning. I am in despair this morning but this helped, slightly. I loved reading about all the lefts’ money going down the toilet. My despair is mostly very personal–we have a special needs adult son. My husband and I have saved for years (and not done trips or remodels) so that he can be okay when we die (my husband is 80 and is quite ill right now and I am no spring chicken). I know the demonrats are chomping at the bit to get to those precious investments. I worry about my wonderful son excessively anyway (I know SNS, I need to trust in our Lord) and my anxiety is off the charts. Anyway, this helped slightly.

    TRUMP’S TRACK TO VICTORY — PLUS DEMOCRATIC DREAMS DIE ON CAPITOL HILL. An abbreviated newsletter this morning because so much is in flux.

    Start with a presidential race that looks insanely close. Close, as in some states might end up nearly tied. Some races are a surprise — Nevada is super-tight, making it incredibly weird that state vote-counters are apparently taking the day off, not promising any more results until Thursday morning. But the bottom line is this: If he has in fact lost Arizona — and there are some Republicans there who still have hope — Trump needs to keep Georgia and North Carolina. He needs to win Pennsylvania. And then he needs to win Michigan OR Wisconsin. Maybe it’s possible, maybe it’s not. But the vote totals will be changing through the day, and there will likely be no definitive results by the time of tomorrow’s newsletter.

    Subscribe today to the Washington Examiner magazine that will keep you up to date with what’s going on in Washington. SUBSCRIBE NOW: Just $1.00 an issue!

    Meanwhile, what about the hoped-for Democratic dominance in Congress? Remember all the big talk about packing the Supreme Court, about adding new states to the country, about raising taxes through the roof, and about enacting the Green New Deal. It all depended on Democratic control of the House and Senate, along with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House. Now, it looks like the much-discussed Democratic drive to control the Senate has fallen well short. Mitch McConnell won re-election in Kentucky. Lindsey Graham won re-election in South Carolina. John Cornyn won re-election in Texas. Joni Ernst won re-election in Iowa. Steve Daines won re-election in Montana. It appears Thom Tillis will win re-election in North Carolina. It also looks good for Susan Collins in Maine and David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in Georgia.

    Remember that Democrats raised insane amounts of money to unseat these Republicans. And it appears to have failed. The dream appears to be over.

    And then there is the House. In recent days there was talk of a Democratic landslide in the House, reducing the House Republican Party to a tiny remnant. There were news stories about ambitious Republicans, in particular Rep. Liz Cheney, using the huge GOP loss as a springboard to power in a reconstituted Republican Party. The only problem: It didn’t happen. Instead, Republicans actually picked off a number of House Democratic incumbents, like Collin Peterson in Minnesota, Donna Shalala in Florida, and Joe Cunningham in South Carolina, and increased the GOP force in the House.

    So no packing the Supreme Court. No making Washington DC or Puerto Rico a state. No getting rid of the Senate filibuster.

    But still there is the presidential race. Trump might lose. Or it might take an unexpected course. For example, if he wins Georgia and North Carolina, and then wins Pennsylvania, there is a possibility that Nevada might put him over the top. Who would have predicted that? On the other hand, Biden might eke out an extremely narrow victory that will be contingent on a number of recounts. It’s impossible to say now. But this has not turned out to be the glorious Democratic triumph that some Democrats and their allies in the media wanted.

  11. The problem doesn’t seem to be who voted, or who you voted for. The problem is clearly with those who claim they counted the votes. How many votes remain to be counted? I suppose that depends on how many the Democrats need. The entire process is truly disgusting, and a sad commentary on the dumbing down of our country.

  12. Any conservative who is still on facebook, twitter or the others after this mess deserves whatever digital gulag they are sent to. I have zero sympathy for anybody bleating about how they’ve been blocked, banned, or whacked on their peepees by socialist media.

  13. Just imagine haw many Hot Spots will flare up requiring “limited” military intervention if Biden gets in.

    Right back to wasting human life in the deserts…

  14. No matter what they do, the democrats never face any consequences for their actions. So, of course, they keep openly breaking the law. Comparing this to a roadrunner cartoon is apt because no matter what happens to the coyote he can miraculously keep trying again and again.

  15. If Trump loses I’ll never vote again. After Trump there isn’t a decent republican left to vote for anyways. They’re all mealy mouth cowards. To hell with it all let the country burn to the ground I couldnt give a crap. To hell with them. If Retard Biden wins and if I had the money Id move out.

  16. We’re all praying for you Corky, God bless.

    I haven’t given up hope that President Trump can pull this off and remain President, but I have almost given up hope for our Country and what is to come in the years ahead regardless of the outcome. I am astounded by the blind hatred directed toward President Trump and his supporters by those on the Left and most the Media. I am also astounded that an apparent majority of the people voting this election cycle would lend their support to and vote for a man, and woman, as morally bankrupt and anti-American as Joe Biden and Ms Harris. They are basically voting to turn us into a Socialist/Communist nation. I guess I underestimated their ignorance and stupidity whether they are college graduates or grade school dropouts.
    The only thing that gives me hope is that I know many honest hard working people who love their Country and will keep up the good fight. This can’t be how our great Nation ends.

  17. “I hope Pres. Trump sings like a horny hyena for the next four years.”

    More likely he’ll be occupied trying to stay out of jail if Biden wins as the Democrats come after him with everything they have on every level from city to Federal.

    A vendetta as such, the Democrats do not forgive and forget the way Republicans do.

  18. I just sent this email to a friend:

    “I’m not so sure about what’s happening with the election. I prayed off and on all night that God would prevent the voter fraud happening before our very eyes. No one seems to be doing anything about all the “found” ballots for Biden.

    I believe that God WILL thwart the fraud if it is his plan. Because I’m not God, I have no idea what that is, but I DO know that he is in control.

    I’m trying to go on with my life as I pray that God will show us mercy. With all the strides President Trump and we have made to bring back our nation, the things we have yet to solve are abortion and law and order (draining the swamp of corruption). The economy is great, but with the murder of our innocents and the free-for-all lawlessness grieves God. If he does allow President Trump to prevail, he will HAVE to tackle those two things.

    Dear God, have mercy on us as we repent for letting our nation fall to such depths. Amen.”

  19. Thirdtwin, you and me both, I do not use any social media. I hate Google, I don’t like smart anything or any device that snoops electronically on my every move and thought. And I don’t consider IOTWR to be anything but a meeting of like conservative minds which is a great thing in this day and age of non privacy and invasion of our every word we write and politically un correct thoughts.

  20. “(I know SNS, I need to trust in our Lord)”

    Indeed, and we ALL do, ME especially, now more than EVER.

    …particular to your situation, though, He gives us this;

    “25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

    26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

    27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

    28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

    29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

    30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

    31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

    32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

    33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”
    Matthew 6:25-34

    …where He gives His reassurance that He will provide if we turn to Him, even as He provided for Israel as they wandered the desert. It’s one of the more difficult trials for a Christian and it doesn’t mean we need to abandon common sense and be responsible as YOU have, but he promises to backstop you and will be Your Ultimate Guarentor, yours, and your son’s.

    …He also gives us this;

    “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
    Philippians 4:19

    …and this…

    “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.”
    Psalms 34:10

    …and these are comforting as well…

    “4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart . . .
    25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”
    Psalm 37:4, 25

    …I must confess, I worry for my adult son too, and for his cousins, some of whom have some special challenges of their own that they have and are overcoming, and I do try to do what I can to provide for these future needs. This is not a bad thing and I think all parents, regardless of the age of their children, do wish them well and do attempt to help when they can. Even my 83 year old mother likes to pay for meals out with us and gets offended if we argue about it.

    But the Lord rebukes me for worry, as he does ANY who beleve on Him that worry, in Matthew above, echoed and amplifed in Luke 12, and also with this…

    “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
    John 14:27

    …so we are all admonished to trust in the Lord. It may not SEEM that way, especially given recent events, and our faith, as that of our ancestors was, may soon be put hard to the test. Our main concern is to be equal to it, and worship Him no matter what.

    So, dark though things may seem, we must do as He commands and trust in Him.

    And I will pray for your son and you, and thank you for your post. It made me think on these things when events have mauled MY confidence, and reading His word anew on these very matters has been a comfort to ME as well.

    And so believers buoy each other up, as He commands. Thank you again.

    …always remember that we serve an awesome God, and he won’t be proven otherwise even in this.

    Rest in the Lord.

    God’s got this.

  21. It’s to deny/delay Trump a victory celebration, demoralize you, and create a fresh sense of “he’s an illegitimate President/he didn’t really win” in the minds of the Leftist base. This will serve as the basis for continued investigations and assaults upon president Trump.

  22. It is hard to emangine there are that many stupid people out there. Their belief in the Media, must prove that.
    If Trump loses, we may not get to vote again.

    The people that want Biden for President should be a warning: China, Soros, Iran, Big Tech.
    A lot of the negative ads were FF Pac. Silicone Valley.
    The Democrats want to do away with the idea of “Election Night”, with “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition”, giving them more time to cheat.


    FF Pac, Fakebook – $22 Million

  23. Voter Fraud in Michigan – Massive Dump of Over 200,000 Ballots for Biden All the Sudden Appear Overnight

    Last night President Trump was leading significantly in several swing states including Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. President Trump had a sizable lead in Wisconsin and Michigan but this morning Sleepy Joe somehow took the lead.
    Overnight Wisconsin had a huge dump of votes all for Biden, notice the blue line below:

    Now look at Michigan. President Trump had a significant lead in Michigan late last night. Then all of the sudden Joe Biden jumped up 200,000 votes and has the lead over President Trump. 200,000 VOTES!

  24. There is something rotten in the state of Pennsylvania. Nothing has changed since last night. Supposedly they have counted 64% of votes. Biden has 44.8% and Trump has 54.1% of the votes. Since then everything has stopped.

    They should have counted a lot more by now. They are stalling, I think, or finagling more Biden votes.

  25. …Corky, I feel the need to pray for your specifically, so I will give what the Lord has given me. May He place the Comforter in my weak words even as He gives you his strong ones. I do not know your true names but I have no need to, my Lord knows all and will bless all without error as He sees fit.

    Dear Lord, please touch your servant known to me as Corky, give her the strenght You have ever provided that she may serve You even as she serves her husband and her son as their caregiver in Your stead. The women in a Christian house are often thrust into this role, and her role has been extended by events and circumsances beyond what some may be able to even comprehend. It is said that You do not burden any with more than they can handle though, and we praise and thank You for investing in her Your strenght to make her more than equal to the task You have entrusted her with. The power You give mothers is manifest to all through her, in this, and in many other things, and we thank You that we know her and what You have done through her even if only in this little bit in this forum.

    Lord, also bless her husband, walk around his bedside as his Ultimate Physician, let him touch Your robe as he goes by that Your healing virtue may light upon him, releive him in his moment of need, and provide him with the renewal we all seek in You. We know there are many ills a sin-sick world can visit on our fallen bodies, Lord, old age not being the least, but we also know that there is NO illness, NO disease, NO condition that is greater than our Lord, and while we are none of us worthy, we ask in the precious name of Your Son and His Blood as the ONLY thing that makes us worthy, and we ask for healing even as You command us to do in Your word.

    We do pray for the son of Corky as well, Lord, I have close knowledge of many stricken with some additional challenges to what we call a normal life, but ALL of us are normal as gifts to the world and to our parents from You, and again we know that You do not visit burdens on any that they cannot bear as long as they turn to You to help bear them. Please dear Lord, touch this young man, provide for him as You promise that You will, give him mastery of the challenges before him, uplift him and equip him as only You can, to Your glory and to Your praise, use him as the canvas You paint Your mercy on as a clear sign to others even as You give Your Blessed Assurance to his parents that this, and ALL things, will be well as they turn to You for comfort.

    This family has many concerns and many burdens, my Lord, but they continue to praise Your name and walk in Your way through it all. Please o Lord, make your sign upon them, that it may shine out for us all, and glorify You through them as a beacon of hope to all who need to seek Your face in these sinful, troubled times.

    And I ask this all in the merciful and mighty name of Jesus Christ,

    God Bless,

  26. I was up until 5 this morning, the only way Trump could lose Michigan was if the remaining votes went 80% for Biden and yet he had a dump of votes that went 100% for him. This is bullshit.

  27. “Sure, politics ain’t bean-bag, Tis a man’s game, an’ women, childer, cripples an’ prohybitionists’d do well to keep out iv it.”

    The first thing Donald Trump needs to do is distance himself from the worthless, Goddamned, shitbag Republican establishment. Take a look at how the Republican establishment rolled over in the 2004 Washington State gubernatorial election and allowed the King/Pierce Democrat machine to steal the election in broad daylight.

    Anyone who has ever been involved in a donnybrook, a bar room brawl, knows that the best way to get punched right in the fucking mouth is to have some Goddamned woman behind you grabbing hold of the hem of your jacket or your arm when you have serious business to take care of in front of you. That is what the fucking establishment Republicans represent.

    We have the right man in the right place at the right time in history to deal with this. Stay the fuck out of it and stay the fuck out of his way.

  28. Ladies and Gents what we have today is a sheer fustercluck…

    @- Corky and if yesterdays stress was not good enough for todays? And leave it up to BY to put the morning/night in some perspective…you situation reminds me of my now passed on parents and an older special needs brother.

    Be well friend.

  29. Hubby has a friend who is a historian and constitutional scholar. He says constitutionally the race should be called and send Biden back to the basement.
    Thankful for Justice Barrett!
    Hope to find out someday what Obama’s people have on Roberts that’s so bad he is willing to sell out his country.

  30. My Ohio county once again all red as in 2016. Mahoning County//Youngstown flipped red for the first time in 50 years. Pedo Joe expected to easily win this part of Ohio. R Sharon Kenndy won her Supreme Court race and sadly R Judi French lost to libtard Jennifer Brunner.

  31. Eugenia
    NOVEMBER 4, 2020 AT 11:10 AM

    “I need check how the Ohio Supreme Court races ended”

    ..badly. Democrats +2.

    Democrats also took all the Judgeships in Hamilton County, and ALL Countywide offices but prosecutor,

    And HE won’t be able to do anything with liberal judges, not that our new Lesbian Sheriff will GIVE him anything to do…

    …all in all, pretty good night.

    …for satan….

  32. In sh!t-hole countries, suspension of vote counting is always a result of the ruling party losing. This is always followed by miraculous reversals in the count. This is what Democrat democracy looks like.

  33. Let’s see what happens as Trump said in 2016, complicated stuff particularly when it is you against the world and all these swing states for the most part are run by democrats. I’m not feeling good about it understanding they have the edge when it comes to the steal. I don’t think they have any idea how stealing this election will affect the future. Don’t say you will never vote again, they want to depress and demoralize everyone and use that to change this country in ways to prevent us from ever regaining power. IF they steal this we need to do everything in our power to keep them from enacting their agenda and when 2024 rolls around lets see what happens. Unfortunately the decisions made in March changed the entire game, destroyed the economy and allowed all this ridiculous mail in ballot crap. It will be a damn shame if Trump doesn’t get the second term he earned.

  34. Beautiful day here in N. Wisconsin. I’ve already cleaned the cabin’s gutters and removed leaves and pine needles from the lawn up there. Came in to rest my back, then back at it after lunch. I think I’ll get the snow fence and posts out of the cabin basement and get them lined up to be driven tomorrow. I’ll also get the gutters on the house done today.

    I expect to be driving post and laying the snow fence tomorrow or bring in another load of fire wood. There are also reflectors to stake down for the snowplower to know where the driveway is under the snow.

    Life is good today. We have been blessed with an amazing streak of 60 degree windless days to get our final chores done and prepare for winter. It is too short to fret over something I can’t change. I did my bit and now others have to take up the fight.

    I’ll say one thing, who ever ends up in the oval office, THIS website will have an even greater purpose. As a refuge for happy warriors and a source for news and information that’s honest, truthful and often times entertaining. We’re not done, not by a long shot.

  35. If Trump takes the states he’s ahead in currently: GA, NC, PA
    and Biden takes the states he’s ahead in currently: NV, AZ, MI

    and Trump takes WI from Biden (currently only 20,697 votes)

    Then Trump wins with 277 EC votes.

    So the question is, can WI find 20,697 votes for Trump with 97% reporting?

  36. Well, at least MT got rid of two worthless, sleazy, life long toxic (d) pols. Bollocks lost his Senate bid and Cooney lost his gubernatorial bid. The shrill Berkeley bint, Williams, lost in her House bid. Apparently we were a ittle smarter than she and her backers thought with her phony poses as a hunter, a fish filleter and a “unifier” who can “work across the aisle”.
    At least Bollocks now will be free to head to DC to be another of schumer’s butt boys, without the encumbrance of duty to his home State. Maybe Williams will return to Berkekley to lead howling mad vagina hat marches. Cooney probably will return to Butte for some City government sinecure.

    Otherwise, yesterday was another disheartening example of far too many American voters living down to my old white guy’s expectations. I simply am unable to understand how anyone of sound mind and patriotism could vote for the perv and his mattress back running mate.

    I’m so very, very grateful to have IOTW to turn to…

  37. So apparently NV reset their voting machines that read ballots low. They’re usually set to 80% but were reset to 30%!
    The GOP is asking every Republican to go in. They are challenging!

  38. In the long run, Trump might end up looking like the smartest sob on the face of the earth by pushing Barret through. I think he expected this. A bunch of us did. Last night felt like California 2018 deja vuy all over again. Everytime they stop counting you know they’re dig up more ballots.

  39. I have argued for years we needed a more uniform way of doing national elections and conservatives have always told me we don’t want the federal government controlling how our state votes.
    Well if we had ground rules that at least required all votes counted by midnight local time then we wouldn’t be where we are today.

    I’ve always thought it was bullshit that red states can get their votes counted on time, but purple states and blue states are not capable of doing so.

  40. Claudia said “I believe that God WILL thwart the fraud if it is his plan. ”

    Don’t you think that after the people in the U.S. kill 60 million babies you are asking a lot of God to save the country? Does Soddam and Gomorrah ring a bell?

  41. “Threaten our Democracy”
    “Our Democratic way of life”

    In the name of ‘Democracy,’ from the Democrat Party who claims to believe in it, cheat.

    We can’t even hold an election anymore thanks to them.

  42. @ ghost of brig gen j glover I have wondered about the adoption issues since the reign of Obozo

    Crap. I don’t know what to do with myself today. I guess to the pharmacy for a migraine pill refill.

  43. I’m not a fan of Bannon, but I needed to hear someone who is pissed and wanting to take no prisoners. I agree with him, screw these people if they can print ballots, we need to fight fire with fire and print our own damn ballots. Trump should send United Marshalls to arrest the pissants at Twitter for interfering in a Presidential election.

    They want to burn the entire damn thing down, then let’s burn it all down. Get rid of your political enemies.

    Yeah, I have never in my entire life been as pissed as I am now. This isn’t some damn cold anger, this is a waving a red cape in front of a bull anger.

  44. Something else in Michigan.


    The Antrim County Clerk’s Office has been reviewing their Election Day results after County Clerk Sheryl Guy said she became aware of “apparently skewed results.”

    Guy said staff is currently working with township officials and with Election Source, the company that provides the voting software programs and hardware, to search out any possible discrepancies.

    “By this afternoon, we expect to have a clear answer and a clear plan of action addressing any issue,” Guy said, “Until then we are asking all interested parties to bear with us while we get to the bottom of this.”

    Guy said further information will be released as it becomes available throughout the day.

  45. An excellent post by ctre6 at the CTH:

    “Just remember, everything you’re feeling right now is what they want you to feel. They want you to throw up your hands and ask why bother. They want you to think that the country is on an inevitable path to socialism. They want to break your spirit and have you go quietly into that good night.

    But remember the rallies.
    Remember the parades.
    Remember the excitement.
    Remember 2016.
    Remember the optimism we held on November 2.
    Remember the fact that we are led by President Trump, a man who refuses to accept defeat.

    This isn’t pretty, nor is it fun but this is where we are. The only thing we can control is our reaction to it. Stay strong, hold the line, trust the man we elected for situations JUST LIKE THIS!”

  46. Thank you! ^^
    ORW, I’m hearing the Antrim situation is it’s a R- county.
    Also, its some sort of mechanical foul up and it affects other counties. Which means they were probably R counties also.
    You know how that goes.

    This may be good for the R’s.

  47. @ORWW – why does the media have different results? Simple, they’re hoping that lying about the numbers will signal the vote-counters to mis-count the votes in Greezy Joe’s favor.

  48. I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong – but here is how it’s looking to me at the moment.

    Trump is ahead and would have the electoral votes in Georgia (16), PA 20, NC 15, MI 16 and possibly AZ (11 – but I’m not even counting AZ yet.

    So Pres. Trump has 214 EV so far, so GA, PA, NC and MI gives Trump 280 EVs when 270 is needed to win.

  49. I had a guy tell me last week that they were going to have some real shenanigans in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina.
    You were going to have red counties flip to Democrat in Wisconsin and Michigan and Democrat counties way increase Hillary’s numbers. Recounts were going to occur and it will end up both states went for Trump and they will blame it on a software glitch.
    Pennsylvania and North Carolina will continue having absentee ballots come in until they get the number needed. At that point SCOTUS will step in and force them to throw them out.

    Depending on how much Trump was in the lead there might be other states involved, especially if they were needed on election night to keep Trump from leading.

    In the end Trump would win, the Senate would remain Republican and the House would end up either narrowly flipping or Dems narrowly holding a majority.

    That it was going to be really bad and like nothing this country had ever seen through December with riots spreading across Democrat ran states into Republican counties, worse than anything we’d seen so far. The media and democrats would fuel it that they had the election stolen from them by SCOTUS. Trump is the illegal President.

    I thought he was nuts, but his predictions were scary accurate so far.

  50. My prayer group saw this coming down the line way before COVID. We have been praying about the integrity of the election for a long time. The Dem’s sure don’t disappoint.

    Keep PRAYING, hold the line and keep the faith! God is in control. Ask God to shine his light of truth down on the vote counting process to reveal any and all the Dem’s corruption. Ask him to confound our political enemies and their evil machinations.

    Plead and cry out to God for his mercy and forgiveness, we as a nation deserve swift and terrible Justice for what we have allowed to happen by removing God from our government, schools and elsewhere creating this vacuum that let all this evil fill the space. But God is gracious and could yet spare us the destruction of a Biden presidency. “Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” Isaiah 59

    Pray for our leaders. Pray for the people praying for this nation. Lift them up to God to be fully energized by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to continue with this vital ministry so people will not lose faith or be discouraged. There is NOTHING that GOD cannot do. Pray, fast and plead to God.

    Also don’t forget to Praise God! There is power in praise! Thank him for this difficulty. Thank him for the chance to exercise our faith. Thank him that the battle is his. Reminder: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty!” Zechariah 4:6

    Remember if we win this battle (or not), it is just the beginning. There is no smooth sailing from here on. This is a fight to the death for the soul of our Nation.

    “Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake.” Ps 115:1

    Praise God! Amen!

  51. stirrin the pot, local precincts/counties should not be allowed to give any numbers to media or candidates before they’re given to SOS.

    I have never trusted our election system, even in my own state. Our voter ID law is a joke when you have no photo ID to register to vote, yet can use your voter ID card to cast your vote. Absentee voting is even worse, they don’t follow even their own rules on absentee voting and they’re very lenient.
    Then of course you’re having to put your trust in government workers to accurately count your vote along with the software scanner they use. Then there is nothing guaranteeing it was your ballot they counted.

    Then when you have all these states with different laws including not even having to count their votes on election day. Our system has been broken for years, even after W and Gore nothing has really been done about it.

  52. Michelle’sbigbeaver
    I’ve been praying the same, God always has a plan. I believe there will be a silver lining to all of this.
    I just told a friend that the Commie Democrat’s will be exposed, and the President with help from the Lord is going fix their wagon.

  53. I’m watching Governor DeSantis calling out Fox. If Republicans and conservatives are serious about fighting for this country, the least they could do is quit watching Fox, including Tucker. I like Tucker, but his network deserves to pay a price for the left turn, Chris Wallace and last night.

  54. I’m thinking SCOTUS ought to nullify this Presidential election and require a new one under strict, precisely monitored standards where people must first prove their citizenship. In other words, ‘federalize’ the Presidential election.

    I know.

  55. Gorka said Giuliani has been sent to PA.
    He also interviewed a guy in AZ who said Fox uses the same company as all the other networks for poll numbers. A big problem is that they used exit polls and not actual votes.
    He said Trump will prevail in AZ. If that happens and Trump keeps PA he wins.

  56. Jimmy, I agree. Regardless of recounts, or if the courts stop counting the election cannot be trusted. We have videos on Twitter of people burning Trump ballots. We have an AG who days before the election was telling us his state would vote for Biden and he’d make sure of it(my paraphrasing of what he said). We have a candidate who said his team had created the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud in history.

    We’ve had mail carriers throw away ballots, we’ve had people come forward and say how they steal mail in ballots.

    Send in the national guards to oversee the casting of votes and counting of votes. No mail in votes, you must vote in person, if you’re an idiot scared of the virus then they can bring the ballot to you outside.

    Yes, I know that isn’t going to happen, but it should happen. They created this Constitutional crisis and that is truly the only fix to it.

  57. I went to bed around 10:00 last night and prayed till I fell asleep that GOD would intervene and defeat the evil that is attacking our nation. At some point s complete feeling of calm came over me as if GOD was saying, “it’s ok, I’ve got this. You can relax.” I’m sorry to say that calmness has left me now and I’m sick at my stomach about our chances. Rush said it best today. As conservatives we try to live by the rules and do what’s right, then we see people doing the exact opposite, and they never have to pay a price. I feel like giving up.

  58. I’m not about to watch TV news – I’ve survived WITHOUT it for 8 mos. now just fine.

    I WOULD request a “RIOTS” thread here on IOTW, though. If it becomes necessary to “muster at the bridge,” I need some more reliable source than the lamestreamers.

  59. Excellent idea jimmy. Vote in person or with an authorized absentee ballot, that’s it. You must prove who you are. Federal elections must be standardized. No same day registration. No mail in voting. Let any state challenge all they want because it’ll end up at the SC.

    And John Roberts can eat a bag of dicks.

  60. According to voterrecords.com, there are 2,423,046 registered voters in Nevada. The Nevada Independent reports a total of presidential votes to be 1,192,557. I find it highly unlikely that over 1.2 million people did not vote in an election of this magnitude. Something stinks in Nevada, as well.

  61. I have a question. I have donated to President Trump’s campaign a number of times. If it is down to the left’s scummy lawyers vs. Trump’s lawyers, does it do any good to donate again? I don’t know what else I can do.

  62. Conservative Cowgirl
    I’m no damn attorney and I didn’t sleep in a Holiday Inn last night but I’m almost certain an army of attorneys is on retainer by the campaign. So you’d be wasting your money.
    Better to buy more ammo with it.

  63. @Illustr8r – Took today OFF and I just got in from cleaning up the back porch and doing the gutters…

    Keeps the mind going…and not racing! Go for a bike ride or something!

    @Gladys – the above PLUS what you said.

    Whatever happens? The leaves don’t stop falling…


  64. RadioMattM

    You’ve been watching to much coverage buddy. The ones they find that they just printed are always Democrat. Also, in the conservative areas they were providing sharpies to fill out the ballots with. The machine won’t read a sharpie. These ass holes used every dirty trick they could think of. I just read on another blog that in order to fight these bastards we need to start playing as dirty as they do. A tough thing for conservatives to adapt to.

  65. I’ve got a cold it seems yesterday, when I went to vote. Throat is sore and swollen… a bit like my feelings right now.

    They gave me a sharpie, said it might bleed so I should be careful. It didn’t bleed in the important spots (presidential candidates), but it did with the judges. I asked the lady at the ballot machine, ‘should I redo it?’ She said it was fine and when I put it in it said approved…

    I feel personally attacked because we the American people ARE UNDER ATTACK.
    Why was the voting paused until they found more biden votes, over and over again? That is NOT allowed! It’s illegal! Why is anyone not arguing against this aside from Trump and his lawyers? What the hell is wrong with any Republicans in the media? Or independents? Democrats beat to the drum of brainless complacency but the other parties were less far gone… so I thought.

    God please deliver our nation from cheating, scamming, lying. In Jesus name.
    My the candidate who TRULY got more votes won. Even if it were not Trump, but not thru cheating and lying and withholding ballots. That is unacceptable.

  66. AZ Guv put out a statement about about the sharpies.
    I think they’ll have to hand count and fire the county poll wardens.
    He also said they have close to 500,000 absentee ballots they haven’t counted. Maricopa County. Trump country. They expect 65% will go to R’s. That puts Trump in the winning column.
    Funny business in WI and MI.

  67. Again, probably beating a dead horse, but Michigan has 11,669,615 voters but 6,362,918 did NOT vote. It just doesn’t add up. It seems like if they’d just count each county’s votes they could probably figure out there are way too many votes per county (or way too few, if any, Trump votes), but that’s just me. The rallies tell the real story.

  68. Maybe I’ve missed it but has anyone seen any elephants voicing outrage at the voter fraud that is clearly out there? Once again Trump is a Lone Ranger fighting a war that must be won.

  69. I can’t verify this other than verifying the guy is an attorney, but what he wrote on FB makes sense.
    His story:
    Several years ago in a small county in middle America there was an off election year electing a county commissioner, court clerk and sheriff. This was a democrat county, everything ran by democrats including the election board. 3 brave souls decided to run against what had pretty much became a criminal county where the criminals were the elected and taxpayer paid individuals.
    I was a young, inexperienced attorney at the time when I was asked to sue. I talked to a mentor about it and he told me it could sink your career before it begins, but if you’re going to take it on, you must go scorched earth. Subpoena everyone down to the janitor, put them all under oath, that’s the way to find one who will break. During depositions two broke and confessed to what they knew, the two were volunteers. After they broke a few more election board employees broke.
    The corruption was exposed, men and women were charged with crimes and the judge ordered a new election. There was no way to validate the election because ballots had been destroyed and replaced.

    So although this was on a very small scale compared to a Presidential election, it’s how we exposed the fraud.

  70. Biden will win Georgia. We have one county, Fulton (metro Atlanta) not reporting. This county went 70% for Hillary. There will be enough votes to erase Trump’s lead and push my state to Biden.

    I’m so ashamed.

  71. I realize I’m late to the game, but why the hell would fox hire a democrat to call election results? I knew something was wrong when Florida was sitting for trump with 91% in and they weren’t calling it…then they call Arizona for Biden with only 70% in.

  72. Not that it matters at this point, but when I went to vote in person, I signed my name on an electronic signature pad and used a ‘pen’ that had a sponge on the end. NO way in hell did my signature match!

  73. joe6pak, Barr is swamp. The few things that I will always view as major mistakes are personnel decisions, allowing Fauci and Birx to spread fear porn and not cleaning house of the Obama holdovers.

  74. This has come up before…

    Genesis 18:
    22 The men turned away and went toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the Lord.[d] 23 Then Abraham approached him and said: “Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24 What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare[e] the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? 25 Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?”

    26 The Lord said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.”

    27 Then Abraham spoke up again: “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, 28 what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five people?”

    “If I find forty-five there,” he said, “I will not destroy it.”

    29 Once again he spoke to him, “What if only forty are found there?”

    He said, “For the sake of forty, I will not do it.”

    30 Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak. What if only thirty can be found there?”

    He answered, “I will not do it if I find thirty there.”

    31 Abraham said, “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, what if only twenty can be found there?”

    He said, “For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it.”

    32 Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?”

    He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”

    33 When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.

  75. This Democrat vote fraud was pulled off just like their other crimes — totally ham-fisted. They panicked because they had to get a Dem, any Dem, into the oval in order to keep themselves out of prison. LOL!

  76. It was Trump against the Democrat SWAMP after all. And four years ago, Hillory ran to keep not only herself out of jail, but even more importantly, Barack Hussein Obama. I said that at the time. And all the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other agencies were the vulnerable rooting section (i.e., the riggers). Since 2016, add the Chinese as master enablers of this game.


    ⏺ Did Republicans push hard against homosexuality when it counted? Make the case for family values? How about the trannies now? NOPE, don’t want to be called a bigot, that’s the worst thing.

    ⏺ How about VOTER VERIFICATION? NOPE, Paul Ryan sat on his hands and bench-warmed. The dead voting, pets, illegals, out of state voters coming in, students voting in 2 locations. Not worth the fight, not worth it to make the case in the courts. Now look at the FRAUD shitshow we have on our hands!

    ⏺ How ridiculous is abortion? They kill their kids and you pay for it. Is that worth the fight? Show up at clinics despite police presence and rip the thing down… like a Civil War statue.

    POLICE REFORM About 40 years over-due. Peace officers, not armed collection agents for mayors and courts. NOPE! Also not worth the fight, can’t secure the union vote.

    Anarchists burning America to the ground Worth the fight? NOPE. No one organizes to show up on the street and kick their ass.

    ⏺ 3rd world ballot stuffing. Worth the fight? Nah, we’ll just complain about it after the fact.

    What is worth fighting for to you? The left wing will organize, protest, and fight you over a ham sandwich! It’s physics. If they have 100lb of force, and you provide 0lb, you get steamrolled, and they learn they can steamroll. Hardly 10lbs of push back.

    NOW how good does seceding sound to you? Yeah, right, now you might be ruled by Biden and Harris, sounds like a pretty good plan now doesn’t it?

    If all the conservatives joined Texas, they STILL wouldn’t have the courage or the spunk to declare independence. You’d just take your beating and whine about it.


  78. Mithrandir

    Oh, and you’re Rambo. What you write is not the problem. The problem is no command and control. And why? Because the FBI arrests any organization that gets close to being able to organize.

  79. Mithrandir,
    Nobody can deny that.

    I have argued more times than I can remember with conservatives in my state about abortion. Why can’t we just say abortions are not going to happen in our state? We’ve had many who have tried to get it passed, but good little RINOS block it from ever getting on the floor. We can’t do it they say because the Supreme Court will rule it unconstitutional. So what? What are they going to do come throw us all in jail? They can’t enforce anything. The federal government will come after us? Weren’t too worried about that when you passed medical marijuana, that is against federal law.

    The same with gay marriage, I argued that we ignore their ruling. We passed a constitutional amendment making marriage between a man and a woman. Again I argued what are they going to do about it?

    I’ve argued since Gore/W we needed some sort of uniform national election, oh no conservatives say we don’t want them ruling how we vote. Well, being in a state that hasn’t elected a democrat for President since the 60’s I get sick and tired of swing states with their ignorant election laws screwing everything up and now we’re too the point where I guess we will have election months instead of election day.

  80. Are we as conservatives going to sit back and just let the Democrat’s steal the election? 🤔

    If Trump doesn’t serve another term I’ll have to seriously think about whether I vote with my feet or just quit voting.

    For the past 100 years, voter’s have made their choices and most were not good ones, which brings us to where we are today.

    We will always be thankful for the time Donald Trump gave us, he’s a once in a lifetime President.

    May God Bless America and President Trump. 🇺🇸

  81. MJA said:

    “I think starting next week, Trump should start firing people”

    Sanest post I’ve seen since Monday.

    Fire them. In droves. Let God sort ’em out.

    If Trump can’t make them bleed red, he can make them bleed green.

  82. I’m tired of it all….
    I have officially entered the land of “I Don’t Give A Fat Flying F*$K”… From now on, I’m just gonna do what I need to do, to live the best life I can live. To hell with the government and their rules. They don’t give a rat’s ass about We the People. They have proven they don’t care about me. So, I’m gonna care about me.
    Meanwhile, I’m just gonna sit back and watch in anger and disbelief as elected Elitist slobs, (who are nothing more than a unified group of charlatans and reprobates occupying both sides of an imaginary aisle), dictate and manipulate the lives of easily dominated tax-slaves, that WTP currently lead… and pray for God to intervene and save our nation from those who are going to enslave us even further. Because it is evidently obvious that nobody is gonna do shit about any of the fraud, graft, corruption.Our government on a local, state and federal level is corrupt to it’s very core.
    I’m gonna be right over here playing my guitar if anyone needs me.

  83. Why is George Soros alive? We are at the point that I would endorse dropping a MOAB on his house. Hopefully he, his kids, his security will all be there. They are all a threat to our country.

  84. @flip did you mention Barberton, OH yesterday? Would you happen to know if Snowball Book Shop is still open on Tuscarawas or did the shop die of the Chinese virus.?. I can call tomorrow but my brain needs to know. Thanks!

  85. Clearly something massively rotten, fraudulent, and corrupt is going on, and on going with this presidential election.

    If for the sake of argument Biden was proposing reasonable policies (he doesn’t), doesn’t have a lot of evidence of corruption enriching himself and his family, had not been a gaffe machine over his 47 years in political office, and did not have a history of never being right on foreign policy.

    His lack of energy, displays of mental confusion during his infrequent public appearances alone – was enough to show he is unfit to be president of the USA to citizens with any common sense. And not worthy of the votes reported have been cast for him.

    Joe could have only have the vote count they say he has due the power of four years of constant attacks on Trump by; democrat leadership, the MSM, censorship by the various social media platforms to sway public opinion, and huge sums of financial support for his campaign by jackass wealthy people.

    Plus massive vote fraud, that continues as Joe and other call for every ballot to be counted. Not every vote from legal ballots.

    Since there was little energy or excitement shown for Biden-Harris vs the enormous energy and support shown for Trump by the massive turnouts for Trump – rallies, parades on land and sea. Joe should not have the votes reported as cast for him.

    I can not predict what the legal consequences will be (if any) or how the election will finally be decided.

    But I think ultimately the energy shown for Trump & country can not be denied via a dysfunctional election process.

    There will be consequences from trying to stifle the energy to support Trump. That existed due to a united strong desire to preserve America and our Constitutional republic. The only government in human history designed to preserve freedom of the individual citizen.

    Energy is always conserved — If Trump and the American people are denied the victory. That energy will not go away. It will only be transformed into a new form. An election denied will also have consequences. Consequences not to the liking of the people that pulled off the coup. (if it’s successful)

    However, I am still trying to hold on to an optimistic view that votes from illegal ballots will be voided, and Trump will win a legitimate victory.

  86. @ flip Thank you! There is an independent book store in Hudson but all new books. I like the $3.00 prices at the used stores. It looks like the one in Hudson is run by liberals so i will probably avoid it.

  87. @flip in Medina County we have Project Learn for adult literacy and ESL. They run The Book Shelf used book stores to fund the project. The one in Brunswick and in Medina are run by volunteers. Liberals don’t volunteer for anything needing real effort so they are all conservative and mostly female. I go there often and can always have a civil conversation. The only problem is the shops are small. Of course Medina County is also all red.

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