Election Eve Open Thread – IOTW Report

Election Eve Open Thread

86 Comments on Election Eve Open Thread

  1. Hopefully it will be such a blow-out that the Dems won’t even bother to cheat. That, of course, will mean that they will say that the GOP cheated.

    It will be great to have Hershel Walker win then have Stacey Abrams say that she was again cheated out of the governorship because of racism.

  2. Posted this earlier on another thread.
    “My usual routine at night, do my work thing on my computer flipping to here once in a while. Meanwhile the wife watches FOX news or News Max in the back ground. The last week have been nothing but Premature Adulation on those two channels. And tonight it’s like, Doesn’t Look Good. Same shit they pulled in 2020.”

    FOX just flipped a bitch and is now feeling sorry for Joe Biden and asking what his next move is. Who knows WTF?

  3. I’m not feeling the red wave. Am I wrong? A red ripple?

    The fact that some of the local Libtards I know aren’t as sad as they thought they’d be. They usually gloat about any election. They planned to drink and wake up to the end of democracy in the morning…now, they are starting to gloat about the results.

    I don’t know. Guess Patty Murray keeps her tennis shoes another 6 years?!? Ugh.

  4. It was nice to see Charlie Crist and Val Demming firmly stomped into the dirt. Crist by 19 points (wow!) and Demming by 15 (also wow!).

    Our representative Greg Steube, one of the good guys, won re-election as expected.

    There were five “competitive” House races and all five went red, and some were major flips.

    We here in Florida have done our part.

  5. If it ends up that the Rs gain just a few seats in the house and just tread water in the senate, we are royally f@cked. Kiss your life’s work and savings goodbye.
    Sponge Brain Poop Pants will introduce us to a new meaning of “inflation” that we could not dream of.
    Learn Spanish and Chinese (both dialects).

  6. No shit Illustr8r, they trotted out fucking MARIE HARF!

    I switched over to MSNBC and Jen Psaki had a MAJOR cosmetic makeover.
    She looks damn good…reminds me of the sexual dream I had about her a while back.

    Don’t get me wrong, she is still a filthy cunt, yet I can’t say I wouldn’t bend her over a desk in the White House and tell her to “put ice on that” afterward…

  7. I’ve been hearing a very consistent percentage all day. 20 percent. Democrats have dialed the fraud calculus to 20%. If you think I’m wrong just review Brietbart and the Pundits headlines. No matter what happens if we don’t establish control we lose. Feeling a lot like 2020. I can’t stands no more. I need to go hug some firearms. Good night.

  8. I sure get sick of we do our job, even if we don’t send our best to D.C., they do their cheating in the primaries. Big props to Florida tonight as well.
    Then states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona can’t get their shit together. I’m sure there are others I’m leaving out.

    I no longer want to live with blue states, haven’t for quite sometime. Let’s just split up, conservative people move out of the blue states, leftist POS move out of the red states.

    I’m not seeing this huge red wave we were sold.

    The only thing I can feel good about is my state will remain red at the federal level and state level. If Josh Brecheen doesn’t disappoint he should be head and shoulders above Mullin as Rep.
    Indians and teachers and teachers’ unions got their asses kicked today in our state, even with their millions of dark money that flooded the tvs, social media, streaming services and mailers. Our new Superintendent of Public Institution will be kicking ass and taking names on the groomers in this state and no more will the unions have a supposed Republican doing their bidding. Republican mind you that ran as a democrat for Governor. My county defeated a bullshit property tax raising scheme by the local Industrial Park to take millions of our dollars and bribe companies to build there at no expense to the companies, not even any taxes would they pay for 12 years. All those county idiots who voted for it and tried to pull a fast one, were voted out in primaries that were on the ballot, the rest will be taken care of in two years.

  9. Arizona has officially turned to California east with New Mexico soon to follow. Their aim is Texas with a strong foothold in Austin…..Oregon, Washington and Colorado succeeded to California 30 years ago, Montana is falling. Utah will fall soon…..Idaho and Wyoming are holding out for now….The Dakotas and Nebraska show signs of life and Kansas is dead for 100 miles east, north and south of Kansas city…

    My beloved West is gonna be dead….Fetterman’s presumed victory in Pennsylvania is obscene! I’m unable to fathom the imbecility that would allow that to happen?????

  10. SEAOH

    Exactly the same with me. I do enjoy Tucker but I do remember him compromising every bit of his values two years ago to help bury DJT. However I guess we should be thankful as I have some friends that are married to some total Libtard Morons. I couldn’t do it. And the wifes looking pretty cute right now with the veins poking out of here neck getting ready to pitch something heavy at the TV. LOL

  11. @ Illustr8r and others – I haven’t watched Fox since 2020 either. The husband had it on tonight so I changed litter boxes as a better use of time.
    Arizona had voting machine issues early so who knows what was going on there. I cannot believe any person with 1/2 a brain would deliberately vote for more Bidenesque misery. Bunch of sorry mofo’s and i hope they have the most massive economic pain.

    In spite of all the invaders from Cuyahoga County (Cleveland, OH) my county is nothing but red.
    I was going to take my BP reading but to heck with that. I don’t want to know if it’s 200/200.

  12. The simple solution is to not allow anybody that lives in a city with a population bigger then 100K to vote for anything that happens outside their city limits. Move all State Capitals to a town under 10K population and the Capital should move every 10 years….Just imagine the Governor, the Senators and the representatives trying to explain the tax increases????

  13. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt. Except during elections because when I go thru my county data people are fucking flat out stupid.

    Tonight is going to cost me and my family an additional roughly $5000 in higher taxes over the next 3 years. Who votes FOR that? Fucking morons, that’s who.

  14. All channels today talked about bad weather in Nevada.
    Here in Las Vegas we got 0.0018 inches of rain.
    It was 68 fucking degrees!
    Perhaps a trace of snow in the mountain regions.
    Shut the fuck up MSM!

  15. joe6pak

    20 percent voter fraud. They’ve been saying it all day. And Maricopa county is the epicenter. And Lake is the ultimate target. I hope the lawyers waiting in the wings can avoid the blood shed. This is why Katie Hobbs was not concerned about the debates. She knew the fix was in.
    ‘I’m going to go find a cave to live in. Republicans are fucking stupid.

  16. John Fetterman is going to win so the Joe Biden’s, the Shiela Jackson Lee’s, the Hank Johnson’s et al, ain’t the stupidest, braindeadest motherfuckers in the Federal Government and maybe the history of the fucking World!!!!!….

    I had a big acorn drop from my oak trees this year so I’ll be having a bunch of acorn fed Squirrel Boy R Dee this winter, Ya’ll are welcome to join me….

  17. ^^^^^^ Got a huge acorn drop our here in Cali this year too. There’s a local pig farmer that feeds his pigs acorns only. Best pork ever. Go get yourself a Stacey and feed her some acorns.

  18. Yes Willys, that’s the SOLE reason.
    Her self-deprecating sense of humor was the last straw.

    The voters decided it was a bridge too far and felt leaving the AZ border WIDE FUCKING OPEN was the best path forward.
    Can’t have a woman make jokes, better to have teen-talking cat lady calling the shots…

  19. I honestly shouldn’t be surprised, nobody did anything about the elections, so why wouldn’t they cheat?
    I had a little hope, less than normal, which never is much that just maybe enough would vote that they couldn’t pull it off. If enough can’t vote to stop the steal when things are as bad as they are, there is no hope. I guess my new rallying cry will be secession.

    If you took all of it from the numbers right now the demons have won 139 House races, they’re ahead in 74 more, for a total of 213.
    The Republicans have won 178, ahead in 37 for a total of 215. So +2.

    7 with no numbers in, one in Alaska, 2 in Hawaii(I’m sure that’s 2 D’s), and 4 in Nevada.
    So give the 2 from Hawaii that’s 215 to 215. So even if the Republicans can win the Alaska race and all 4 of the Nevada races, that’s only +5.

    I’m not believing any of it though after what is happening.

    The Senate with what I’ve seen called in different races is demons 47, Republicans 46. Republicans are winning in Utah and Wisconsin, demons are winning in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania. That’s 50 demons and 48 Republicans and the two Independents who caucus with the demons give the demons an even bigger lead in the Senate.

  20. What likely happened was the Dobbs decision.
    You have post-menopausal white women, who have NO SHOT at getting pregnant voting against republicans.
    Not FOR democrats…

  21. Actually I screwed up, there is still the Alaska race, so I guess it’s just one Independent that caucuses with them. Hell, I don’t know I’m tired and going to bed with it a highly likely that come tomorrow, the demons keep the house and gain in the Senate.

    Then I never want to hear vote again. I’ll never vote in a federal race again, just vote to keep my state and local government red, not that it will matter unless red states say the hell with it, you let us go peacefully or we go to war.

  22. When’s this one going to be decided? In about 2 weeks, just settle down, it’s normal. We’re actually being told this and everyone is complacent? I guess elections aren’t all that important.

    Oh, it’s so close for you, so close for me. It’s a nailbiter. We’ll get ’em next time, we were so close this time, we were so close last time. I guess we’re so diverse these days we can’t seem to agree on any meaningful thing. We’re being played.

    Put a man on the moon, find a lotto winner in 15 minutes, track billions of location data in a second with hyper accuracy, but can’t seem to count votes. With no effort whatsoever to restore trust, or even attain trust with new voters. All the problems after streamlining elections with fancy computers that were supposed to make elections faster & better. We end up with the opposite. I can count faster blindfolded with my elbows. It’s all so 3rd world and tiring, so, so tiring. You’ve been living under a rock if you didn’t know the play-by-play exactly how tonight was going to go.

    Right now Fetterneck is trying to speak. FFS.

  23. A little touchy Loco???…What’s wrong?…Is little Loco a bit chapped???….It was a joke, ya know, humor….

    Kari Lake is gonna lose because of voter fraud and ballot stuffing. Try not to miss my meaning on that one…

  24. I live in the communist cesspool of California, voted Republican up and down the ballot, immediately went home to check, and I see all democrats “won”, and all the far-left lunatic measures/proposals “passed”, in less than 30 minutes after I voted.
    Rigged? You bet.
    Either they did not count my vote or it was ignored.
    I can tell you, even in this commie cesspool, I could not found one person who likes Gavin Newsom or agrees with the measures on the ballot.
    This is certainly rigged.

  25. I said I was going to bed, but I can’t sleep.
    I know tomorrow we’re going to hear how we need to get more to vote, we can’t say they steal elections, our elections are fair and secure and meanwhile our country is full blown communist.

    We’re going to hear Oz was a poor choice, I said that when he won the primary, however as bad as he was he should have blown out a man who lived off his parents until he was 50 years old, never worked, can’t speak, is a huge tub of lard. Especially when you add in the economy is in the tanks, people are hurting, children are being mutilated and on and on.
    We’re going to hear Masters, Lake, Walker, etc. were all bad candidates.

    Again we will be told that the elections weren’t stolen and to sit down and shut up. Hell, they’ll probably start rounding us up to shut us up.

    You can’t beat the machines, you can’t beat the mail in ballots.

    You can have all the poll watchers you want, they can’t stop the machines from changing votes, they can’t stop the mail in ballots that were fixed before they ever saw them.

    We can’t fix the elections in the states that are allowing this shit to a drastic level. So there is no voting your way out of communism. Anyone who has ever picked up a history book or paid any attention whatsoever to communist countries, know there is only one way to not live under communism, you escape and move to another country or you go to war. That’s it. Where are you going to escape to?

    It seems the majority that get this are old and those younger or more able that get it are the minority.

    The only good thing about being old is I guess the third option you die.

  26. I’m completely convinced that the globalists (through our own govt/ agencies, state democrat regimes and especially the CIA) have control of the voting machines and they select the candidates they want to win. This election is more proof of that.

    The pre-election polls always show republicans getting less votes than they actually get on election day. But this election was just the opposite with a lot of republicans with projected leads losing their elections. That almost never happens. I don’t believe for a second that Whitmer, Fetterman, Hochul, Pritzker and several others received more legitimate votes than their opponents.

    There were numerous reports of the same shenanigans that went on in 2020 with mail in ballots and with the machines. This is just one of the stories about machines in GA having the ballot validation feature turned off so that a “ballot” on any paper would be counted including one on a sheet of loose-leaf, lined notebook paper.


    I only hope republicans have enough bright attorneys that file timely cases with what few somewhat honest courts we have left to have audits performed by independent parties.

  27. Illinois would be a red state if not for the teeming masses of lead contaminated water drinking imbeciles in Chicagoland. Its time to deny them the largess of the rest of the state. Cut off their energy and food and see how they fare. Every state needs to do this to their communist city states.

  28. This is what you get when the constitutionality conservative voters have the option of choosing someone who represents Republican establishment interests vs someone who represents Democrat’s interests. Really no one running that represent their interests.

  29. They did it again.
    As I watched my ballot descend into the tabulator, I thought to my self:
    #1 where did it go?
    #2 will it count?
    #3 why the fuck are we still allowing these ballots to be digitized where they can be sent anywhere in the world wide web including the recycle bin.

  30. Do we have enough representation to keep them from outlawing cash? If not, do we have enough representation to keep them from controlling what I can purchase with the credit card I have that is controlled by the bank which is controlled by the commies?

    Maybe Florida can succeed and we can do our own thing down here.


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