Election Rigging STOPPED in KEY Swing State after Judge Rules – IOTW Report

Election Rigging STOPPED in KEY Swing State after Judge Rules

Election Rigger Jocelyn Benson loses her “presumption of validity” signature battle in the key swing state of Michigan. Robert Gouveia has the details.

12 Comments on Election Rigging STOPPED in KEY Swing State after Judge Rules

  1. She has the Secretary of State so screwed up that to get plates, title, driver’s license and other related services you have to make an appointment. If you show up without one they won’t squeeze you in but will instead see if there’s an opening to schedule you maybe hours later in the day if you’re lucky or a different day.

    No exceptions. At least in my area.
    Don’t know about others.

  2. When the RNC replaced Ronna McRomney with Lara Trump it was a step in the right direction. she did nothing in 2022 but spend money on herself. Lara realizes if they don’t curb the cheating this time there won’t be much left of the country. Donald has the democrats terrified because he’ll go anywhere to talk to people. He has no fear. He asks people for their vote and he doesn’t talk down to them. Blacks see how The “Man” is trying to screw him over and they can relate. If he can pull 20-25% of the black vote it’s over for the democrats. They’ve experienced life under both Trump and Biden and have to decide which they prefer.

  3. Different Tim, in my area, we only got the “you have to make an appointment” rule during the plandemic. But it still exists because they enjoy the pain it caused people. They are demonic.

  4. In GA we are still using the Dominion change-your-vote machines. Trump will probably have a landslide of votes cast for him but the machines will be rigged to swap the numbers just like they did 4 years ago.


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