Elections official in Michigan charged with ballot tampering – IOTW Report

Elections official in Michigan charged with ballot tampering


Kathy Funk also is charged with misconduct in office, the Michigan attorney general’s office said late Friday. Both charges are felonies punishable by up to five years in prison upon conviction. Funk faces arraignment in Genesee County’s 67th District Court.

Funk was Flint Township’s clerk when authorities allege she purposely broke a seal on a ballot container, according to the attorney general’s office. Under Michigan law, that prevented votes inside the container from being counted in an anticipated recount.

13 Comments on Elections official in Michigan charged with ballot tampering

  1. People at the local level being arrested is nothing more than a pacifier to the masses. The money trail must be followed to the top suppliers. Those people are the ones who need to be arrested and tried for sedition.

  2. Big deal. RINO DeWhine used COVID fakery to violate a DIRECT COURT ORDER BY THE OHIO SUPREME COURT to rearrange primaries to Pedo’s advantage.

    Ohio has never had a Republican governor and still doesn’t. We have Democrats that call themselves that and Democrats that call themselves Republicans. Dewhine is of the latter, and will do the work of the party of satan until he goes to hell himself.

    Just the way it is.

  3. Also in Ohio, they arrested, charged, and actually convicted a woman – ONE woman – a poll worker who was voting other people’s votes for Obama.

    She served a month of a 5 year sentence, then was released and IMMEDIATEY put on tour as a hero of the Democrats at a Democrat event in a Black church and it was considered OK because, Black.

    …I would expect similar treatment for any OTHER democrat that actually gets pretend “convicted”. Let ’em out when no one’s looking and give them a hero’s welcome for their fraud.

    Democrats have been at this for a long time. There is no law any more, and as they steal the next election, and the next, and the next, it will only get worse.

    We’re not going to be able to vote our way out of this.

    Just a fact.

  4. One thing is certain, she did not do this on her own. Someone, some where either paid her or directed her or showed her what was needed to be done…

    You tell her she’s going to do the max in the worst place or she can flip. No time off for good behavior and while we’re at it, maybe a little asset forfeiture. Most will flip. If not, her doing the max will show the next chump you catch you’re not fucking around.

    This shit is too widespread for our DOJ types to not have a handle on it. Their ignorance is 100% intentional

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