Electric Car Starts Fire on Cargo Ship- 3,000 Vehicles Can Be lost at Sea – IOTW Report

Electric Car Starts Fire on Cargo Ship- 3,000 Vehicles Can Be lost at Sea


The race is on to prevent the sinking of a cargo ship off the Dutch coast which is carrying almost 3,000 vehicles, including 350 Mercedes-Benz, as it burns out of control with an electric car believed to be behind the deadly fire.

At least one crew member died and others were injured after fire ripped through the Fremantle Highway, a 18,500-ton car-carrying vessel. Rescue helicopters and boats evacuated 23 crew members from the Panamanian-registered ship.

Officials have said there are ‘many’ wounded. Some suffered broken bones, burns and breathing problems and were taken to hospitals in the northern Netherlands, emergency officials said.


32 Comments on Electric Car Starts Fire on Cargo Ship- 3,000 Vehicles Can Be lost at Sea

  1. It’s registered in Panama because the US regs & money grabbing are too expensive for corporations.
    You see this from every fucking cruise line as well.
    American fucking companies registered in the Bahamas.
    We lose billions because we are governed by fucking assholes & morons.
    No problem, we just tax Americans that work more & more.
    I wish all politicians a life of eternal fire in hell.

  2. LocoBlancoSaltine AT 12:24 AM

    ‘If I was a fireman I would say “let it burn”’
    …that’s kind of not optional…


    …also, the most commonly available extingushment agent available on ships at sea is salt water. Salt water + battery acid = chlorine gas….PLUS it makes the batter heat MORE.


    …Good jb, battery guys. Nice bomb you put on ships there. Something that heats in the salt air to an unextinguishable fire in the cargo hold of a ship at sea.

    Very well thought out./s

  3. ‘Currently there are a lot of vessels on scene to monitor the situation and to see how to get the fire under control,’

    That’s not going to happen until it slips beneath the surface

  4. I will NEVER WILLINGLY buy an Electric Car But,

    My Fathers Acura MDX lit itself on Fire in front of our office 10 years ago. v-6 I.C.E.

    Hyundai – 571,000 recalled May 23/2023 Minivans – “Park Outside” due to Trailer Towing Hitch Harness can catch fire while driving or parked.

    It’s all shit, the fires are just Much Worse on a Sparky in every possible way.

  5. Kcir AT 8:20 AM
    “I will NEVER WILLINGLY buy an Electric Car But,

    My Fathers Acura MDX lit itself on Fire in front of our office 10 years ago. v-6 I.C.E.”

    ..yes, I fought PLENTY of ICE car fires back in the day, usually due to poor maintenance, bad ideas about how to work on them, or loose burning cigarettes, BUT in EVERY case I was able to extinguish them just using the tank on the truck and never taking a hydrant, and only rarely involving adjacent vehicles or structures.

    That is not the case with electric vehicles…

    “In each of the six full-scale burn tests, firefighters at the test site found that they needed to flow large amounts of water on the batteries, because fire kept flaring up even after it appeared to be extinguished. In one test, a battery fire reignited 22 hours after it was thought to be extinguished.”

    “Secure a large, continuous and sustainable water supply — one or more fire hydrants or multiple water tenders”


    ICE fires don’t have that issue. Cut the cables, blow out the visible flame, call a tow truck, and back to the house after walking a single hose. Sometimes not even that, I put some out with a 1 1/2″ recoilable rubber “red line” because you just don’t really need THAT MUCH water to put out most engine compartment fires.

    You waste a LOT of potable water on electric car fires, and off it goes to the storm drains. Wasteful as hell and probably toxic, and you more often than not have to follow the tow truck with a fire truck just in case. Its just one more reason the WHOLE IDEA of electric cars is stupid, at least in terms of mass consumption…

  6. Aren’t those EV impossible to put a fire out on? I mean not only the EV cars were a loss, what about the ship? I’ve seen videos of an EV on fire, water mater it worse. Water and electricity don’t mix.

  7. This is the second car hauling ship I’ve heard about to come to evacuation due to a battery fire. The first sank, I assume this one will as well. House fires from cars and bikes in garages, apartment fires from e-bikes in the living room, parking garage fires. Imagine a battery fire in a long tunnel, eek.

    Do these incidents count against the e-vehicle aggregate carbon reduction score? What’s the cost to insure a load of e-vehicles on a ship?

    My ICE vehicle identifies as an e-v. do I get the virtue signaling points… or double for the tranny thing?

  8. It is a battery technology issue. Ask the 787 Dreamliner owners. Or why airlines are not allowed to have those batteries in the cargo holds.

    Maybe the iron-based batteries, or the Toyota solid state Lithium batteries won’t have the feature.

  9. I used to tip this bridge: https://www.facebook.com/portoftacoma/posts/the-blair-bridge-was-built-in-1953-to-improve-the-flow-of-cars-and-ships-in-the-/10157712371056561/

    There are powere transmission lines overhead and these car carriers had to exit at low tide to clear them. Getting them in you had to have enough water to enter. The bastards have so much sail area that the wind was also a consideration or they would hit the bridge and damage the gears. Luckily Atlas Foundry in Tacoma could cast up a new gear pretty quickly and the bridge could be put back in order in a couple weeks.

  10. Guy at work wants a larger house, but it will cost him $200K over what equity he has available. He has $120K in cash reserves, but “needs” that money to buy a Ford Lightning. Has a perfectly good pickup. I listened to the justification for a new truck and think what he left out is that in order to both own a pickup and also date leftist girls the truck damn well better be all electric.


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