It’s so common that the wife of a deceased house member in a deep blue urban district running for her dead husbands seat, that we hardly take notice. But Maya Rockeymoore Cummings is more than the better half of the marriage with Baltimore’s own Elijah Cummings. The widow Cummings comes with plenty of baggage from the allegations of bogus charities used to funnel money to her private company. Here
Of course she is. You don’t think she married Mumbles Cummings for his looks do you?
She’s got the nylon wig. That will help.
Why isn’t this POS being indicted by the IRS? Like that POS al sharpton, she’s a tax cheat!!!
Criminals are filling the halls of Congress. ELECTED, meaning voters get out of their homes and choose them. It’s astounding. It is everywhere. Debauchery, ignorance, grafting, lying, cheating, Those are the key catchwords to gain an office. Congress is already corrupt, so the new criminals will fit right in with the Swamp monsters of the government cabal.
She’s a criminalized, loudmouth leftist shrew and a potential new member of the Squad.
“It’s loot, loot, loot that makes the boys get
up and shoot.”
Gotta keep that money rolling in.
The tribe will support the tribe.
Ayn Rand: Tribalism: http://aynrandlexicon.com/lexicon/tribalism.html
It took years to build the 700,00 head rat ranch, she doesn’t want all the effort to go by the wayside.
She is as unqualified as he was!
The vote total have already been written up. They just needed to know what name to fill in as the Democratic candidate.
If she’s elected it will be a clear indicator of a failed/and or a crooked system that will never change.
I’m voting for Kimberly Klacik!
She’s probably more corrupt than old Eli!
Was I supposed to be holding my breath for better government in Baltimore.?
@PHenry ~ after seeing VA’s latest elections, better start saving up for your next ‘fair share’ payment to Richmond … you’re not going to believe what ‘Coonman’ & the boys can come up with in the way of new taxes & fees
… welcome to MD
I know who the rats are going to vote for.
She should be charged and convicted of embezzlement.
Waait…she’s a democrat. Forget I said anything.
@MOLON. It started today. RINO Republican Maryland Gov Hogan teamed up with VA gov Gosnell for a presser to promote a multi billion $ expansion of the beltway bridge. Neither man owns a map. There is no bridge over the Potomac between the Beltway until Point of Rocks, north of Leesburg, even though the population has exploded.
Rich people, aka political donors, populate both sides of the river.
Of course there is one rich guy who owns a golf club on the Potomac and happens to be President. That’s where blackface will agree to build a bridge. He will demand it.
@PHenry ~ thought they were talking about the American Legion Bridge was to be expanded … you’re correct though, too much money locked up in those riverside sites … remember the owner of the Deadskins, little Danny Snyder, cut down over 130 trees on Federal land! to get a better view from his newly-built mansion … he was never fined, in fact, the NPS official that ok’ed it was just promoted, last year to Acting Director of the NPS
Hogan ain’t much, but at least he vetoed the MD gun ban bill (later overridden by the D’rats … yeah, that’s how many we got here) … & he vetoed many other tax & spend bills
@Molon. New bridge is toll. And to include bicycle lanes. Because beltway commuters on bicycles on the beltway in February and March demand it.
I swear to God these people are dumber than my moron cat, run over by a car before we adopted him and prone to seizures.
Obviously there is graft to be made.
Maybe she’s the only one in the family competent to run a paper shredder.