Elizabeth Moron Tries Her “Democrat Math” on Financial Expert – It Doesn’t Go Well – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Moron Tries Her “Democrat Math” on Financial Expert – It Doesn’t Go Well

To defend Kamala Harriss’s price-controlling, Warren uses how Kraft Eggs made a 700%+ profit as an example of how companies exploited the pandemic to price gouge.

She left out the part where Kraft Eggs tanked because of the Avian Flu, and the “huge profit” was the company simply returning to normal.

This is how dirty MFER politicians and the government do the math to justify bending citizens over.

20 Comments on Elizabeth Moron Tries Her “Democrat Math” on Financial Expert – It Doesn’t Go Well

  1. I have to give her credit, the moron can stick to her simpleton sloganeering and shut down any rational response with nothing but repetitive interruption. The guy was way too polite, should have cut her mic.

    And notice how they re-label everything to appeal to emotion and hide the hammer under the silk; They know that “price controls” turns people off, so they change it to “price-gouging laws”. They know that “gun control” raises red flags, so it becomes “sensible gun legislation”… “Nationalized Health Care” becomes “Single-Payer” and on and on and on.

  2. Let’s ignore price gouging after a natural disaster (like Warren did), and focus on normal concepts of profit margin. The laws of supply and demand work, and if the price is too high, demand drops. If a price of something is too high because of excessive profit margins, competitors will enter the market place thereby increasing supply, and the price will drop. These are basic economic laws morons like Warren do not understand.

    What is “magical” is when the government tries to provide things. The price is exorbitant, yet the government is not only not making a profit, but usually still losing money. I don’t want people like Warren making any substantive economic decisions.

  3. Additionally… when the government steps in and dictates prices it removes all incentive to run a business. If owners are not allowed to make a reasonable profit they’ll simply say Fuk it and close down! Given that, if the government starts up Government Stores, we’ll be beholden to the “Company Store” like 150 years ago in poor mining towns.

  4. @Harry: price controls make things disappear. This is a phenomenon that has proven itself over and over again: in the Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, Venezuela and even in the United States.

  5. When flashlight batteries go up to $3/ea ahead of a coming hurricane, no one buys a dozen, just to be sure and there are plenty available for people who really need them.

  6. Price Controls: Because they worked sooooo well in the past, let’s do it again! Oh Joy!!

    Because the last 3.5 years were soooo good, let’s do it again! Oh Joy!!

    Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century!

  7. And CNBC isn’t and adversarial interlocutor for a fake indian communist old bag either. The leftists are so used to just getting away with whatever they want that they don’t even remember how to try.

  8. The price of eggs are high because the fucktards said bird flu was detected and you had to destroy 10’s of thousands of egg laying chickens. Shut down or rebuild your stock.


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