Elizabeth Warren – “America Isn’t Going Broke” – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren – “America Isn’t Going Broke”

How delusional is the left?


20 Comments on Elizabeth Warren – “America Isn’t Going Broke”

  1. They never think they will run out of other people’s money until they do and then they will raid our 401k accounts or whatever is left so yeah, we aren’t broke in their world.

  2. Anon- you are spot on. The Dems will 199% raid the 401k’s because the rich need to pay their fair share blah blah blah. But that will come after they take the guns away.

  3. no surprise, they are delusional about most everything, and they fit the definition

    delusion – a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary

    they are delusional about
    islam / isis
    open borders
    gun laws
    gay marriage, lgbts, perversity
    economy and taxation
    socialism and communism
    peace thru weakness
    leading from behind
    neutering the military
    policy of apology

  4. You could confiscate all the wealth of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, and the Koch brothers combined, and we’d still be $19 trillion in debt you dumb bint.

  5. Socialists don’t believe in the concept of “money.”

    “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

    This requires no medium of exchange – because all exchange is the product of coercion by the all-powerful gov’t.

    Therefore, “debt” is a “capitalistic” notion that has no bearing in the “socialistic” universe – which is just waiting for the proper dictator to arrive and properly introduce the worldwide revolution.
    Lenin thought it would be him.
    Stalin thought it would be him.
    Mao thought it would be him.
    Hitler thought it would be him.
    Mussolini thought it would be him.
    Kim il Sung thought it would be him.
    Pol Pot thought it would be him.
    Ho Chi Minh thought it would be him.
    Carter thought it would be him.
    Obola thought it would be him (?).
    HRC thinks the “woman’s” touch will finally be the deciding factor.

    izlamo delenda est …

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