Elizabeth Warren Approved and Released This Video – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren Approved and Released This Video

This must be seen to try and figure out what it is…

Blame Hot Salsa after you click.

click date if you have trouble viewing on this site

39 Comments on Elizabeth Warren Approved and Released This Video

  1. She’s better off going back to being a bullshit beer drinker. Oh, and by the way, give cupcake his testicles back before he spontaneously combusts in a fabulous burst of sparkles-thhh.

  2. He’s one of the guys from the “Queer Eye” show. Like the “beer-swig” video, she’s trying hard to present herself as all “homespun,” with the added bonus of being cozy with the Gays. It’s so sickening.

  3. I had to look up who “Jonathan” was. He’s one of the fashionistas on the new Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. He’s not a some random supporter but a celebrity.

    Maybe he’ll give her a makeover one day and take her shopping at Chico’s…or White House Black Market (is that store racist?).

  4. What this looks like, based on the same paint color and apparent age on the walls, is a “skit” done in the same building, pandering to the low-information virtue-signaling supporters of the LBGTQetc crowd.

  5. Let’s see, America’s mother in law has a few options. New hair-do, “86” the schoolmarm outfits, botox, get a speech coach and the number one option?

    Boob job, because her ideas are emptier than her bra.

  6. I get so pissed off when I hear people say, “Healthcare is a right.” No, it’s not. If healthcare is a right, the government has the responsibility to provide it to everyone, which means we have returned to slavery. The government can force people to become doctors, to work in hospitals, even which hospitals they have to work in. Healthcare is not a right.

  7. Sadly, I know too much pop culture trivia, because I’m aware of who the demon-possessed celebrity freak is, who’s talking to Fauxahonas. Wow, what an evil pair.


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