Elizabeth Warren doubles down on her slanderous murder claim – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren doubles down on her slanderous murder claim

This explanation for why she used the term “murder” to describe what happened to Michael Brown disqualifies her presidential aspirations.

Even WAPO gave her 4 Pinocchios.

21 Comments on Elizabeth Warren doubles down on her slanderous murder claim

  1. She keeps saying it because the media will keep reporting it as “truth.” The media and the Democrat candidates are using the same playbook to keep cultural marxism constantly in the public eyes and ears. Most of America gets all their news reports from the lying, propagandist media. It is even easy to get more intelligent, thinking people to believe lies. It takes personal effort to search out facts for understanding the truth the media purposely covers up.

  2. @ LocoBlancoSaltine AUGUST 15, 2019 AT 12:04 AM

    That’s exactly what I was thinking as her weak wavering lying voice was lying again.

    You have to be missing the shame gene to be a Dem pol.

  3. Now, now, now. Is this any way to talk about Bernie Sanders’ running mate?

    They’re going to embark on their angry Blue Plate Special campaign to have dinner at 4pm at whistlestops across the godforsaken hinterlands of Amerikkka.

    Ask every Democrat running for President about Michael Brown and they will all say the same thing.

  4. A lawsuit for defamation would seem to be in order, maybe recklessly endangering Wilson’s life as well, along with a restraining order against continuing it.

    This sort of deliberately inflammatory rhetoric for a political racially intended purpose nature needs to be stopped to protect the public safety. Anyone engaging in this sort of hate speech needs to be held responsible for it and accountable for whatever violence might come from it.

  5. Chief Smackaho, burying her in an army ant hill up to her neck baited with honey would work just as well and it would be a easy clean up because all that would be left would be her picked clean bones. Or you take her on a trip to the Amazon and throw her overboard to the piranhas.


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