Elizabeth Warren Fight Song – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren Fight Song

26 Comments on Elizabeth Warren Fight Song

  1. The Ruth Buzzy of the Senate and her irritating high pitched voice. Dogs barking and car alarms going off within a six block radius of her rally. How anyone, regardless of their rabid views, could sit through that is astounding.

  2. “this woman has the intelligence of a hood ornament. how in the hell does she get elected?”

    From the state that kept sending a murderer back to the Senate and also gave us Lurch do you really have to ask this?

  3. I can’t believe that somebody can’t get ahold of some of her DNA (used napkin, strw, cup, tissue) and run a DNA test on her. If the results show her as 1/64 or lower native start trying to find natives that were screwed out of jobs or a position at Harvard because she deliberatly lied about her ancestry.

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