Elizabeth Warren: ‘I want to cut open Republican bodies.’ – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren: ‘I want to cut open Republican bodies.’

LWC: It seems Elizabeth Warren is currently a news specter the likes of which can’t be escaped. For instance, Jake Tapper recently got his panties in a twist while rushing to her defense. All because Trump jokingly referred to our pale “Native American but not really” friend as Pocahontas. HATE SPEECH.

But notice how leftists are mum on this. In the video below, Warren publicly confessed her desire to cut open Republicans – but don’t worry, ’twas all in jest…


24 Comments on Elizabeth Warren: ‘I want to cut open Republican bodies.’

  1. Delusional as usual – she’s pretty batty – she continues to give ammunition to deflect any type of serious candidacy for higher office.

    As I’ve said before I have 23% more native in me (one grandmother was full Cherokee) but I’ve never thought to exploit it — in the immortal words of Bugs Bunny (via the talented Mel Blanc) “what a maroon!”

  2. Finally!

    She no speak-um with fork-ed tongue!
    She relate-um fact-um.
    Heap big bad medicine in soul of Fauxahontas.
    Much hate in her tiny, black heart.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. A single comment like this should suffice to bar her from ever being in the White House if the voters are not total idiots. Of course, we had 60 million total idiots vote for the most corrupt, evil, nasty, lying shit-weasel in the last election (but she has a vagina so it was mandatory to vote for her).

    The Left is truly a disgusting group. Killing babies for sport, celebrating every sexual perversion, stealing from those who work, excusing muslin atrocities, and undermining our soveriengty with open borders makes them unAmerican and our true enemies.

  4. Words escape me about this evil looking woman. She’d abort a grandchild if she had a chance. American must wake up. The far left progressives have a hidden agenda that isn’t good. Be aware.

  5. The video entitled “Tray Gowdy scares Elizabeth Warren like a boss” is worth watching. She does her best faux ignorance of a topic but gets shredded by Gowdy as she wrote the article he is quoting. There is a long list of Republicans who have made Warren look like a fool in hearings but my favorite is when they called her out of order and told her in so many words to shut up!

  6. Fauxcahontas has high cheekbones from mashing her face repeatedly against the ass of whatever leftist would listen to her inane insane comments

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