Elizabeth Warren is one brave Brave – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren is one brave Brave

Elizabeth Warren has taken a very bold and brave stand and has vowed to “never take money from the NRA,” as if the NRA has been sending her checks for her campaigns.

Well, I’m no high cheek-boned Indian, but in her spirit I will vow to never except the award for Blog- of-the-Year at Netroots.

I will also not accept sex from Melania Trump.

29 Comments on Elizabeth Warren is one brave Brave

  1. Oh Lizzie, we already knew you don’t support the US Constitution. And we had no reason to believe you would support restrictions on government power by supporting any of the first ten amendments. Lizzie we know that you and your ilk would have guns only in the hands of government thugs and the rest of us up against the walk awaiting our last few breaths of life.

  2. Yeah but squaw accept wampum from every degenerate round-eye clan in hunting ground. NAMBLA, Planned Abortahood, ANQUEEFA, CPUSA, etc.


  3. After a pow-wow with her supporters, she has been sending out smoke signals that she is accepting no more wampum from the NRA. She has put away her peace pipe and is going to sioux the organization.

    When asked the reason, she said it was for the NRA distributing firewater and diseased blankets to her tribe. Included in her lawsuit were the Cleveland Indians, Washington Redskins, Chicago Blackhawks, and the Atlanta Braves.

  4. I will refuse every offer from Leonardo DiCaprio to party across the Mediterranean on his yacht – no matter how many partying starlets are coming along.

  5. BRAVE
    A cartoon that won an Oscar for a relative.

    She went to Scotland and spent 2 years on research.
    the girl is what we thin BODACIA looked like./ Bordacia almost chased the Romans our of Britain. She conquered and held London for 3 days!
    The Romans were so frightened by the Scotch they built “Hadrian’s Wall’ to keep us out. In my onion it would not have kept me and my men out! Of course I was not there 2,000 years ago. But even more important I was a 5th Marine; not the Black Watch ( who scared the Huns almost as much as we. They called them “Men who wear dresses” My Duetch is not able to translate but they were tough! No one is as tough as a 5th Marine! Jimmy Webb, younger than I, was a 5th marine as an example.
    We killed Chi. Mao’s boys. Since Dick unconditionally surrendered, it is clear we killed not nearly enough.

    My only regret on the war is I killed too few Chinamen.




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