I’m pretty sure Officer Wilson can sue for defamation, no?
He’s not a murderer.

5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael was unarmed yet he was shot 6 times. I stand with activists and organizers who continue the fight for justice for Michael. We must confront systemic racism and police violence head on.

Michael Brown’s murder forever changed Ferguson and America. His tragic death sparked a desperately needed conversation and a nationwide movement. We must fight for stronger accountability and racial equity in our justice system.2,6432:24 PM – Aug 9, 2019
more at Twitchy
Wash, rinse, repeat
Not only isn’t he a murderer, he isn’t a “public figure”, a term of art used as a defense, of sorts, in a lawsuit seeking damages for otherwise defamatory conduct. That is not the case here, and because of that, and because of the false publication stating he murdered Brown, yes, Warren and Harris do face potentially nasty legal exposure, meaning a possible very nice pay day for the man, something he more than deserves. I hope he hires the very best lawyer he can. Good for him.
…yeah! Because, fuck FACTS. We’ve got HATRED to stoke and LIES to tell! Don’t you know we MUST win at ANY cost?!?
We are your BETTERS, and will TELL you what to believe, the better to RULE you with, my dear…
-the Democrats
..even the Obama “just us” department exonerated him, are Camel and Pokey calling Obama’s boyz liars?
…it would seem that they are…
I’d love to see Wilson sue them right out of contention for POTUS
…the Devil is not creative, he only has a few tools in his toolbox, but he keeps using them because they WORK…
..it is the doom of Men that they forget.
And that’s what the Devil’s handmaidens, the Democrats, take advantage of, to remind Men ofa history that never WAS, to divide and conquer with deceit and lies…
Hey Warren, Harris, He was not murdered. Just sayin.’
trying to start a race war. nice. chuck Manson thought it was the ticket to world domination so they get no points for originality. but the other 17 running for office will have accept the new current truth and that means Biden is out.
Biden sat back and did nothing as the police publicly executed St. Shwisher Sweet. (yes, police, as long as we are making things up it was a squad of 12 white police that whipped Brown to death for praying to saint Treyvon in public).
other possible angle… internal polling has too many blacks fleeing the DNC plantation so they are going so far black any black voting for Trump is worse than an Uncle Tom.
do you smell it? that’s the smell of desperation my friends and it’s only August of 19.
Of course fauxcahontas and the old blow job queen say that.
Know it’s not right to say, lets just call it a ‘Tourette syndrome’ moment.
Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and vocalizations called tics.
F*ck both of these tics!
When SCUM becomes TOO NICE a word, for Elizabeth Warren & Kamala Harris, Cu*t, fills in the gap nicely.
BTW, you may have noticed I really dislike these deluded elected twats.
The justice system is already in tatters after eight years of the chimp eared wonder, allowing any of these twisted low life opportunists to regain power would drive a stake through the heart of it.
Wilson should never have quit the force, it made him appear guilty.
Feckless Cunts!
Is this kind of language what the Democrats think will unify our nation?
Or do they have some other purpose?
I wonder if Wilson also drank his lunch instead of eating it? Uncle Joe can tell us…
I guess they are heeding Uncle Joe’s advice:
“…we choose (our) truth over facts.”
Yeah lets get this started again and start burning down the country again. I heard this scum bags father talking about wanting to reopen the case. There were multiple autopsies and no matter how it was spun not even Obama’s corrupt DOJ could convict the officer if
of anything. Of course it isn’t enough the officer had to resign for his own safety. What now we dox him.
Surprised these two whores haven’t tried to blame the president for the thug getting his just deserts.
Paging Lin Wood!
They need to pay a price for slandering Officer Wilson. Attorney Lin Wood can get it accomplished, and get Mr. Wilson some money for his retirement.
“Elizabeth Warren & Kamala Harris say Michael Brown was ‘murdered’ by a white police officer who was fighting for his life.”
There, fixed it for you.
Hallowed ground!!! So said CBS or ABC about where thug Brown was shot. Hallowed ground!!!
Wonder how they would feel about a re-enactment with them in the driver’s seat with no gun?
I know several people who know Officer Wilson personally. They all said he is and always was a good and decent person who would never have a racist thought. I am so sick of the left and the things they do.