Elizabeth Warren loses voice after a day in Iowa: ‘Too much time with little people’ – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren loses voice after a day in Iowa: ‘Too much time with little people’

At a stump speech in Iowa, DNA-Hole explained her loss of voice by saying, “too much time with little people.”

The Warren campaign quickly jumped in and insisted that she was talking about her grandchildren, and that she caught a cold.

Sure she was.

Maybe she lost her voice from swigging too many beers, pretending she’s one of the little people.



22 Comments on Elizabeth Warren loses voice after a day in Iowa: ‘Too much time with little people’

  1. Ohhh I see. So she’s complaining about spending too much time with her grandchildren. Got it, you anti childite! BTW, she didn’t show up hoarse, she ended up that way by the end of the speech. Stop digging, white squaw.

  2. If she is successful at doing away with the Electoral College, she will only have to campaign in LA, NYC, and Chicago. Save a lot of wear and tear on the old throat.

  3. It’s hard to tell that she’s been a professional politician for years. That wasn’t a slip of the tongue she said exactly what she meant. The little people are the average voters that never get listened to or respected until it’s primary season. Then for some reason they count, but just a little bit.

  4. Phony Liz WARREN.
    She is a phony Oklahoman. Went purposely to a Harvard teaching job, in order to attempt to improve her recognition.
    However she has NOT fooled us voters.
    She is the perfect example of a Democrat.

  5. Dear God, and the Democrats,
    Please oh please please please let her win the Democrat primary.

    Truth be told – She really is among the Democrats’ best representation.


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