Elizabeth Warren Says Senate Has a Duty To Confirm Trump’s Highly Qualified SCOTUS Nomination – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren Says Senate Has a Duty To Confirm Trump’s Highly Qualified SCOTUS Nomination

Just look and listen for yourselves—

21 Comments on Elizabeth Warren Says Senate Has a Duty To Confirm Trump’s Highly Qualified SCOTUS Nomination

  1. Whale Oil Beef Hooked! Either Mark Levin or Rush Limbaugh, or some other sensible American, finally got through to her. Good for you Liz. Schumer is biting his nails, I hope this marks the beginning of the end of democrat bullshit.

  2. Oh my gosh! That is brilliant! You need to post/send that EVERYWHERE.

    It took me a few seconds to realize I wasn’t suffering an aneurysm, and I was fully awake.

    BRILLIANT. I’d love to see her watch that!

  3. Funny how changing two words changes the whole tenor of her argument and exposes her as a complete and total hypocrite.

    When she goes to Hell she’ll have to watch this in a continuous loop for eternity.
    Today would be OK.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’m guessing this was 2013 when Reid was stuffing the bench with 3 unneeded left wing ideologue district judges in DC who weren’t needed but who would guarantee any challenge to an Obama regulation would fail.

    Amazing how, like the Biden rule that Schumer re-affirmed in 2007, the Dems forget their well-reasoned Constitutional arguments when they don’t like the result.

  5. Great video, too bad you couldn’t find the witch saying “Trump” in the same tone and cadence as her overall speech. It would have had the lefties having strokes all over the country.

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