Elizabeth Warren Says She’ll Release Another Plan To Pay For Medicare For All – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren Says She’ll Release Another Plan To Pay For Medicare For All

Daily Caller: Sen. Elizabeth Warren announced Sunday afternoon that she plans on releasing plans in the coming weeks to fully pay for Medicare for all after months of avoiding the subject.

Warren’s decision comes shortly after South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg railed against the Massachusetts Democrat for not having a plan to pay for such a monumental and likely expensive policy. She was targeted excessively during the fourth Democratic presidential debate in Ohio.

“I plan over the next few weeks to put out a plan that talks about, specifically, the cost of ‘Medicare for all’ and, specifically, how we pay for it,” Warren said Sunday in remarks at a town hall event. more here

16 Comments on Elizabeth Warren Says She’ll Release Another Plan To Pay For Medicare For All

  1. “I plan over the next few weeks to put out a plan…”

    So, a plan to plan?

    Have you ever looked at a printed word so much that it just becomes a bunch of lines with no meaning? “Plan” is starting to look that way to me.

  2. As well as the means of paying for it, maybe what treatments, access, and other medical services will be guaranteed with it should be discussed as well.

    Without knowing exactly what those are, whom they will be given to, and how long patients will have to wait to receive them any guesses as to the actual costs are futile.

    For instance, will services for older adults be delayed until after they are likely to have died like is done in the UK? Will the obese, smokers and such be put at the bottom of the waiting list the way they are in the UK? And on and on.

    These things need to be known, and clearly specified in the proposed law, for the discussion of paying for it has any meaning. Otherwise we just end up with Obamacare on steroids at the taxpaying public’s expense.

  3. @Anonymous October 21, 2019 at 9:10 am

    > These things need to be known, and clearly specified in the proposed law, for the discussion of paying for it has any meaning.

    Where do you think you ARE!? Some kind of turd world REPUBLIC!?

  4. How about someone ask the medical professionals if they are all willing to work for half-pay when “Medicare For All” goes into effect? When I look at my Medicare Statement of Benefits which comes in the mail every quarter, the thing that jumps out is this: Amount billed by the provider: $426. Amount Medicare approved:$278. Amount Medicare paid: $197. Just ask the providers if they are cool with this. Most of them don’t make enough money off Medicare, Tri-Care or Medicaid to pay the rent, staff, elecricity, etc. to keep their clinics open.That is why many doctors are not taking any new Medicare patients. If one Medicare patient dies, then they will take one more. But the Medicare pay-off RIGHT NOW is not adequate to keep the clinics in business. So then let’s add on everyone in the whole country–plus illegals! It can not possibly work. Ever. Plan or no plan, Lizzie.

  5. One of the things that I’ve found in reading comments from around the net on this subject is that while Canada’s system is held up as an example by the left they don’t know what’s actually paid for. Just about everyone has this completely wrong idea that our system included things like prescription drugs, dental, physio, vision and a host of others. It does not. Maybe the candidates ought to first describe what will actually be covered by their “plan” then describe how it will be paid for because our system sure as hell isn’t free.

  6. She plans to print the money. It’s a toofer: it “pays for” SantaCare and simultaneously evaporates privately held wealth. What’s not to like?

    Invest in precious metals, propellants, and delivery devices.

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