Elizabeth Warren Tries To Get Back Into Presidential Race By Pandering To Ignorant Lunatic “Impeachment” Fringe – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren Tries To Get Back Into Presidential Race By Pandering To Ignorant Lunatic “Impeachment” Fringe

14 Comments on Elizabeth Warren Tries To Get Back Into Presidential Race By Pandering To Ignorant Lunatic “Impeachment” Fringe

  1. If those clowns in Congress pursue impeachment, then every conservative, every patriot, every Trump supporter must march on the swamp of Washington DC.

  2. where is her friggin’ dog? That was probably the only redeeming thing about her. I can’t think of any others.
    I think she stuffed poor ‘Bailey’ down the garbage grinder.
    proof of life! And that goes for hussein, too- he had 2 dogs. Where are they?

  3. Still laughing that they think 2020 is even in play.
    Remember. It’s Fake News.
    They have to play thier parts as was pre-written.
    The best play is to just stay seated in the Winners Balcony and toss bruised fruit at the actors and preemptively shout out their scripted lines in advance to mock them.

  4. Congress could read it just like we did. They didn’t. Only a handful of R’s did.
    They could also go read the slightly redacted version to see what they actually wanted to question Mueller about.
    They didn’t go to read it. They refused to, by their own words.
    Fuck off, Dems.
    You gets nothing.

  5. If ya ever wondered how fukin disingenuous and phony she wuz before, just look at how disingenuous and phony she is today… then go Pimp-Slap a Haaaverd Dean for being a pandering moron!


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