Elon Musk appears open to idea of buying media platforms – IOTW Report

Elon Musk appears open to idea of buying media platforms


Elon Musk has been in the news for his increased opposition to the narrative put forth by legacy media outlets like CNN and the New York Times.

Musk’s criticism of this partisan bias, and calls for the public to embrace the truth prompted conservative commentator and author Dinesh D’Souza to remark that Musk could alter the political and cultural landscape by having skin in the game, suggesting he could acquire or create a media platform of his own. Alternatively, he could run his own online university, D’Souza suggested.

“Tweets are fine @elonmusk but you can dramatically change the political and cultural landscape this way: 1. Buy and take over a major social media platform 2. Acquire or create a TV network like ABC, NBC or CBS  3. Create a world-class online university and offer degrees for free,” D’Souza wrote on Twitter. more

7 Comments on Elon Musk appears open to idea of buying media platforms

  1. Love Musk or hate him, think he’s a capitalist or a DildoCrat…….if he carries through with this in any meaningful, whole-hearted way, not half-stepping………it WILL be interesting, not to mention upsetting a few old school DeMSM apple carts.
    (if it was open for investors, I’d throw in a few inflated worthless US Treasury notes, just for shits & grins)

  2. The Deep State will send out the FCC goons before Musk could get anything off the ground.(Pun Intended) The Truth Social launch will be a good preview of this… mark my words. Cant have the free market picking winners and losers in the media markets. Big Government might lose their monopoly on “The Narrative”.


  3. He exploited/exploits the rules that were/are in place. Takes advantage of a citizenry and the taxpayers who collectively tolerate what the government has become. Trump was upsetting that apple cart and it impressed me that Elon Musk was among the very few who are profiting from that dynamic who was not siding against the American people by viciously attacking Trump at every turn. Trump gets it, when they are attacking him, they are attacking we who desire a return to Constitutional governance.

    Constitutional conservatism allows the free market to decide and The Party (Deep State, Academia, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media) interests lose their Goddamned minds at the thought of that. Freedom in the market of ideas is fundamental to all other markets remaining free. You bet he will be attacked viciously if he proceeds with this.

    Will he do it? I wouldn’t put it past him.

  4. Elon Musk… admirable… apolitical… opportunist. Isn’t he the biggest recipient of greenie corporate welfare in the world? I’d rather he went into manufacturing a line of vehicles that used real fuel and had no computerized parts.

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