Elon Musk Drops Video on X That Would Have Been Taken Off Twitter – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Drops Video on X That Would Have Been Taken Off Twitter

HT/ Lurker

11 Comments on Elon Musk Drops Video on X That Would Have Been Taken Off Twitter

  1. The SOB is a REAL GENIUS.

    IDGAF about the cars, but he makes the BEST one if that’s what you want.

    Of note:
    The USA needs Him to reliably get a payload into space.
    Why run Cables or Fibre if you can eventually use starlink?
    He’s building the Worlds largest AI Super Computer.

    It will be a fun ride right up until Cyberdyne & The Terminators wipe us the Fuck out. …and they won’t be massive robots that you can hammer with a 50 Cal., they will be drones from the size of a chipmunk down to a termite.

    Fuck it, Enjoy the ride that we Deserve as a Species!

    i await the onslaught…

  2. ^^^^ Walter Isaacson, probably the greatest and most prolific biographer in the last 50 years, has written a bio on Musk that came out last week;


    I ordered it at my library the day it came out, should be a great read. The guy is just driven to excel at everything he does, something to be emulated.

  3. My shitty X experience of the day:

    1. Two weeks ago, one of the people I follow posted this:

    “JUST ANNOUNCED: Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury for his alleged role in using ketchup on his scrambled eggs.”

    2. I responded, clearly facetiously:

    “The monster!… Hang him high!”

    3. This morning, X informed my that my account was permanently suspended for “Inciting Violence”.

    4. I protested claiming that the response was clearly humorous hyperbole.

    5. They said the decision stood.

    6. I go to cancel my Blue Check account, and X says I can’t do that because I’m permanently suspended.

    7. I contact X support saying that if I can’t cancel my account, then I’m reporting them to my bank for fraudulent charges unless they cancel the account.

    8. X sends me a message that they made a mistake, and that my suspension was only for 12 hours (for literally nothing). And the fucking cunts dropped all my follows and 220 followers.

    It’s still TWATTER.

  4. Crimes against humanity charges for the hundreds of thousands of co-conspirators, and death upon conviction. Seems only right. And then start in on all the liars regarding the plannedemic, the censors who blocked life-saving information, the governors and FDA folks who banned life-saving drugs, the media who was beyond complicit, the social media censors, and EVERYONE who played a role. That alone should reduce our population by several million and help restore trust and honesty to medicine again…maybe.


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