Elon Musk In Negotiations to Finalize Purchase of Twitter – IOTW Report

Elon Musk In Negotiations to Finalize Purchase of Twitter

Red State

I guess the lesson here is to never doubt a multi-billionaire who invented the ability for rockets to land themselves and be reused.

In a stunning move that has now been confirmed by multiple sources, Elon Musk is apparently closing in on a deal to buy Twitter. On Sunday evening, RedState reported that his offer was being reconsidered. Now, per The New York Times, things have progressed to the point where they are “nearing” a deal. More

5 Comments on Elon Musk In Negotiations to Finalize Purchase of Twitter

  1. After all the teeth gnashing and rending of garments it was probably the shareholders that had the final word on the sale. It’s called capitalism and feelings don’t matter.


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