Elon Musk Leaves Biden in the Dust After Joe Tries to Take a Shot at Him – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Leaves Biden in the Dust After Joe Tries to Take a Shot at Him

RedState: One of the things that I think people find intriguing about Elon Musk is that although he’s the richest man in the world, he doesn’t play the elitist game. He responds to anyone on Twitter and shares the same thoughts that many Americans do about things.

Chief among them is that the Democrats have gone too far to the left and that’s not good. That’s why he says he’ll vote Republican in the upcoming election because he believes the Democrats have become the party of “division and hate.” He’s also expressed a lot of concerns about the economy, much like the rest of us.

One of the concerns is whether a recession is on the horizon. Musk has told his top executives at Tesla they need to slash jobs by 10 percent and pause hiring worldwide — because he has a ‘super bad feeling’ about the economy. He said he’s not letting go people who work the assembly line, so it sounds like it’s mostly management.

Experts agree with Musk the global economy was in freefall, and his ‘bad feeling’ is shared by many. more here

9 Comments on Elon Musk Leaves Biden in the Dust After Joe Tries to Take a Shot at Him

  1. Biden & all the d’rats are such snarky, smarmy, petty shitweasel student council creeps

    … our ‘betters’ … leading our country into petty shitweasel paradise … & a millennium of darkness

    God guide Elon Musk

  2. Cars aren’t the problem. Tractors are not the problem.

    Actually biden and obola are the problems. Communist, anti-US scumbags.

    Silver was 22 something, today. Why?

    But I beat a dead horse.

  3. I think the segment of the ruling class that dreams of bigger things for mankind other than festering on this planet throwing temper tantrums all day due to government instilled obsessions about their race and gender is starting to push back at all this evil moronic bullshit brought about by filth like Biden. 50 years ago, we were putting MEN on the Moon. Now, the worthless bureaucratic filth who control government entities everywhere are solely interested in mentally jerking themselves off by wrecking every system of value that benefits average people in the hopes those people will just die off on their own. Someone needs to die in that equation. That’s for sure.

  4. “One of the things that I think people find intriguing about Elon Musk is that although he’s the richest man in the world, he doesn’t play the elitist game.”

    Gee, if only we could have a President like that: accomplished, independent, clear thinking and not owned by The Swamp.
    If only!


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