Elon Musk says he plans to move Tesla out of California and sue county after coronavirus restrictions – IOTW Report

Elon Musk says he plans to move Tesla out of California and sue county after coronavirus restrictions

He says he’s moving to Texas or Nevada.

Wash Exam-

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he was “immediately” filing a lawsuit against a California county that is not allowing his company’s headquarters to reopen because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Making the comments Saturday on Twitter, Musk tore into Alameda County’s interim public health officer, Dr. Erica Pan, and also said Tesla will move its operations in California to another state, calling the county’s coronavirus restrictions the “final straw.”

“Tesla is filing a lawsuit against Alameda County immediately. The unelected & ignorant ‘Interim Health Officer’ of Alameda is acting contrary to the Governor, the President, our Constitutional freedoms & just plain common sense!” Musk said.

“Frankly, this is the final straw. Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately. If we even retain Fremont manufacturing activity at all, it will be dependen on how Tesla is treated in the future. Tesla is the last carmaker left in CA,” the SpaceX founder added.

The entrepreneur has also said he doesn’t believe the mortality rates published by the World Health Organization.



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24 Comments on Elon Musk says he plans to move Tesla out of California and sue county after coronavirus restrictions

  1. Problem here is that he’s a typical lefty: He hates living under the policies he votes for and supports. He’s okay with everyone else having to live under them, just not him. And when he moves to Texas, he’ll bring his lefty attitudes and lefty friends with him. And 10 years from now when they’ve made Texas all lefty, they won’t a) understand what happened, and b) won’t like what they’ve created.

  2. I don’t really like Musk all that much, but I do like his attitude here and his willingness to act on it.

    I wish him success to the highest degree possible.

  3. So, does further subsidies from the US taxpayer for his moving expenses while *states get into a bidding war for no taxes for “X” number of years to land the new plant sound about right?

    *State must have legalized cannabis to be considered.

  4. He is bluffing! trying to scare Gav! Musk will not move if Gav does not capitulate.

    But is is bad optics for Gav to have 1 of his big backers say this.

  5. Lorena Gonzalez is the one who is responsible for the AB5 bill in California. The one who put independent contractors out of business. Made thousands of people unemployed. Wanted everyone to be unionized. Aimed mainly at Uber divers…. it hit every aspect of the independent contractor economy.

    ESPECIALLY….Her bill has resulted in “..staffing shortages in the healthcare industry, particularly in fields generally staffed by contractors or locum tenens providers: physicians assistants, nurses, nurse anesthetists, and respiratory therapists.”

    Way to go Lorena!! Make Coronoa worse!!! Unionize or DIE!!!

  6. Way off his meds. Never going to forget that this egomaniac falsely accused the British diver who helped save those Thai kids trapped in that cave a pedophile with absolutely no proof, when he correctly disparaged Musk’s unworkable tube. A great miscarriage of Justice when he lost his defamation lawsuit. Musk claimed that he didn’t know that “Pedo” was another way of calling someone a Pedophile. Elon Musk’s companies wouldn’t survive without subsidies.

  7. Lance O Lot is probably correct, but I still have a small inkling that his liberal ass is slowly getting red pilled. Nothing like it getting into your own wallet for even libs to understand Marxist control.

  8. Back in the 80’s and 90’s the Bay Area was solid conservative. Then China Globalism, Socialism. I’m not sure how Elon votes, but yes, all those executive types sure helped create this mess. Elon’s not joking. I’ll bet he’s busy on the phone right now. Next up, emergency legislation to stop companies from moving out of state. Socialism is here.

  9. I don’t like Elon that much however I agree with him that the Coronovirus numbers are not to be trusted. Chine fucked up and released a bad flu like virus then lied about it and the WHO, CDC, NIH etc panicked and turned what should have been a bad flu season into an economy and soul crushing event. Politicians likely knew about halfway in that this while not a hoax, wasn’t a world challenging event either but were too far in to admit the truth. One can only hope that Trump forms an investigative group to drag the truth out for citizens to see.

  10. Why do they never threaten to move to Seattle? Or Colorado?
    Chitcago? Detroit?

    Or how about NYC?! Certainly the magnificent Gov Cuomo (and fellow genius AOC) would help the noble Mr Musk!

  11. BRAD

    “Back in the 80’s and 90’s the Bay Area was solid conservative. ”

    If you define it as :Gilroy, Stockton,Santa Rosa I may agree. But if you mean Friso, Oakland,Novato I strongly, ardently disagree! I picked Cheries in Sunnyvale long before you were born and the second area was far left then. A few years later as an undergrad I watched the violent thug Mario Savio an his Goons at the Gate. Just as far left then.

    I had kin in San Maeo, Frisco, Pleasanton and many other places near by 30 years ago; it was just a liberal.
    My definition of far eft, liberal is folk that hated Barry + Ronny.

  12. an ol exjarhead

    People from the Bay Area consider Santa Clara County, Freemomt, etc the Bay Area. We do not consider Oakland or San Fransisco the By Area or Silicon Valley. WE are probably geographically incorrect, but that is the truth.


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