Elon Musk’s Tesla Finishes First ‘Cybertruck’ Years Behind Schedule – IOTW Report

Elon Musk’s Tesla Finishes First ‘Cybertruck’ Years Behind Schedule

I’m guessing it’s late because the builders kept cutting themselves on the sharp edges.

Daily Caller:

Elon Musk’s Tesla announced Saturday that its new electric “Cybertruck” rolled off the assembly line for the first time, about two years behind its original schedule.

Tesla unveiled its plans for the electric truck in 2019, though said production would not begin until 2021, according to The Associated Press. The company announced in a tweet Saturday that it had been completed in Texas. 

“First Cybertruck built at Giga Texas!” the company tweeted with a picture of the truck and its construction crew. MORE

38 Comments on Elon Musk’s Tesla Finishes First ‘Cybertruck’ Years Behind Schedule

  1. I’m not a Fan of Electric Vehicles, I HATE HEAT PUMPS (36 years HVAC-ing) & Don’t believe in Re-usable Rockets.

    BUT if you want and electric Car, He builds the Best One.

    I admire that he is at least TRYING to create an open public square for Discourse of opinions. Almost Everyone else is trying to shut free speech, & thus Thought, down.

    Cheers all.

  2. My prediction is that the politically driven woke EV trend will be an epic fail, and I hope that these misguided politically driven business decision to embrace woke EVs backfires in the worst of ways. And believe me, I will be screaming from the rooftops to my congressional representatives don’t you dare bail them out when they go woke and broke and look for another taxpayer bailout.

  3. Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, right? OK, I have to say I LIKE the way that truck looks, and I’d very much like to have one, just as soon as Elon puts a big, fat, rumbly diesel engine in it.

  4. I’ve worked with industrial electrical vehicles for 25 years, using every battery type and many onfigurations, all in a controlled environment woth people actually paid to service them, change their batteries, and charge them using OEM technology.

    I wouldn’t own one on a bet.

  5. I buy our vehicles to serve us. I’ll let others buy vehicles that demand you serve them. I guess I don’t have the same need for attention. There is one called a Riva that I saw four stranded on the side of I-90 between Moses and I-5 over one weekend. I’m not sure I saw a single one of them being driven. I didn’t know what they were and had to look it up on my iPad.

  6. I won’t pull a 14,000 pound toy hauler 600 miles. Maybe 50 before it needs charging. even with my small diesel tank (26 gallon) I only have to stop 3 times for just a little while.

  7. George Waters AT 9:48 PM
    “SNS is there anything you haven’t done in life?”

    …I’ve had 4 basic jobs with 6 different employers and never claimed more or less in any post; dishwasher, auto mechanic, industrial technician/electrician, and FF/EMT. Some of these jobs I did concurrently with others, stopping only for things like net being able to do two 12 hour jobs simultaneously. I also went to college at the same time I was working on cars and running night shift fire, I had a lot more energy and alot less need for sleep once.

    And Anon, you go right ahead and buy up the best ev your heart desires. Drive it in all weather all year round and let us know how it works out for you at trade in time.

    If you make it that far.


  8. I don’t see a trailer hitch, does Elon claim it has a towing capacity? Elon is not Ford. Maybe one would have to buy/pay for the bigger battery capacity/towing.
    I personally like the Rivan EV truck appearance better, but they are not towing vehicles are they?
    So how can a semi-truck EV ever be made?

  9. Battery technology is in it’s infancy, ever evolving ever changing. You are no longer & have not been part of this change for a long time. One who claims they know it all would be a very rich man. Then others are just na-sayers because they are not inventors. Where there is a will there is always a way.

  10. The only good thing an EV delivers is instant torque and hence acceleration. That’s what’s at stake here. It’s the only difference between an EV and an ICE. Now we have more mainstream (“affordable”) EVs coming on the market from traditional automakers that are 0-60 in about 7 seconds. Big whoop, so what’s the draw? Nothing. Other than THINKING they are doing good for the environment, when they aren’t.

    If I want acceleration and speed, I got a 1230cc beast motorcycle sitting in the garage with a quick shifter that’ll get me from zero to 60 in 3.3 seconds and tops out around 150mph and 11500 RPM. Or a hot hatch turbo 4 cycl that’ll do 0 to 60 in 4.4 seconds. That’s good enough for me. Don’t need no stinkin EV. But mainly I drive a 20 year old clapped out Honda Accord with 247,000 miles and park it as close as I can get it to $100k EVs sitting in the grocery store parking lot.

  11. Anonymous AT 11:28 PM

    To make emissions “goals.” Automakers are required to have certain carbon standards within their fleet if they are to get approved to sell them as homologated vehicles. They can make a dinosaur burning car that gets 10MPG, but then have to make 2 other models that are EVs if they want to still sell the gas car. It’s the reason why a lot of cars have been discontinued.

    But in the case of performance cars like Ferrari and the like, they are getting performance from the battery to pad MPG numbers, as my understanding a lot of their builds are hybrids. They can’t legally throw together a whole fleet of 10-15 MPG homologated vehicles anymore without some EV offset. Now if they built a whole fleet of 54+ MPG vehicles, they would meet the standards, but lose the performance.

  12. Quite so, ecp. I had 2 Ducati 996s that could do 0 to 60 in under 3 seconds. And topped out at just a couple of MPH under 200. At that point I didn’t give a shit about cars, or even motorcycles. My boss and dear friend Rich was killed in an automobile “accident”, and I was in a funk for about a year. I no longer cared about speed, and ride height, and fuel maps.

    I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but I began to hate the entire hotrod scene, even though I was part of it. Rich didn’t even die in a hotrod.

    I had done what I had done, but suddenly it didn’t make sense any more.

  13. Hello, you COMPLETELY missed my whole point! When did I ever talk about America’s emission standards? Superfast cars have nothing to do with this! These are cars normal people will never be able to buy, only the super rich. Next Donald Trump gutted the EPA/emissions, so what the fuck are you talkin bout Willis?

  14. Anonymous,

    So go buy an electric Ferrari.
    I’m of Italian descent.
    Italian cars are like Italian Women. (They LOOK GREAT and completely break down when you need them the most)

    Last i heard, the Telsa “S” still outperforms the E-Porche.

    The Electric Lightening F-150 looses 60 miles of range if you put a Fat Broad in the passenger seat.
    Watch Formula “E” racing- PURE SHIT!

    I think they used to call them BIN fuel standards where everything you produced had to achieve a combined standard. So the God damned Electric Shitbox offsets the emissions that the V-12 Garage Queen shits out its Delicate ass.

  15. I remember my slap-head BIL said, “I don’t want 500 horsepower, I want 750!” I remember thinking the retard couldn’t handle a 168HP Suburban, much less a powerful vehicle.

  16. And I had a couple of slap-head retard BILs. One covered up his AC return with cardbaord, and the same clown had weeds growing into his condenser.

    And the other moron couldn’t start his lawn mower.

    Thankfully I moved away, and have not had to look at the ignorant motherfuckers in almost a decade.

    One ignorant motherfucker, the one who couldn’t start a lawn mower, burnt down his plastic siding with a gas grill.

    I’m tired. What happened to the, “Did we land on the moon?” thread?

  17. Erik, I think we need another conspiracy-tin-foil-hat thread.
    We have many true believers here.
    Hook-line-sinker, gobbling that shit up.
    Not even naming names…

    I get it, the govt can’t be trusted but Occam’s Razor exists for a reason…

  18. can’t wait to see all those Grand Prix cars go all-electric … the pit stops will be fabulous! entertainment

    “here’s the #42 ferrari going in for it’s 30 minute charge …. while the #33 lamborgini is getting ready to end it’s 15 minute ‘burst’ charge … what strategy! … what excitement!

    meanwhile at the Indy 500 the grid of Indianapolis has been diverted to the charging of the race cars, so that pit stops only take 15 minutes each …. what a great race … sorry about that outage in Indianapolis, folks …. stay tuned for the 48 hours at Indy!

  19. I have a tin foil hat that looks like a derby. And my own Brother once said I should own a top hat. Deh gubbmen can eat my ass, but they, they who went, went there, and came back.

  20. ΜΟΛΩΝ, I was at Town Square Mall in Vegas Saturday, 50 Teslas lined up to charge at the charging stations in 113 degree heat.
    They had to wait an hour to even start charging.
    Then, while charging they likely spent a couple Franklins eating dinner at the expensive restaurants.
    I am assuming you can leave your car while it charges, or perhaps your family gets to eat while you park your ass in your fancy electric…

  21. A duped Desandis tard calling people names. In lv. What a chithole, no wonder your a tool.

    Lithium is mined using diesel powered heavy equipment. If all cars were electric, the amount of diesel required to mine that amount of lithium, would be more than if everyone drove around in diesel powered vehicles.

    Electric cars have about 750 lbs of petroleum based plastics in them.

    50,000 gallons of water is required to produce 1 ton of lithium, about 15 cars.

    Electric cars are so heavy that you are lucky if you get 20,000 miles out of a set of new tires

    How is this green?


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