Elon Plans on Firing 75% of Twitter Employees – IOTW Report

Elon Plans on Firing 75% of Twitter Employees


A big potential blow for thousands working at Twitter. On Thursday, the Washington Post released details about Elon Musk’s alleged plans to slash staffing across the company by 75%. More

21 Comments on Elon Plans on Firing 75% of Twitter Employees

  1. Elon’s top priority should be how to make Twitter profitable. He did not buy the company to make a political statement, or to be a free speech champion, although that is important to him. He is a businessman and as such expects to make money on the transaction.

    After getting rid of all the dead wood and streamlining productivity, move the company out of that shithole city (and state) and to a more hospitable business-friendly location.

  2. Learn to not elect politicians that actively campaign to make your lives miserable. When they say they will kill the fossil fuel industry, open the border, print ridiculous amounts of money, make the military woke and ineffective, and send all our weapons to other countries because they hate ours……….listen to them, believe them, and elect the other guy.

  3. It’s a frickin website. You need one person to standby to reboot the server when it crashes, and maybe 5 programmers on call. Sales is all done thru the website, finance is all automated, network is handled by the data center. What am I missing? OH, thirty thousand people to read every single tweet looking for wrongthink, and a few thousand to liaison with the Biden admin and the thirty thousand tweet police to make sure the proper wrongthink is silenced.

  4. How many employees will place grenades in the software before they leave?
    Some employees will sabotage the company in any way they can.
    Destroy, obstruct, deceit and deception, Hillary showed how it’s done.

  5. “Twitter will self-distruct immediately after purchase, Mission Impossible. Hope this idiot drives into the ground.”

    The idiot that has absolutely shamed NASA on how to conduct some of the most complicated activities (manned space launch) known to man? That idiot?

  6. @cato
    OCTOBER 21, 2022 AT 7:32 PM

    “Some employees will sabotage the company in any way they can.”

    Which is exactly why the WaPoo published this unsubstantiated story.

  7. First Elon sez he’s going to buy Twatter.
    Then Elon sez “no”.
    Then Twatter sez “you promised!”
    Now Elon sez he’ll fire 3/4 of Twatter.
    Now what’s Twatter going to do?
    Force Elon to go through with the purchase?
    And lose all their SJW Libtard “Fact Checkers”?
    Or tell Elon ” uhhh….the deal’s off! now go away!”

    Grab the popcorn and a libation.


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