Elvis: Destined To Die Young – IOTW Report

Elvis: Destined To Die Young

Forty-four years ago today “The King” was found dead in his bathroom at Graceland. Initially ruled a heart attack, the narrative quickly changed to an addiction to pharmaceuticals for Elvis Presley’s death, but a new book on his family history tries to make the case that it was bad genetics that brought about his untimely demise. Here

26 Comments on Elvis: Destined To Die Young

  1. I remember where I was at the time.
    I heard it on the news at a friends house.
    I went home and mom was making dinner.
    She was a HUGE Elvis fan.
    I should have waited until after dinner to tell her but I was young and dumb.
    She was literally ill after I told her.
    She didn’t eat a damn thing and actually cried.
    RIP King!

  2. Prescription drug abuse has killed millions – it is a racket to prescribe people in pain addictive drugs ripe for abuse and get them hooked for life. Big pharma wins and sometimes pays what for them is a minor penalty in lawsuit fines. So common pretty much everyone knows someone that went down this route. Heck even Rush Limbaugh got hooked for back issues. But trust the science, safe and effective.

  3. The author found Elvis’s maternal grandmother had married a cousin. Who knows how many generations of inbreeding may have been in The King’s genetics?

    Perhaps a DNA sample would shed some light.

  4. A lot of the women that I worked with at the time were devastated when Elvis died 44 years ago. Personally except for some of his earlier stuff in the mid to late 50’s he was overrated. And he sucked as an actor. And the parody song In A Yugo ruined and made better (in a funny way) In The Ghetto which was Elvis’s worse song ever. I am far more of a Buddy Holly fan than I ever was of Elvis.

  5. Elvis ws not only the world’s best singer; but a good man!

    His good friend Carl Perkins wrote “Blue Swede Shoes” , Carll said he did not know, how to spell suede when he wrote the song, in ’55, (I was so “hip” I had a pair before Carl wrote the song!)

    Carl and Elvis were both born DIRT POOR.(I could put Elvis’s house in my living room twice!). To get $ Carl ran shine. Right after he wrote “Shoes’ the BatFuckers (We called ‘em “revenuers” 70 years ago.) ran him off a cliff. He spent 2 weeks in ICU an over another month in hospital. Sam told Elvis to record Shoe.s . Elvis said” If I record it Carl will never have a big hit. When I did Hound Dog nobody remembers that the original big hit ( not so big; only about 400 g sold.) was by Bill Haily. After Carl records his song I will.

    Carl recorded it when he got out of hospital. It was a smash hit! #1 for 5 weeks. Some of the songs that Carl beat: Elv Heartbreak Hotel ,Jail House Rock. Was a “Gold record” sold over 1.5 mill.

    Sam, mad at Elv for “insubordination”,. Sold him to RCA. The month after Carl hit #! Elv recorded it for RCa. Elv sold over 6 Mil!

    I had many friends in ’59 who did not remember that the original hit had been done by Carl. Just as I’m sure they did not know that Bill had the first “hit” of hound Dog.

    Elvis could have done as Sam said and Carl would never hav had a hi tAS A SINGER on Shoes.

    Belated disclaimer: I am, and have been an Elvis fan for 68 yers. Clearly biased.

  6. I was 24 and getting married a month later on Sept. 11, 1971. Yep, my anniversary was 9/11 since my wife’s 21st birthday was the day before and she didn’t want to get married on her birthday. Elvis’s First appearance on Ed Sullivan was on Sunday 9/09/1956 the night before my wife was born.

  7. willysgoatgruff AUGUST 16, 2021 AT 9:17 PM

    “Elvis got to sniff all over Ann Margaret which makes the rest of us all losers….”

    Fact check true.

  8. I heard two of his songs on radio on way home from work that day. Pre internet days when we didn’t know it yet at work. I heard it happened in his bathroom at Graceland. Years later I visited Graceland but they did not let us go upstairs at all out of respect to the family.

  9. My wife’s mom suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease and was out of it most of her last year or so at the nursing home.
    Recordings of Elvis would get her about ready to dance right out of the wheelchair.

  10. I visited Graceland in 1980 and we got to go upstairs to view the Jungle Room. I asked if we could see the bathroom where Elvis OD’ed, but I’m afraid the guide considered my request to be in poor taste. Can’t imagine why.



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