Emails Show Obama-Era FCC Gave Special Treatment To Liberal Groups – IOTW Report

Emails Show Obama-Era FCC Gave Special Treatment To Liberal Groups

DC: High-ranking officials at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gave left-leaning groups a disproportionate amount of assistance compared to right-leaning groups in 2014, emails obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show.

The preferential treatment transpired during a period when the public could post comments on the FCC’s forum for the net neutrality debate. Both major sides of the policy battle rushed to post as many remarks as possible in an attempt to show its viewpoint was more widely held. But some employees at the FCC worked overtime to tip the scale in favor of proponents of net neutrality by constantly accommodating and communicating with groups like Fight for the Future and other members of the larger coalition known as Battle for the Net.

Fight for the Future is a relatively liberal organization, especially with respect to the net neutrality debate. The group’s campaign director is Evan Greer, who, according to his LinkedIn page, worked three years to free an al-Qaida terrorist convicted of planning to shoot up a Boston shopping mall.

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4 Comments on Emails Show Obama-Era FCC Gave Special Treatment To Liberal Groups

  1. This is why any sensible conservative should oppose “net neutrality” like the plague. The term “net neutrality” is like the term “anti-fascist”. In practice, it is the exact opposite of what it is labeled.

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