Embarrassment (D-CA) Says People Are Taxed So Much They Can’t Afford To Pay Them – IOTW Report

Embarrassment (D-CA) Says People Are Taxed So Much They Can’t Afford To Pay Them

In her zeal to trash Trump, the unqualified-to-be-anything-but-a-politician, Maxine Waters let it slip that she knows people can’t afford to pay their taxes. Yet, she’s in the party of never ending tax increases.

Earlier, she outdid her usual stupidity by claiming she never called for Trump’s impeachment seconds after a host showed her tweet calling for Trump’s impeachment.

(She also spelled “every day” as one word in her tweet, which means ordinary. She meant to convey that she would work each day, but she’s too stupid to know the difference.)


20 Comments on Embarrassment (D-CA) Says People Are Taxed So Much They Can’t Afford To Pay Them

  1. What she really meant was that she knows people who flat out refuse to pay their taxes or cheat on them. As a matter of fact, IMO she works with them in her… caucus.

  2. I love it when people try so hard they contradict themselves.

    Why don’t you lower their taxes then, genius?

    Reminds me of a vacuum salesman that wanted my signature on a contract I wasn’t present at when the sale happened. It was a month later and way past the 3 day period any door-to-door sales can be easily cancelled. A $1,200 Kirby (1991 price) for a house with no carpet. Hardwood and tile. I wanted it and it’s payments gone. I wasn’t ever going to write a check for it any way.

    Wifey says he’s on the phone and needs directions. Why? I ask. Says he needs a signature on something.

    Me on phone: Hey, I’m glad you called. I want to cancel this contract and get our old vacuum back. (worthless piece we didn’t use anyway).

    Him: Can’t do that. We’re past the 3 day period for cancellation. I need you to sign this insurance paper.

    Me: Well, you didn’t need my signature to sell it, so I don’t need to sign anything that’s a done deal already.

    Him: If you don’t sign it, I’ll have to cancel this and take the Kirby back!

    His sigh at the realization of what he just said was loud. You could hear the wind leave him and his sails. I laughed out loud.

    Him: I’ll be right over with your old one and pick the Kirby up.

    Funny how he didn’t need directions any more, either.

  3. Anony, Yeah, they’re awesome, but we didn’t need it or the payments. It was just one more thing she did that we couldn’t afford. She did a 28 day rehab for alcohol between buying it and that conversation. I thought her days of recklessness would end after that, but sadly, it didn’t. Her problems were much deeper.

    God bless her, though. She’s been sober ever since. Still selfish and materialistic, but sober. Always acknowledge and congratulate her sobriety birthday, but also always keep her out of my financial affairs.

    We get along much better that way.

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