Embryos Are Humans – IOTW Report

Embryos Are Humans

I am woman, hear me roar…

I am woman, watch me grow
See me standing toe to toe
As I spread my lovin’ arms across the land
But I’m still a little embryo
With such a long, long way to go


^ I guess this isn’t the official feminist song any longer. They no longer believe in what a woman is nor that an embryo is a human being.

Nikki Haley went a bit farther, declaring embryos to be babies. To someone that can kill a baby up until the moment it is born, this has to make their head explode.


Nikki Haley on Wednesday endorsed a state ruling that considers frozen embryos created through in-vitro fertilization to be humans, saying, “Embryos, to me, are babies.” The Republican presidential candidate made the comments in an interview with NBC NewsThe ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court has caused concern among patients and health care providers about the future of the procedure; the University of Alabama at Birmingham announced Wednesday that it’s suspending IVF treatments in light of the court decision. The school said it wants to weigh whether its patients or doctors could be prosecuted under the ruling. IVF allows doctors to test embryos for genetic abnormalities and implant only healthy ones, reducing the risk of miscarriage, NBC News notes.

19 Comments on Embryos Are Humans

  1. Whoops, I misspelled aeroplane. And did it again. 🙂

    Of course a human embryo is a human embryo. What else could it be, a rat?

    I’d suppose all democRAT embryos are rats, but that a hell of a thing to tie around the neck of a human child.

    I’m sure once in a while liberal parents have actual human children.

  2. Don’t worry, Russia will make a cyborg-synthetic baby… While at the same time, the anti-mainstream anti-demonocratic right-wing will continue to write article after article on how Russia is fighting against the proxie clown Zelensky and against sanctions and against the satanic transhumanistic Western elites…

    “Strategy for the development of nature-like (convergent) technologies” (summary) – a fundamental strategy for Russia’s future. Here and here. In case someone is interested. (You can read about this nowhere else, I don’t know why, since Russia has been the most talked about country in the world for almost 2 years.)

    (Don’t mind me, I’m a nasty demonocratic AI bot and I have a special arrangement of special manipulative phrases to mislead decent people)

  3. Give to Planned Parenthood … so that babies may live.

    Twenty bucks to PeePee, (Planned Parenthood,) a couple of years ago has cost PeePee and the Demoncratic Party at least two to three times as much trying to convince my wife and me to give more.

  4. The zygotes speak, ‘it lives’.
    Since when do republicans believe in science? Excuse me, all embryos are not humans, morons.
    Human has to be used to describe the type of embryo one talking about, aka human embryos.
    “Embryos are human” says monkey man.
    “The collection of cells that has developed from the fertilized egg of a vertebrate animal, before all the major organs have developed.”

  5. ” Erik THURSDAY, 22 FEBRUARY 2024, 0:40 AT 12:40 AM
    I have sinned and Hell is where I will go. I have completely sinned.”

    Everyone is born a sinner. Everyone is born made for hell.

    That’s what Jesus saves us from.

  6. Of course human embryos are human. And “life”. What they are not are “persons” under the law, a term of art that means something different from “people”.

    The majority of voters in the U.S. do not believe that at the inception/conception, and for some period of time thereafter, the clump of cells that becomes zygote, then embryo, and in ways tracks evolutionary development of the higher mammals, either has a “soul” (explain identical twins that form days or more after conception, ditto reabsorbed embryos), or is a being that either feels pain or cares about its life, thus deserving anti-abortion absolutism. Apparently neither does God, because far far more zygotes end up flushed down the toilet in spontaneous abortion (“late period”) than are induced abortion.

    If some conservatives don’t get off the theocratic insistence on anti-abortion absolutism, which is the Donks’ only viable issue, we very well may end up with none of us having “the right to life”. (See 20th century history.)

  7. If it’s not a human life, why do you have to kill it? – Lila Rose
    I think it’s quite simple. If your mother had aborted you at ANY point during her pregnancy, you wouldn’t be here. That tells me when life begins.
    Life begins at conception. It’s obvious, because nothing grows if it is not living.
    “You have a God-given right to live inside your mother. To debate whether it’s right or wrong to rip you out of your mother’s womb? What in the world has happened to us?” – Phil Roberson
    As a former fetus I emphatically oppose abortion.

  8. Bubba, are you telling me that new born babies (after the 33rd trimester) are capable of taking total care of themselves (live on their own) without any human intervention at all? Most state laws mandate that parents take care of their children from birth until age 18! Why is that?

  9. re Jethro

    “You have a God-given right to live inside your mother…”

    Apparently not. See my comments above. You have the right personally to believe whatever religious dogma you want but other religions,including some titularly Christiian, differ, e.g “first breath”.

    We will be in a world of trouble if conservatives keep giving leftists their one valid issue. We do not live in a theocracy, and anti-abortion absolutism is a minority position, including on “the right.”

    As for me, I don’t care if leftists and libertines want to kill their own future leftist, criminal, or possibly crazy offspring. Don’t care. This is not an issue worth throwing away all the others, including the potential for our own offspring to live or die in a brave new world of war, sickness, misery, and de facto slavery.


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