Emerge Lurkers! Reader Survey – IOTW Report

Emerge Lurkers! Reader Survey

So many well known commenters started out by answering these reader questionnaires. It’s a good way to break the ice.

Copy and paste these questions into the comment box and answer as many that you’re comfortable with.

1- Last halloween costume you wore?

2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?

3- Favorite candy?

4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?

5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.

6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?

7- Movie that actually scared you?

8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?

9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?

10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?

11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain

12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?

13- Least favorite candy?

72 Comments on Emerge Lurkers! Reader Survey

  1. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    A guy wearing a hubcap from around his neck saying he was a 1956 Chevy.
    3- Favorite candy?
    PayDay bars
    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    On advice of counsel…….Yup!
    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    I plead the Fifth.
    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    The first Psycho….I was 7.
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Yes and yes
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    Yes to superstitions, and yes to surgery.
    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Nothing…..no kids come up the long driveway.
    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    Yup….too embarrassing to detail.
    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Can’t think of anything.
    13- Least favorite candy?
    Mary Janes

  2. 1- Last halloween costume you wore? Sexy Santa helper
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw? The old standard ghost made from a sheet, but the sheet was a floral pattern
    3- Favorite candy? Chic-O-Stic
    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? No, but I did my fair share of TPing
    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain. I worked at the front desk of a car repair shop. On April 1, I told one of our regular customers his car burned up. He was really good about it and we had a laugh.
    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing? My dad made paper mache masks for my 2 sisters and I. We went as the 3 little pigs.
    7- Movie that actually scared you? The Hitcher
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one? Yes, no, but I saw a UFO once.
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? No, depends on the Dr.
    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween? Nothing, I block the front door and sit in the dark. As I told Mr. Kakalogical “I don’t like kids enough to share my candy”.
    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain-No.
    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? I used to get religious tracts from one of our neighbors.
    13- Least favorite candy? anything gummy

  3. 1- Last Halloween costume you wore? pajamas, not a costume, my usual outfit

    2- Funniest Halloween costume you ever saw? A priest with a boy attached you-know-where

    3- Favorite candy? Milk Chocolate

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? Never

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain. April fools day, salt in the sugar bowl Tee-Hee

    6- First Halloween costume you remember wearing? Beatnik, with candy cigarettes, sunglasses, a sloppy shirt and vertically stripped tights.

    7- Movie that actually scared you? The Exorcist

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one? No, but I believe in angles.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? Not superstitious

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween? I’ve given up on that because the cute kids in the neighborhood have been replaced by aggressive teenage children.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain Salt in the sugar bowl!

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? An apple, my mother threw fruit, homemade items, and unwrapped candy away

    13- Least favorite candy? Turkish taffy

  4. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    I went as Gabrielle – the Vampire Lestat’s mother. And my friend went as Lestat.
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Someone wore a slip with a picture of Freud pinned to the front.
    3- Favorite candy?
    Heath Bars
    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    No. I don’t waste food.
    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    Yes. It was viciously mean, so no power in the ‘verse will get me to tell you about it.
    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    Mom made me a gypsy costume
    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    The Silence of the Lambs. I came home from the theater and turned on every light, opened every closet and slept in the living room facing the front door
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    I don’t.
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    I will never answer the phone on the first ring.
    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Restraining orders. I don’t do Halloween in my neighborhood. Too many thugs trying to gain access to your house. They ruined it for everyone else.
    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? Explain
    Someone tried. But it failed miserably. I punched him so hard in the solar plexus he dropped like a rock and couldn’t breathe. Nobody tried to prank me again.
    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    13- Least favorite candy?
    Candy Corn

  5. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Paul Revere

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Handmade dragon

    3- Favorite candy?
    Chocolate caramel sea salt

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    No. A tomato, yes

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    A friends birthday. Had a giant sponge and iced it to look like a birthday cake. She was not amused.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    Pink princess

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    Hitcher with Rutger Hauer. Anything with Hanoi Jane.

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Yes and Yes many times starting with my dad in 1974

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    No and yes

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Nothing. This is raral so no one ever t or t’s here. In the city we handed out mini-choclate bars and squirt guns.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Home made candy that looked a big snot wad

    13- Least favorite candy?
    candy corn or peeps

  6. 1- Last halloween costume?
    About 18 years ago the owner of the Minnesota Twins was begging for the state to build him a new stadium. On the ballot twice, voted down each time. He still was begging (state eventually built it anyway). At work, I dressed in a suite and tie and had fake money sticking out of all the pockets. Whenever someone asked who I was, I’d start to answer, pretend sneeze, then ‘wipe’ my nose with a $100 bill, crumple it up and throw it over my shoulder. Then I’d hold out my hand palm up and say, “I’m Carl Pohlad. Build me a stadium”.

    2- Funniest halloween costume?
    Lady with the ‘Smartie’ candies taped all over her pants. She was a ‘smarty pants’.

    3- Favorite candy?
    Heath bars

    4- thrown an egg at someone?
    Nope. But would consider throwing a rotten egg at Al Franken.

    5- pulled a practical joke?
    One time at work, a friend came in the morning and a sock fell out the cuff of his pants. I came in the next day with socks protruding from my pants, sleeves and neck. I was at my desk waiting for him to come in when my boss came up behind me to ask me a question. I hesitatingly turned around to answer him and he broke out laughing so hard he forgot to wait for my answer.

    6- First halloween costume?
    Hobo. Had pinned “patches” to my clothes and carried a stick with a hankie tied on the end.

    7- Movie that actually scared you?

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Nope. But my brother and sister swore they saw one once. 50 years later they still say it was real.

    9- Do you have any superstitions?
    No. In my senior year of college, my student ID was 666. It was a Christian college and my friend was manning the badge maker. He asked if I wanted a new one and I said, “No. I’m not superstitious.” That was a great year, so there!

    10- hand out on Halloween?
    tootsie rolls

    11- Have you ever been pranked?
    Yup. My boyfriend’s sisters TP’d my car. I drove it like that until all the TP flew off!

    12- Weirdest thing in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Money. I was almost disappointed. I wanted candy! But I saved it for later – bought more candy when my bag ran out!

    13- Least favorite candy?
    Anything with shredded coconut.

  7. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?

    3- Favorite candy?

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?

    7- Movie that actually scared you?

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?

    13- Least favorite candy?

  8. Last halloween costume you wore? Oh my gosh I have no idea!

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw? Now I’ve forgotten ever one I’ve ever seen.

    3- Favorite candy? Maybe those apple lollipops with the caramel inside.

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? No.

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain. Yeah but I suppose I’m not that good at them. When my son was little I pretended the plastic fly (that I secreted on my lip behind my cup at a restaurant) had been in my drink and pretended to spit it out. My son, then about four (and he has Asperger’s, so just be aware a lot of times those kiddos are super rule bound and sophisticated in behavior): “That’s just inappropriate.” That made me laugh way more than my own joke.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing? A clown one made by my aunt, which was actually quit nicely done, and looked professional. I think I was about five.

    7- Movie that actually scared you? I think it’s called Rainbow–it had voodoo stuff in it. I don’t believe in tat, of course, but somehow it managed to get to me. I pressed pause a lot.

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one? Yes and yes.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? I suppose we all try to say we don’t have superstitions when we do have at least some–at least that would be my admission. I don’t really pay attention much to Friday the 13th, but I think surgery on that day I might draw the line. I know it’s silly, but there it is.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween? Nothing because I’m usually out with my son trick or treating. This year will be the first he doesn’t want to go (he says he is too old) and he is excited to pass out candy.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain Hello, like all the time!!! My son is now 14, what does that tell you? LOL One of his faves is the one where he acts like he broke his nose and you hear this sickening crack. He loves to see the blood drain fro my face I guess! He’s also into magic so he’s really good at this sort of thing.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? Hmmm, I don’t think anything weird, really, just stuff my mom wouldn’t let me have, like unwrapped candy, any fruit (I think apples and oranges were all I ever got for fruit) and gobstoppers. She had a fear of them.

    13- Least favorite candy? Hmmm, MaryJanes, which tbh I’ve never actually tried. But the packaging looks horrendous. Also gummy stuff and those triangle shaped things. Not related, but whipped cream is simply foul – and my sister taught my son to spray it directly into his mouth. Gah!!!

    Ha ha, that was fun 😛

  9. 1- Last halloween costume you wore? – Glenda Goodwitch

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw? – It was near Halloween and I’m not sure it was a costume. A Lizzie Warren supporter holding a sign on the North Shore in Boston. Got a picture here somewhere. Mental patient, I think.

    3- Favorite candy? – Dark chocolate anything.

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? – Not yet. That may change and not be holiday dependent.

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain. – Co-worker in a moving and storage office really wanted to watch Clinton’s inauguration ceremony. The same morning, a pack crew came back with a lamp a customer didn’t want & gave it to me. I went home and picked up the small TV, dropped off the lamp. Call from kids: “where is the TV?” Me: “See that lamp? I traded it.” Kids: “YOU WHAT”.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing? – Angel.

    7- Movie that actually scared you? – The end of Carrie. That hand shooting out of the dirt made me jump out of my seat. That was back when going to the movies was normal.

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one? – Out of the gate, no. I have seen one though.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? – No superstitions, and I would have surgery. 13 is a lucky number in China, FWIF.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween? – Either lived in the country, so no trick or treaters, or I’ve been gone.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain – Living in the country as a caretaker. Visiting friends disappeared one by one onto a step-down roof of an add-on. Then BOO through a window after I couldn’t find anyone. Very effective. I was steps away from getting out the household shotgun. Ultimately more scary to everyone than they were hoping.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? – Nothing weird.

    13- Least favorite candy? – The black Good n’ Plenty. Licorice was one thing. Those bits were yukky.

  10. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Dracula teeth with a glo-n-dark shirt that reads FREAK
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    2 dudes dressed as the Doobie Brothers (dressed as joints), mistaken as clansmen on the college strip and harassed all evening by black people.
    3- Favorite candy?
    The orange and black wrapped peanut candies
    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    Of course.
    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    Plastic wrap in a doorway and over the toilet.
    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    I painted my face – it wasn’t really a costume so much as it was just a painted face
    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    Halloween. I was about 10 when I saw it and it fucked me up for life.
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Yes – No.
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    I recognize superstitions but don’t act on them. Friday 13th is a normal day for me.
    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Nothing because our neighborhood isn’t trick-or-treat friendly (houses too far apart), but we always have a bowl full of candy bars that never get taken.
    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    Plastic wrap in the door and over the toilet.
    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    A pear.
    13- Least favorite candy?
    The orange and black wrapped peanut candies.
    (I stick to one kind of candy – it’s my favorite and least favorite)

  11. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Viking /Pirate, helmet or hat, same costume.
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    An O’Baja mask, a trench coat and a pair of panty hose, made into dicks, fore and aft.
    3- Favorite candy?
    Lindt 90% bars.
    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    Which time?
    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    Hah, I got an epic, maybe some other time.
    Hint, it involves a sky pilot.
    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    Roy Rogers
    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    Psycho, and I was older than 7.
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Yes, and I have photographic evidence. Plantation graveyard, common men/women, black and white, lots of carved wood markers, even some new confederate vet markers, the Daughters did that.
    It was creepy, damn creepy, spidey sense creepy.
    Photos I took, turned out creepy.
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    Never give a knife as a gift, make them pay for it.
    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Nada, they don’t come, that’s OK by me.
    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    They wouldn’t dare.
    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    I got a rock.
    13- Least favorite candy?
    Candy Corn
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  12. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Sexual Harrassment Panda. Not many got it.

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    My dog in an Old West Sheriff outfit. The kind where you put front paws in the legs. He took it well.

    3- Favorite candy?
    Snickers, both candy and ice cream bar.

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    The Statue of Limitations isn’t over yet.

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    No, I don’t like them pulled on me so I dont do it.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    Probably Batman in the 60’s.

    7- Movie that actually scared you?

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    No. I live near an Indian burial ground, used to live near a cemetery. Anything that could have been construed as a ghost turned out to be mist or an animal. I use very bright flashlights.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    No superstitions at all, no mysticism at all. I do believe in “Murphy’s Law”.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Nothing Burgers – we have a fire in the back yard and drink cheap wine.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    See #5. or .45.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Way too much Licorice. Probably why I don’t like it.

    13- Least favorite candy?
    Licorice. 😀

  13. There sure are a lot of people that haven’t thrown eggs before. They make real cool designs when you throw them at a screen door. Freeze them for added penetration. There are 6 dozen eggs in my refrigerator right now, I can’t keep up with the chickens. I will donate them so more people can experience egg throwing; or I will throw an egg in your name if you prefer. Just say the word, I need an excuse to egg my neighbor.

  14. 8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one? I live in a house where two previous owners passed away and haven’t seen or heard anything.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? I’m not superstitious but for some reason I always try to end a web search on an even page number. Weird.
    Will never have major surgery period. Saw my dad suffer for 15 years after his.

  15. 1- Last halloween costume you wore? home-made space alien costume made from old green bedspread with electronic components all over

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw? I don’t remember any that were particularly funny

    3- Favorite candy? Mrs. See’s butterscotch lollipops

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? Yes, high school vice principal’s garage door in 1965.

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain. No. I don’t appreciate practical jokes.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing? The time-honored ghost costume of an old sheet with eye holes cut out that never stay over your eyes.

    7- Movie that actually scared you? Monolith Monsters, 1957

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one? No and no

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? No and yes

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween? Tiny candy bars, tiny packages of M&Ms

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain No. My friends and acquaintances know better.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? Jaw-breakers made to look like eyeballs.

    13- Least favorite candy? The Jelly Bellies they say are mango flavored. They taste nothing like mangoes, which I love. They taste like shit smells.

  16. And for those of you who remember me:
    Mr. Mxyzptlk IS STILL AROUND! And he has a new Mrs. Mxyzptlk and we’re going on our honeymoon tomorrow!

    Now, the the important stuff:

    1- Last halloween costume you wore? Sailor suit. Oh wait, it was required at the time. (Late 60s)

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw? See number one above.

    3- Favorite candy? You can put an unlimited supply of peanut M&Ms in front of me and I’ll eat them until I die.

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? I threw an alarm clock at someone once. Does that count?

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Sorry, no. Explain.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing? A hobo costume when I was six. Oh, wait, we were trailer trash so that was my normal outfit.

    7- Movie that actually scared you? My father dragged me to every movie that starred Esther Williams. He would sit next to me in the semi-darkness and play with himself. That was truly scary. I was maybe 5 years old.

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? No. Have you seen one? Yes, my mother the bitch.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? I would not see an Esther Williams movie or eat Peanut M&Ms on Friday the thirteenth.
    Yesterday, which was a Friday the 13th, I ate plain M&Ms and survived.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween? Decent shit: Snickers, Reese’s peanut butter cups, Kit-Kat.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain. No, I carry open or concealed depending on the situation. Even as a child.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? Semi-rotten Apple. I re-delivered it to the donor.

    13- Least favorite candy? Anything with raisins or coconut. Yuck. Or any candy with dill pickle, although I can’t name anything off the top of my head.

  17. So many well known commenters started out by answering these reader questionnaires. It’s a good way to break the ice.

    Copy and paste these questions into the comment box and answer as many that you’re comfortable with.

    1- Last halloween costume you wore? White Witch

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Dog dressed as Mickey Mouse
    3- Favorite candy? Can’t pick a favourite

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? No

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain. Yes I used to do karate moves out side of Chinese restaurants while people were eating and finger paint things like “piece of shit” on windshields of cars in used car lots

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing? Scarecrow

    7- Movie that actually scared you? The shining

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one? Yes/ Not sure

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? Yes/No

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween? Assorted Candy

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain someone sent Big Butts Magazine to me at my office. Don’t know why or who did it.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? Pennies

    13- Least favorite candy? Anything green or orange flavored

  18. Okay, I’ll bite because it sounds fun.

    1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Medusa, c. 1975
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Lady wearing a cardboard box as restaurant table with her head poking up with a string mop on her head as spaghetti with meatballs.
    3- Favorite candy?
    Cherry Mountain candy bar.
    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    Once, at a friend in Jr. High School in last day of school year.
    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    Our son wanted a landline phone for his bedroom c. 1990. He was such a smarty pants I was sure he would discover the joke when I rolled up a new pair of jeans into an AT&T telephone box. He didn’t. He still remembers it. Sorry kid.
    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    Saw JAWS about 1 month before flying to meet my future inlaws. I was even scared to swim in their pool. No really, did swim, but with actual fear. Stop laughing!
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    The only ghost I ever saw was a (too much) Gallo Ghost. Do not believe in ghosts.
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    Not superstious. Yes, I would.
    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    The best candy kids would like.
    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    About 11 yrs of age, the moment our parents drove away from the house, my oldest brother began chasing me around the house with a kitchen knife. Not so funny.
    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    A tiny rolled paper scoll about Jehovah’s Witnesses. WTH?
    13- Least favorite candy?
    Sour, sugar coated candy worms.

  19. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    I’m a Grinch. I don’t do Halloween.
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    I just yesterday saw a picture of a little 2 or 3 year old dressed (respectfully) as Donald Trump.
    3- Favorite candy?
    See’s Butterscotch Squares
    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    No, other than surprise parties.
    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    The Exorcist
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Yes. No.
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    A superstition inherited from my mother – never hand anyone a sharp object (knife or scissors) with the point facing them. Surgery on the 13th? Probably.
    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Nothing. Like I said, I’m a Grinch. I turn the lights out because knocks on the door drive the dogs berserk.
    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    My mother usually got me every April Fool’s Day. She got the biggest kick out of it and I never learned.
    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Some weird homemade something or other.
    13- Least favorite candy?
    Anything with hard nougat.

  20. 1- Last halloween costume you wore? Scarlett O’Hara

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw? kid was a tube of toothpaste, with the cap on his head

    3- Favorite candy? Milky Way bars

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? No

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain. No

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing? gypsy

    7- Movie that actually scared you? The Haunting

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one? Yes and yes

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? Not really–surgery on Friday 13th would be fine

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween? mini Milky Ways and Snickers and M&Ms–the good stuff

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain No

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? too long ago LOL

    13- Least favorite candy? black licorice 😛

  21. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?

    Vegas show girl. Oh. I see I’m still wearing it.

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?

    Anderson Cooper dressed up as a heterosexual. 🤣

    3- Favorite candy?

    Big Hunk. SHOCKING.

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?

    I egged Brucey’s house after I learned he gave me an STD.

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.

    I pantsed Don Lemon once in gym class when he was hanging from the parallel bars. He always had wood in the shower.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?

    That of the greatest piano player that ever lived! https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/images/liberace-3.jpg

    7- Movie that actually scared you?

    Brokeback Mountain. Brought back major trauma. I had a Grindr date with a cowboy once. Bastard stole my assless chaps!

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?

    The ghost of Harvey Milk shows up and looks over my shoulder every time I look at high school wrestling pics on the internet.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?

    I always avoid answering my sister’s phone calls because given how hard she has been praying for me over the years I might start liking women. I would only have surgery on Friday the 13th if I had to have an object removed.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?

    My phone number to the Dads watching from the sidewalk.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain

    Sheridan once dyed my red feathered boa yellow and didn’t think I’d notice. Thilly goothe!

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?

    A NAMBLA newsletter.

    13- Least favorite candy?

    Anything sour.

  22. 1. Mom passing out Halloween candy
    2. A very detailed homemade box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
    3. Zero bars
    4. No
    5. Group T-P-ing decades and decades ago
    6. “hobo” with blue face (blue cream eye shadow)
    7. Poltergeist when things were quiety moved on the counter
    8. No, no
    9. No, no
    10. Kit Kats, Heath fun size assortments
    11. Once when I lived near a college campus I went out to leave for work in the morning and my VW bug had been picked up and set perpendicular over the curb onto lawn.
    12. Wax fangs
    13. Smarties

  23. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    It was a zombie-themed costume party. I don’t really like zombie stuff (too morbid) so I went dressed as Don the Beachcomber, the man who invented the alcoholic beverage the ZOMBIE – and I showed up with a bottle full of Zombies in my hand.

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Probably the “Cereal Killer”

    3- Favorite candy?
    Reese’s Pieces, or anything that’s dark chocolate, the darker the better…

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    In junior high I once participated in TPing a house… and regretted it ever since, it was vandalism and it was wrong. (Even though I got the satisfaction of seeing the bully who lived there have to clean it up)

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone?
    No pranks really. I like to spring things on my wife but it’s all romantic stuff.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    My mom put a serape on me, darkened my face with makeup, and sent me out as a MEXICAN… she said just say “Si, si, senor” to everyone… how POLITICALLY INCORRECT was that??? (That was about 1960 I think)

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    “It! The Terror from Beyond Space” (1958)
    “Night of the Living Dead” (at a Midnight Movie, in my college days)

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    I don’t “believe”, but being trained in the sciences I always keep an open mind. No I’ve never seen one. I also remember what Carl Sagan said about such things (he was talking about alien sightings at the time): “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    Being trained in the sciences, I am entirely IMMUNE to superstition. Throughout time, superstition has been a very NEGATIVE force on humanity.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    We just buy a couple of the big bags of the stuff that kids like… but I’m VERY generous with it. A handful to each kid…

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    A couple of years ago my wife and I started a new tradition of going to a Christmas party with friends, where they hold one of those White Elephant gift exchanges. Everyone but us knew that the BIG box under the tree had a truly horrible gag gift that just came back every year… so of course I got stuck with it. So the next year, my contribution to the gift pile was a small box, which contained only a note saying “Congratulations! your gift is that BIG box over in the corner!”

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?

    13- Least favorite candy?
    Almost anything made of milk chocolate. Gimme the DARK CHOCOLATE. The DARKER the BETTER…

  24. 1- Last halloween costume you wore? I went as Tom Peterson, Portlanders will remember…

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?

    3- Favorite candy?

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    Potato in tailpipe

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    Bozo the Clown

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    The Omen

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? No, but probably not

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    Yes, the old saran wrap on the toilet trick

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Creepy religious comics

    13- Least favorite candy?
    Bit O Honey

  25. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    A martial Arts outfit.

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Don’t recall.

    3- Favorite candy?
    Baby Ruth

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    Oh yes – many time in my youth.

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    I went as a Hobo/Bum – way before political correctness.

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    Movies are fake – I don’t get afraid from them.

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    No and no

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    No and yes

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Fun size chocolate candy bars (OK, I usually eat them all)

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    No, but I saw many pranks when I was in construction.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    I don’t remember

    13- Least favorite candy?
    Not really a fan of hard candy

  26. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Evil Fairy

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    A Twister Board

    3- Favorite candy?
    Bit ‘o Honey

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    Yes 🙂

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    No, never had the nerve.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    A white cat

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    Prince of Darkness

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    No, not really

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    Ducking under ladders, and I wouldn’t have surgery on Friday the 13th

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    a hand full of pennies

    13- Least favorite candy?
    candy corns

  27. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Dressed as Angus Young. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a Gibson SG, so I had to settle for a Peavey Predator.

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    I saw a guy wearing a black sweatshirt covered with chewing gum, popcorn, Gummi bears, a soda lid w/straw, and a ticket stub for a matinee showing of “Star Wars”. He was a movie theater floor.

    3- Favorite candy?

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    You can’t prove anything.

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    I was operating a 52″ hydraulic paper cutter with a foot-operated pressure plate. A co-worker came up behind me and said jokingly, “OK. I’m gonna put my arms under there and you …”
    “You mean like this?” I said, putting both my arms under the pressure plate. Unknown to him, I also pressed down the footpad to make the pressure plate start coming down.
    “God no NO!” he screamed, and he pulled me away by my shoulders. I had a good laugh. He had a coronary.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    The Count

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    Magic (1978) – not the movie itself; the commercial.

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Yes. No.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    No. Yes.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Responsibility for giving out candy. I hand it to our neighbors.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    Nothing worth remembering.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Mexican chili candy.

    13- Least favorite candy?
    The peanut butter taffy that comes in orange and black wax wrappers. You can never fully separate the candy from the wrapper and often you end up eating a piece of the wrapper by mistake. I’d trade ’em for circus peanuts, if anyone actually took me up on the offer.

  28. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Wasn’t for Halloween. Years ago some goofy ppl tried to make the gospel “relevant” via theatrics. They wrapped a willing stooge like a mummy and he walked down the center isle before the gospel reading about the raising of Lazarus. Titters rang throughout the church and that was the last of the nonsense. I laughed out loud and so long that Ihad tears running down my cheeks by the end of the reading of the gospel.
    3- Favorite candy?
    Not as goog as it used to be years ago, but Fannie Mae carmel wrapped marshmallow pillows.

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    Yes, at least 6.

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    Yes. I married DH on April Fool’s day.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    Abbott and Costello meet theInvisable Man

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Yes. No.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    No, I will never have major surgery again.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Full size Milky Way bars.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    Yes. DH married me on April Fool’s day.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?

    13- Least favorite candy?
    Any cookie/candy type combo. Candy shouldn’t be sandy feeling.

  29. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Cowgirl. When I was 15. I rode my horse around town to score candy.

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Nothing comes to mind.
    3- Favorite candy?
    Carmello bars.
    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? No.

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain. No.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    A devil.
    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    No. No.
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? No superstitions.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Assorted chocolates. Milky Ways, Hersheys, etc.
    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain No

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? A toothbrush.

    13- Least favorite candy? Anything in the gummy bear franchise. I also HATE coconut ruining a chocolate bar.

  30. 1- Last Halloween costume you wore?
    Old fat white guy. Wearing it now, in fact.

    2- Funniest Halloween costume you ever saw?
    Can’t say about funniest, but the cleverest was a married couple dressed in Biblical-era clothes. He was Moses (robes, sash, beard, staff, sandals, the whole nine yards), and she was in a long peasant-style dress with a large red “C” on the front of it.

    3- Favorite candy?
    Used to be Jujubes, but I haven’t had ’em in years. Probably financed a dentist’s boat from eating those things when I was a kid.

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    Too long a story to tell in its entirety, but let’s just say it involved me and another veteran creating some fake revised orders sending a mutual friend (who was still in the Army) to Jungle Warfare School in Panama when his previous orders had him going to Fort Hood, TX, where he had already put a down payment on a house. (His wife threatened to kill us for scaring her so bad. : )

    6- First Halloween costume you remember wearing?
    Just some kind of scary mask and a paper bag to put candy in. That’s pretty much all that kids wore back in the day, unless their family had money.

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    Not sure if you could call it scared, but When Worlds Collide worried me as a kid, because I thought it could happen. Probably Invaders From Mars scared me, though, now that I think about it. Especially the ending.

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    No, and no.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    No, and yes (unless the doctor’s name was Jason).

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    Numerous times, but mostly minor stuff that’s not even interesting. If I can think of anything worth mentioning, I’ll add it in another comment.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Probably a nasty, sticky, homemade candy apple. I mean, who hands those out?

    13- Least favorite candy?
    Probably Circus Peanuts. No peanuts, just banana-flavored foam rubber. Blecch.

  31. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Peanut M&M
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Dachshund wearing a giraffe costume
    3- Favorite candy?
    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    Not yet.
    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    No but I want to.
    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    The Shining
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Yes. The former owner of my house haunted it until his wife who was in a nursing home died. He would move things around, shut drawers on a old dresser that took both hands to close the drawers and we smelled cigar smoke often. He also found a few lost things for us.
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    I am not superstitious but I don’t walk under ladders anyway.
    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Not many Trick or Treaters in my town so I hand out full size candy bars and buy the ones I like best.
    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    My daddy used to go out on Christmas Eve and shout “Hey, fat man, get those reindeer off my roof!”
    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Pennies heated on the stove.
    13- Least favorite candy? Gummy anything

  32. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Legendary Cleveland late night horror hosts, Ghoulardi./The Ghoul-.Still have the costume.

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Nothing comes to mind.

    3- Favorite candy?
    Not exactly a Halloween candy. A. Korkinov dark chocolate (no longer made)

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    A frying pan.

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone?

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?

    The proverbial bed sheet ghost with eye holes. Went trick or treating in the rain.The eye holes shifted and I couldn’t see anything but my feet
    . It’s a miracle I didn’t get hit by a car or fall off a curb and break my neck.

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    A circa 1960 doomsday movie, “This Is Not A Test”.An utterly depressing B&W flick about a stiff necked highway patrolman trying to prepare a group of motorists from an impending nuclear attack.

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Yes. No.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    Probably not.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    Negative,Will Robinson.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    I got a container of razor blades with an apple in it.

    13- Least favorite candy?
    Anything Licorice.Accck,.Oh and those pink and white things that nobody knows what they are. And Kandy Korn–Totally flavorless ,non-descript lumps of sugar and some sort of plastic.

  33. 1- Last halloween costume you wore? I went as a married father of 3. Same as this year.

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw? Guy dressed in prison stripes with his 3 kids dressed as black balls all attached by ankle chains. (Wife wouldn’t join in)

    3- Favorite candy? Not a big candy fan but I’ll eat a Snickers.

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? More than one and more than once.

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain. Yes, I went to a boarding school (Ok, enough) and once filled a large gray barrel garbage can with enough water I could tilt it against one of the kids dormroom doors. When they opened it in the morning the barrel fell and the water flooded their floor.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing? Literaly a bag that looked like a playing card with a joker on it. I had pointy shoes with bells on them and a painted face and jester hat.

    7- Movie that actually scared you? Blackula.

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one? No and no.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? I am terrified of voting for any Democrat for fear it will end in disaster.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween? Tongue lashings. “Hey get the ‘F’ off my lawn!”

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain. Well yes but didn’t we all have to live through the 8 years of Obama?

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? Colored Popcorn Balls. It’s weird now but I liked them then.

    13- Least favorite candy? Those easter marshmallow things that look like mice or chicks.

  34. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?

    Cat In The Hat. My wife was Thing One, my sister was Thing Two. We had Las Vegas professional makeup artists and costuming. We were in a site at Mandalay Bay. Do not tell the LV sheriff or FBI. They might add us to their freaking timeline.

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?

    Two dogs dressed like a bride and groom.

    3- Favorite candy?

    Reeses Butter Cup.

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?

    Oh, hell yeah. I have not read the comments above, yet, but has anybody not thrown an egg at someone?

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.

    My future father in law once called me over to his table after a round of golf, introduced me to his friends, then asked me to show them shoes. I wear size 16. Two years later, the day before getting married, I called him over to introduce him my friends. I said “Friends, this is Pat. Pat, show the you head. {he was 92% bald).
    He almost fell over laughing. Cold revenge.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?

    Sheet over my head with eye holes. The next year I also cut out holes form arms.

    7- Movie that actually scared you?

    The Last Wave.

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?

    I have not seen a post.I have seen and sat with an angel. Long story. Saved my life.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?

    Primary superstition was wearing same socks when team was on a win streak in basketball, back in the day in Chicago. I did wash them, it just had to be the exact same socks.

    Friday the Thirteenth, to me is the day before I golf on Saturday the Fourteenth.

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?

    Full size Snickers.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain

    My mother told me she was throwing a graduation party for me after law school.
    I went to it. No one was there. there was no party. I knew her, though, and was not surprise. We had two dogs. She named both of them Kitty. I miss her a lot.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?

    A whistle

    13- Least favorite candy?

    Anything sour.

  35. Last halloween costume you wore?
    Grim Reaper

    Funniest halloween costume you ever saw
    Girl dressed up as a electrical outlet and a guy dressed up as a plug. When they connected sparks shot out everywhere! Honest!

    Favorite candy?
    Reese’s peanut butter cup.

    Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    Wild goose egg – against a tree. It was abandoned and rotten.

    Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone?
    My wife and I faked her water breaking at a restaurant with her family.

    First halloween costume you remember wearing?

    Movie that actually scared you?
    Dark Shadows freaked me out as a kid in the 60s.

    Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?

    Do you have any superstitions? Nope
    Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? Sure

    What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Reese’s peanut butter cups – see above.

    Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    All the time. My wife is a bigger prankster than me.

    Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Carmel popcorn ball – there was a scare where some creeps put razors in them.

    Least favorite candy?
    Peeps and candy corn

  36. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    ‘grown up lady’.

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Eeyore on a toddler.

    3- Favorite candy?
    Toffee or
    Lemon drops

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? No

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    1954 THEM.
    Creature From The Black Lagoon

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Yes and yes, many times in many places.

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? None and sure

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain No

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Well, not in my bag, but in San Marcos, TX, in the fifties, a lady invited every trick or treater and parents, in for a cup of hot chocolate.

    13- Least favorite candy?
    Anything chocolate

  37. Last costume I ever wore — Football player

    Halloween night senior year — my teammates and I weren’t take another high school team seriously, so we fell way behind a team we should have been beating easily

    At halftime, our coach yelled that we were “masquerading as Bronco football players.”

  38. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Father Guido Sarducci. And a damna finea one too

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw? sorry, dont recall. must’ve been the night i took mushrooms

    3- Favorite candy? Rolos

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain. Where do i begin. . . .my wife was on the receiving end of a classic. 2 of her female students sneaked into our garage and without waking the dog, they wrapped her entire car in saran wrap.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing? a 10 cent mask from woolworths

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    me? Scared? hmph. i dont think so, but dont ever show me any blob like creature. Just warning ya.
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    No, but i close my eyes when i drive past the graveyards.
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? Had surgery last thursday and that was close enough

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween? nothing. Kids go to neighborhoods with houses closer together.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain. my buddy stole all the tires off my car and left it on blocks. He was at the corner LMAO’ing

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?

    13- Least favorite candy?
    i hated popcorn balls. what a frikkin waste. I went to all the trouble to not prank them only to get a crappy popcorn ball. Tightwads.

  39. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Fred flinstone.
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    Couple as mt Rushmore. They were George and Abe and the middle two were cardboard

    3- Favorite candy?
    Haribro gummy bears

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    When we were kids we would spend summers at my grandmas farm and they had chickens. Well chickens sometimes find a new place to nest away from the coop. We were in the hayloft playing one day and found this old hen on a nest of about 60 eggs. We went to tell grandma about the treasure and when she told us they would be rotten since they sat in the heat for months we went back and started throwing them around in the hayloft. Good fun until we milked cows that night. The stench was horrible and needless to say my uncle wasn’t impressed

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    Just simple silly things

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?ghost

    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    Jaws, poltergeist, the shining

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    Yes, no

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Full size candy bars but we don’t get many takers

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    Not really

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? Can’t remember

    13- Least favorite candy? Whoppers

  40. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    3- Favorite candy?
    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    13- Least favorite candy?

  41. I know it’s probably too late to be helpful, but just a word of caution to our new friends: Expect some of these louts to use your answers against you in the not-too-distant future. LOL!! 😉

    (That’s why I never get taken in by Fur’s questionnaires.)

  42. 1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Probably a cowboy costume when I was 12.
    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    A former student coming to the door in a “Borat” one piece. I could tell it was cold out.
    3- Favorite candy?
    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something?
    When I was 16 the local RCMP cop and I pranked my friends. We spent about an hour at 3 in the morning having an egg war. We ran out, but one of my friends’ Dad owned a restaurant. We lost.
    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain.
    Not really
    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing?
    Can’t remember
    7- Movie that actually scared you?
    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one?
    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th?
    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween?
    Diet Pepsi and candy
    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain
    Yes. When I retired from full-time work, my friends set up a Ukrainian Christmas party. It was for me. Had a fellow staff member pop out of a large cake too. lol
    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid?
    Can’t remember
    13- Least favorite candy?
    Anything with coconut in it.

  43. BB — It was an apt word, though, right? 😉 That’s what first attracted me to IOTWReport — the louts. How some of you go after each other hammer and tong and manage to still express brotherly love is quite something. Instructive, really.

  44. AA
    I’m a little shocked we all kissed and made up after the primaries. At the time I was thinking wow if FUR doesn’t play this right he’s gonna lose a bunch of people. More or less staying out of the scrum a presenting both sides was a great call.

  45. I can honestly say, in high school in the early 80’s I went to my boss’ halloween party. Beins a poor sumbitch I had to come up with my own costume. So I went and got two burlap tater sacks, washed them in the clothes washer to soften them up, cut one end off, sewed them together and cut a neck hole. So, it was basically a knee length skirt.

    Then I went black face.

    I didn’t catch any shit for it either.

    A local young farmer went as a red neck, dipshit brought a possum with him and was carrying it around by it’s tail. Got tired of carrying it so he put it in their washing machine for safe keeping.

    Later somebody put the washer on spin cycle to see what would happen. The noise that came out of that machine was phucking monstrous. I left rather quickly after that.

  46. BB — Presenting both sides? Yeah, technically. In an equal light? Nah, I won’t go there. 😉 Important part is everyone’s on the same side again. More or less.

  47. 1)Last Costume – rented a Gorilla costume, wore a tophat, grabbed more consensual titty than a breast doctor. (it was the early 80’s and I’ve reformed from being a pig)

    7) TWO. One was Phantasm – holy shit! The other was The Omen with Gregory Peck.

  48. Sooo late to this party – darn the busy weekends.
    1- Last halloween costume you wore?
    Can’t even remember it has been so many years.

    2- Funniest halloween costume you ever saw?
    A couple in boxes painted like dice. They had to take them off part way through the party – couldn’t eat, couldn’t dance.

    3- Favorite candy? Oh, too many favorites! Payday and Snickers

    4- Have you ever thrown an egg at someone or something? Yes

    5- Have you ever pulled a practical joke or prank or stunt on someone? Explain. Don’t like them myself, but good friend pranked her husband for April Fools. Planned way ahead and started giving him a hard boiled egg in his lunch most days. Come April Fools, and of course, it wasn’t hard boiled. They worked together, so she was able to enjoy the show.

    6- First halloween costume you remember wearing? Princess

    7- Movie that actually scared you? Jaws, from then on, I avoided scary movies.

    8- Do you believe in ghosts? Have you seen one? Not sure. No

    9- Do you have any superstitions? Would you have major surgery on Friday the 13th? No and Yes

    10- What do you usually hand out on Halloween? a bag full of good, small size candies. Don’t get many kids up my long driveway, so I make it worth their while.

    11- Have you ever been pranked or had a practical joke played on you? explain Only good ones – surprised by my son one holiday. He lived hours and hours away and came to visit.

    12- Weirdest thing you ever remember getting in your Halloween bag when you were a kid? a dime each year from the old lady across the street. After the first year, I knew this was actually a pretty good treat.

    13- Least favorite candy? Anything with shredded coconut.

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