Emerson College- Author of Dubious Polls At It Again – IOTW Report

Emerson College- Author of Dubious Polls At It Again

The Daily Mail just published an Emerson College poll with a sensational headline-

Biden trounces Trump by TEN points despite not being in the White House race yet and Kamala Harris beats him by 4 in new poll that suggests Beto is the only top-tier Democrat the president can defeat.


This is Emerson College on November, 7th 2016. The Hill reporting-

Emerson College Polling predicts electoral landslide for Clinton.

Emerson College predicts Clinton will win the Electoral College, 323 to 215.

Trump won 306 to 232

Emerson predicts Clinton will win the swing states of Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Hillary lost Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin


In battleground Senate races, Emerson predicts that Democrats will come out with 50 or more total seats — enough to claim the Senate majority if Clinton is elected and Tim Kaine, as vice president, becomes the tie-breaking vote.

The GOP retained the Senate

Emerson’s final round of polls suggest that Democrats will flip GOP seats in Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri and Pennsylvania.

Illinois is the only seat that flipped Democrat out of these predictions

This Emerson Suck


ht/ hot salsa


9 Comments on Emerson College- Author of Dubious Polls At It Again

  1. Emerson predicts Clinton will win the swing states of Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

    Hillary lost Florida, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

    Hillary only “won” New Hampshire because the Dems instituted same-day voter registration and half the population of Taxachusetts became NH residents for approximately 24 hours in 2016.

    I have a co-worker with photos of DOZENS of cars with MA license plates parked outside Dover NH polling places on election day 2016.


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