Eminem’s a Broken Man and President Trump Swung the Hammer – IOTW Report

Eminem’s a Broken Man and President Trump Swung the Hammer

The stuttering profanity spewing middle aged idiot, Marshall Mathers, stage name Eminem, posted a clip to TikTok on his inability to comprehend the popular support of President Trump. “When I start talking about Trump, I get too flustered in my head and the S* I want to say I want to say too many things all at once.” Profound, maybe write a wrap song about including hot coffee in your lyrics to convince us all how you see it all so clearly. Watch

32 Comments on Eminem’s a Broken Man and President Trump Swung the Hammer

  1. A guy who became a multi millionaire buy talking with music in the background wants to preach about struggles.
    Little shit couldn’t tell you how much it cost to put a gallon of milk, a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread in your shopping cart.

  2. A sickness known as TDS. Not a virus, not a microbe, not a germ—but a sickness nonetheless, highly contagious, deadly in its effects.
    Don’t look for it in the Twilight Zone—look for it in a mirror.
    Look for it before the light goes out altogether.

  3. Still dressing like an 18 yr old punk and sounding dumber.
    Does he really think Biden & co care about anyone?
    He didn’t talk policy or anything substantive.
    Go away has been.

  4. Struggles?
    I’d love to see this bitch-ass punk put up with the scrutiny, aggrevation, harrassment and downright persecusion that Donald Trump has had to endure AND PAY FOR!!

  5. Mathers is the common outcome of a boy with nothing but participation trophies, awash in self-esteem (but bereft of self-respect), and conditioned to believe that he could grow up to be anything he wanted, and that his lack of talent, character, ability, and intelligence would not stand in his way.

  6. @Anon 7:55 — BOTH ways? Bite you tongue, um, bite your fingertips! How dare you suggest there are only TWO ways! Brady is a Heinz fornicator. One way for each state!

  7. Poor musicians & tranny’s in woman’s sports- the only reason either are where they are is because they don’t have what it takes to excel in their chosen pursuit.
    Add an undiscerning public that strokes their egos & makes them wealthy, that’s why they’re insufferable cunts.

  8. Joie de bouie. Probably radically misspelled, dragged out of my gourd by the story. Euphemism ‘love of the gutter’, more accurately ‘pleasure in shit’.

    One might charitably say Marshall’s ‘music’ is accessible to a great amount of people. One might less charitably say ‘rap’ isn’t even music. Mathers’ white boy rap is a wonderful example of a crossover, white kids could enjoy the shit ‘cuz it’s a white boy flinging it. Great for the genre and great for the label, but really cultural appropriation for pecuniary gain.

    Love of the gutter underlies all leftist thought, view this for yourself in major cities nationwide, not to mention popular culture and the academy as well as the works of the current national political regime.

    Naturally the ragged old fellow hates and fears Trump and gets all quivery thinking about him. It’s the correct view according to his masters and his interpretation of the persona he put on these decades in the past.

    Obtain or regain relevance safely, regurgitate the party line, regurgitation ought be easy after eating all the shit the leftists love so much.


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