Emmy Host, Captain Weird Ear, Vows To Make Show a Trump Bashfest – Show is the lowest rated Emmy, perhaps ever. – IOTW Report

Emmy Host, Captain Weird Ear, Vows To Make Show a Trump Bashfest – Show is the lowest rated Emmy, perhaps ever.

When will these morons learn? Trump is popular. Trump is supported. They are existing in a bubble with other deranged leftists (and with a number of right-wing sites that should be out of business soon.)


TV Ratings: Emmys Eye New Low

The Emmys are on track for a new all-time ratings low, according to Nielsen overnight data from Sunday.

The CBS telecast is currently averaging a 2.2 rating in adults 18-49 and 9.6 million total viewers in the fast-national ratings. It should be noted, however, that these numbers are not time-zone adjusted, as the Emmys aired live at 5 p.m. on the West Coast. Therefore, the numbers will be subject to adjustment later today. Last year, the ceremony drew a 2.5 and 9.7 million viewers in the fast-nationals, but eventually adjusted up to a 2.8 and 11.3 million viewers. Last year’s ceremony on ABC was itself down from a 3.6 and 11.9 million viewers in 2015 when the Emmys aired on Fox.  The telecast also drew an 8.2 rating in metered markets, down from an 8.4 last year.


The graph above is not a Nielsen chart. It’s an Alexa chart that tracks web traffic. This is the trend of a once great site that got caught up in Trump Derangement, mainly because of one unfunny, insufferable, inarticulate gasbag contributor who is dragging the site into the toilet.



21 Comments on Emmy Host, Captain Weird Ear, Vows To Make Show a Trump Bashfest – Show is the lowest rated Emmy, perhaps ever.

  1. I didn’t know the Emmy’s were going to even be on last night but saw earlier in the day the libs freaking out over Trump re-tweeting a meme gif of HRC getting hit in the back with the golf ball. Asking how old is he and making maturity statements. My initial comment was recalling that Colbert had come out last week and promised an Emmy show full of Trump jokes and hits. How mature is that?! So it is okay for them to do an entire show attacking the elected POTUS but the POTUS can’t retweet a hilarious gif someone else made because it offends their sensibilities?! If they want to spend their awards show on Trump more power to them. Really demonstrates how deranged they’ve become.

  2. While channel surfing, I paused on the Hollyweird Emmys show and witnessed leftist stupidity on grand display. Cobert was his smarmy, annoying, twisted ear self, most presenters and award winners had a nasty comment about President Trump. The “announcer” was hood. His voice was high pitched and grating. Oh, and BTW, Emmy was represented by the tranny Rue Paul. This was all in just five minutes of viewing. Glad the ratings have tanked.

  3. Well thank you half wit dick head. The more Hollywood exposes itself the less relevant Team Hollywood becomes. America is sick of you. However, we are very grateful you turn voters towards the Republican party. Keep up the good work, sucker. Wanna take a wild guess as to why more Americans are cancelling their cable and turning off their TVs?

  4. With Hollywood holding so many I-love-me award presentations, who the hell knows what they’re for this time? A different Hollywood Awards show every few weeks is over doing it. If anyone talks about the latest Hollywood Awards event, you know they’re low IQ, know nothing about politics, current events, or history, and they vote for democrats.

  5. “This is the trend of a once great site that got caught up in Trump Derangement, mainly because of one unfunny, insufferable, inarticulate gasbag contributor who is dragging the site into the toilet.”

    That could cover several sites but I’m guessing the most likely candidate is Hot Air with their albatross, Allahpundit.

  6. Colbert and numerous other egotistical Hollywood types are doing their very best to kill the golden goose. Here’s a clue, dead birds don’t lay gold eggs. The Emmys have not been viewed in my home for decades. I have no desire to watch a bunch of overpaid prima donnas pat each other on the back and gush shallow platitudes of thanks. FOD hollyweird

  7. Sooo…did Colbert have a little tiff with Mike Tyson some years back or…did Mommy twist his ear so much that it grew that way?

    Enquiring minds blah-blah-blah!

    BTW, Sir Fur, I cannot figure which site you are referring to, as I’ve ‘dumped’ Moore than a few since the campaign. Funny, isn’t, what people will do to themselves to satisfy others’ egos!!!

  8. Nobody likes to be smugged too and from what I heard of the proceedings it was one long smugfest that was a snoozefest to those actually interested in knowing about good television productions.

  9. “Colbert teaches Christian Sunday school!”

    How many leftists told me that in my life? So, he’s a shitbag, but he’s a good shitbag b/c he engages in a behavior that I might approve of, but liberals absolutely don’t care about.

    Now that he has his own show, I wonder how good of an example he has been for his FAKE Sunday school catechism classes? Abusive language, sexually offensive, bullying—not too good right?

  10. Even Dolly Parton – Actually, the clip doesn’t show Dolly speaking, but, the fact she was on stage with Hanoi Jane and Lilly Tomlin, shows she wasn’t in disagreement.
    Also, apparently, the mandatory red AIDS ribbons have been replaced with blue ACLU ribbons. So, the ACLU is their new cause because it opposes our President.

  11. I would imagine that there were a lot of meetings and conference calls this morning between the advertisers, the ad agencies and CBS. These calls were probably very acrimonious with CBS trying to defend itself while the advertisers were likely demanding reduced rates and the ad agencies trying to appear to be on both sides. The next step is likely to be CBS calling in the producers of the show for a heart to heart conversation. I wonder whether the NFL execs were looking at the Emmy numbers this morning. There’s a lesson in there for them as well. I wonder what Mr. Colbert and his bosses are talking about right now.

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