Emperor Obama on Illegal Immigration – IOTW Report

Emperor Obama on Illegal Immigration

The left hates archives like poison.


15 Comments on Emperor Obama on Illegal Immigration

  1. POS would say ANYTHING to get elected. Stupid Dems always love verbal fellatio, and that’s about all that this turd is good at. Sat on his ass for 8 years while his master ValJar ran the country into the ground.

  2. Jacob ‘Big Jake’ McCandles: And now *you* understand. Anything goes wrong, anything at all… your fault, my fault, nobody’s fault… it won’t matter – I’m gonna blow your head off. No matter what else happens, no matter who gets killed I’m gonna blow your head off.

  3. I remember a lot of people saying ‘he says marriage is between a man and a woman but that’s just to get elected.’ Possibly so. Barry has made many good statements. His Nobel Prize speech was about 95% good, just a couple of things about globull warming that I disagreed with but mostly about America doing whatever it felt necessary. Of course his follow-through was about as good as when he threw out ceremonial first pitches.


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