Employers Call Lazy Tattooed Moron’s Bluff and Offers Him 45 Jobs – IOTW Report

Employers Call Lazy Tattooed Moron’s Bluff and Offers Him 45 Jobs

Fox– A teen dad with “DEVAST8” tattooed across half his face has turned down 45 job offers as he is “waiting for the right one to come along” – after his desperate work plea went viral.

New Zealander Mark Cropp, 19, went on social media to beg someone to give him a break and let him prove he can be responsible and hold down a full-time job after leaving prison.

Within hours he revealed he had been deluged with job opportunities and admitted he “stopped counting” when the number of offers reached 45.

But he told the Daily Mail Australia he still hasn’t “done a day’s work” claiming he is “just waiting for the right one to come about”.

Some of the job offers did require him to have his own transport which immediately ruled him out, he said.

“Until I get my first paycheck and get a car I won’t be able to get myself around,” he said.

Cropp also revealed he is finally getting rid of the ludicrous prison tattoo which has made his life hell.

“I am just working out a date to get it taken off – which sucks because it is going to hurt,” he said.

“And because, you know, this tattoo means something to me and my brother did it for me so it is hard to make the decision to get rid of it.

“But I know it is the best thing for my future – and I want to be a person my family can look to for support.”

Cropp got the tattoo a few months ago while drunk on home brewed alcohol with his brother in a New  Zealand prison last year.

He was locked up for pulling a knife on a tourist after trying to sell him fake cannabis.

ht/ jc lady

29 Comments on Employers Call Lazy Tattooed Moron’s Bluff and Offers Him 45 Jobs

  1. It’s the eyes in the top Pic. Sooner or later, this old man would need to beat his ass. He’s defiant as all hell and life’s to short.

    Been there, done that.


    Don’t complain when healthy working-aged people sit on their arse sucking down WELFARE all day.

    Give society’s ding-a-lings a chance to prove themselves, or you’re going to pay anyway via social taxes.

    A: “Get a job dirtbag!”
    B: “Can he work for you?”
    A: “Aw no, I ain’t hiring dirtbags.”

  3. I know Australia is a backward country, I expect they have things called busses that help people who can’t drive get around. Bt that might take a little planning, mate, a skill you appear to be oblivious to.

  4. No way in hell I’d hire him, based on his tattoo alone.
    His tattoo is proof he makes piss poor personal judgments.
    It goes without saying his decision making beyond his private bubble would be disastrous.

  5. Tattoos are always intended to be a personal statement whenever they’re put somewhere visible to the public.

    Unfortunately, it’s the public’s call on the interpretation of the statement.

    Should have thought of that before you got it.

  6. There are so many lazy young men. Not only in NZ.
    In Boston they are having trouble with young men panhandling. There is a large construction company that has been working on the foundation of a new skyscraper for a year and said they offered dozens of the young guys with signs saying they are unemployed jobs but they all said it’s too hard.
    There is a guy who, though not that young, comes into the bar at the place I work who makes $400 a day panhandling.
    The morons are the ones who give those losers money.

  7. Cut off the welfare and force this lazy a**hole to accept one of the 45 job offers and earn his keep rather than leeching off hardworking, productive taxpayers.

  8. I abhor tatoos. They scream “Look at me, I make poor personal choices!” People respect yourselves more, so I can respect you!

    Seriously, PERMAMENT body modification with some artwork or phrase that has been done hundreds of times by your so-called artist, so no originality. What about medical complications? What happens when you absolutely run out of bodily real estate for your next one? What about the time, cost, and pain?

    They are for morons in general and they do not make you look tough or edgy.

    Don’t get me started on big hole ear rings (as they do in a primitive African tribe) or nose rings (traditionally used if you were a slave) or wearing your pants around your hips (a prison “bitch” advertisement).


    For the sake of the innocent child, I hope employers can give his dumbass some assembly-line monkey work until he can afford to lazer-off that crap on his face.

    -don’t punish the kids, it’s bad enough he has a loser father.

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