Employers To Start Deducting $50 A Month From Unvaccinated Employee Paychecks? – IOTW Report

Employers To Start Deducting $50 A Month From Unvaccinated Employee Paychecks?


Employers are beginning to tack on a special surcharge of $20 to $50 a month to their unvaccinated workers, according to one of the nation’s largest health benefits consultancies.

To date, employers have offered gift cards, a day off from work, cash and other financial incentives to convince their workers to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

But the carrot approach is about to be joined by a stick that could cost employees up to $50 a month, according to Mercer, the large employee benefits consultancy that works with thousands of employers around the world. More

25 Comments on Employers To Start Deducting $50 A Month From Unvaccinated Employee Paychecks?

  1. Lawsuits to begin immediately…
    How will they demonstrate that the jabs are reducing hospitalizations, especially when the current data shows they are not even reducing cases?

  2. Jethro: don’t forget that one standard is used to measure illness in the unvaccinated and another for the vaccinated.

    A vaccinated person could have a Wuhan bat peck it’s way out of his stomach and it won’t be counted. An unvaccinated person could be perfectly healthy but get hit by a truck and it would be counted as a COVID death.

  3. This is outrageous and people better unite and say enough of this shit already. Leave these companies that push this BS and don’t shop there either and send them letters to let them know you won’t be shopping there because of this BS. And for the dopes supporting this crap, they are going to come for you next.

  4. as much ass I don’t agree with this at all, I would probably pay the $50 a month. But they would have to contractually agree that would end any further restrictions that they might later seek to impose.
    I don’t know what the vaxxines cost, but I bet they’re charging more than $600 over a year. Especially with the proposed ‘boosters.’
    but you know it wouldn’t end there. It is just another ‘2 weeks to slow…” scam. Were I not retired and found myself in need of a job, that’s the way I’d go. I’ll never get the mystery juice.
    Were they to contractually agree to cease further restrictions, such actions could be argued as harassment.

  5. This pandemic insanity is like climate change. So what if 110% of the US population is vaccinated. The rest of the world is 14% vaccinated. It’s endemic and will always find its way here. Just like when the US is 110% carbon neutral, the rest of the world won’t be so the global manufactured problem will never resolve. Endless freedom ending legislation willingly accepted by the masses will be/is being implemented for both.

  6. Seems to me as though coercive encouraging participation in a medical experiment signs the employer up for liability for any and all ills resulting from the vaccine that may befall the employee.

  7. I believe they’ll have to prove that their unvaccinated employees are costing them any money at all to justify withholding anything for not being part of animal medical trials.

  8. A class-action lawsuit, people. The company does not have the authority to install medical demands and policy. Don’t complain—fight back with all you’ve got.

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