End Tax Exemptions For the Church and Give That Money to the Poor – IOTW Report

End Tax Exemptions For the Church and Give That Money to the Poor

Pope Francis Calls for Global Wealth Redistribution


Tax cuts for the wealthy constitute a “structure of sin,” Pope Francis said Wednesday in a passionate address calling for international wealth redistribution.

“Every year hundreds of billions of dollars, which should be paid in taxes to fund health care and education, accumulate in tax haven accounts,” the pontiff told participants in a Vatican seminar, “thus impeding the possibility of the dignified and sustained development of all social agents.”

“Today’s structures of sin include repeated tax cuts for the richest people, often justified in the name of investment and development,” Francis told the meeting organized by the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences.

During his discourse, the pope repeated his conviction that poverty is on the rise worldwide and “the poor increase around us.”

With the passage of time and the advances of civilization the number of poor people increases rather than diminishing, Francis similarly asserted last June, and “the poor are always poorer, and today they are poorer than ever.”


The guy is an ill-informed communist. Pope, or not, he is an asshole.

Global poverty rates have been falling for decades.


The percentage of the global population living in absolute poverty fell from over 80% in 1800 to 20% by 2015. According to United Nations estimates, in 2015 roughly 734 million people or 10% remained under those conditions. The number had previously been measured as 1.9 billion in 1990, and 1.2 billion in 2008.

23 Comments on End Tax Exemptions For the Church and Give That Money to the Poor

  1. Perhaps the Vatican should follow that advice.

    They sure seem to have a lot of money, far more than they could ever use themselves.

    I wish the Pope would state his Biblical basis for the things he calls for that seem (to me) downright opposed to Christianity and the Biblical standards it is based on, maybe I could understand his ministry better if he did.

  2. I remember well the Bible verse where Jesus said ‘Seek not to do good yourselves, but instead demand that your government do more good and to increase your taxes.’
    I can’t remember exactly where it is in the Bible but I know that’s what He said.

  3. Income taxes are immoral.
    Francis the Talking Ass advocates immorality.
    Francis the Talking Ass promotes immorality.
    Thus, Francis the Talking Ass is unfit for the position he infests.

    Sure would be nice to have a Pope who had (at least once) read the Bible.
    (or maybe the New Testament)

    I guess in our “Post-Modern World” that’s expecting too much.

    il papa, he droppa da ball …

    The guy should be washing balls at some Chicago bathhouse.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Once again, the Catholic Church proves that some forms of organized religion is nothing more then a means of control over the masses. After the church “gets their cut”, little if any goes to the people in need. Thus the reason the Vatican is the richest little country on the planet.

  5. I would instantly become Catholic if the Pope and Vatican City would take and demonstrate a vow of poverty and chastity.

    I have a feeling me and my family will never be Catholic, but may G_d bless them.

  6. Do not confuse the Communist, atheist anti-Catholic maniac who falsely claims to be Pope with the real Catholic Church. The Catholic Church only has one Pope and his name is Benedict XVI.

    Jorge Bergoglio aka “Francis” is neither Pope nor Catholic.

  7. Give the money to the poor? Where, in what country? The Vatican is already funding churches in Mexico to provide services to the migrant horde(s) coming from Honduras etc. I’m all for culling tax breaks for religious institutions, including the cult of death.

  8. Pope Francis seems to be doing everything he can to disprove the notion of papal infallibility. Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system. What he is advocating for would make the whole world poor.

  9. @ joe6pak FEBRUARY 6, 2020 AT 1:22 PM & Richard P FEBRUARY 6, 2020 AT 1:22 PM

    Ann is out on point on this. Saying a lot of things that need to be said and saying them as only Ann can say them. If you haven’t had the chance to listen to her podcasts on Diabolical Narcissism… you should.

    You can follow Ann here: https://www.barnhardt.biz/

    JDHasty’s opinion on Bergoglio is (and has been ‎since 13 March 2013): He is a despicable son of a bitch with few if any redeeming qualities and is an Anti Pope

  10. Okay, Mr. Thinks-He’s-Pope, sell-off all your real estate, precious metals and artwork and distribute the proceeds planet-wide with an army of volunteers. Make sure EVERY “poor person” gets an equal share.

    Then shut up and go hang yourself.

  11. In a country established mainly by Dissenters (neither Roman Catholic nor Anglican), I despise any time someone calls the Roman Catholic Church “the” church, when it ceased to be part of Christianity when it refused to acknowledge that Mary was just as much of a sinner as the rest of humanity, and began adding things to God’s law, doing the same thing Jesus called out the Pharisees for doing.

  12. “I despise any time someone calls the Roman Catholic Church “the” church…”

    Tough, get over it. FWIW, I would never call the Roman Catholic Church “the” church anyway, I would call it The Church

  13. Believe it was either Gore Vidal or William Buckley a number of decades ago suggested that if the tax exemption for the religions were eliminated the national debt could be retired in ONE YEAR.

    Today, doubt it, but it couldn’t hurt…

  14. Comrade Bergoglio talks out his ass. He is nothing if not a liberation theologian. He lies to advance socialism. Well established facts are that poverty is falling as the global middle-class grows, and that the leading cause of poverty in the current era is bad, ineffective, corrupt government.

  15. 21 years ago; after Hugo’s bloody, deadly, violent Communist Putsch the head of the central and south american SJ came to Caracas and praised Hugo. He said the folk tortured in Hugo’s prisons deserved to be tortured and killed as they were, “agents of the Devil!”! this Cardinal has been Pope for years! the Pope has been a Communist for at least 30 years. the Cardinals knew full well when they made “the white smoke” they were electing a Communist.

    His devotion to Che and Hugo was known to all who could read, and cared!


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