Endless Shrimp Nearly Ends Red Lobster – IOTW Report

Endless Shrimp Nearly Ends Red Lobster

UK Daily Mail

Red Lobster faced a staggering $11 million loss in the third quarter of 2023 – which the company’s CFO is blaming on the restaurant’s all you can eat shrimp deal. 

Financial reports from the third quarter – running from July 1 through September 30 – showed the iconic American seafood restaurant’s drastic downfall. 

Red Lobster wanted to lure more customers in after facing a significant financial loss of $5.4 million in the second quarter – but they massively fumbled their plans by offering an ‘all you can eat’ promotion that was a bit too generous. More

33 Comments on Endless Shrimp Nearly Ends Red Lobster

  1. I love to eat shrimp, but I am not a glutton to want to eat that many shrimp at once. Maybe when I was younger, but not now could I eat that many shrimp without making myself sick. There is too much of a good thing. It’s the biggest reason that I don’t eat at all you can eat buffets like Golden Corral anymore which I call the home of the lardass specials.

  2. Making anything free, easy or otherwise enticing is nothing more than kissing the ass of total strangers in hopes of getting them to like you which I find repulsive, reprehensible, demeaning and self-degrading.

    Short of that….it simply means you normally overcharge everyone.

  3. The article featured a “TikTok influencer” estimating a person needs to down six platefuls in order to “profit” from endless shrimp. Of course, she didn’t calculate in cost of carrying all those extra pounds around after sucking down all that food.

  4. The Cleeeeeeeveland beer night is still talked about. Even now on certain weekends the Flats runs out of beer. I don’t know if the Harbor Inn is still there but I swear 1/2 of Cleveland worked there at one time or another and the other 1/2 drank there.

    I used to be able to eat my weight in shrimp (close enough) but now as an old fart with many abdominal surgeries I can only eat 1/3 to a 1/2 a meal of any kind at a time. Sometimes it’s just the soup or salad and the entree comes home.

  5. My father was deathly allergic of
    Sodium tripolyphosphate, almost died in the middle of a red lobster after eating just a few shrimp. Don’t eat stuff when you don’t know what country it comes from & their shrimp don’t come from here.

  6. I haven’t graced Red Lobster with my hard-earned money in years. Everything on the menu tastes the same: Garlic-CornOil. Their food is third-rate, and, other than Chuck-E-Cheese, they are the chain most likely to experience a She-boon riot.

  7. We went to a hotel on Panama City beach years ago which featured a very well appointed all-you can eat breakfast buffet. With to-go boxes. I swear there were black people and beaners who drove to that hotel, chowed down, and then left through the front door with to-go boxes stacked five-high.

    I tried to explain politely to the poor white kid at the front desk that this was not a good business model. He just looked at his shoes and said softly, “Yeah, I know. But, well, you know…I’m really sorry”

    That place was gone a year later.

  8. I had to rescue a choking guy at a Red Lobster once, he went down under the table and quit breathing altogether once we got there, and didn’t start again till I got this rubbery bit of fishiness out of his esophagus (along with quite a bit of puke) with a lucky finger sweep (which the kids have since taken out of the protocols).

    The weirdest thing was that the joint was packed and weren’t NO ONE gonna give up their seat, even with a spasoming dying guy in their midst. Most anyone did was the diners on our side at the next table took their stuff and moved to the other side, watching us like they were in the bleachers at a frigging football game.

    No one even left when the guy started puking, and Cheddar Biscuit puke got some STANK on it, let me tell you.

    We did get this weird round of applause when we left tho, don’t usually get that, and folks did move grudgingly aside so we could wheel dude out with his wife in tow, so there’s that.

    Not sure if they cleaned up the puke before seating the next diners or not. At this particular RL, I would not have been surprised if they didn’t…

  9. @ SNS WEDNESDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 2023, 19:05 AT 7:05 PM

    My BIL was 86’d for life from an all you can eat sushi place in Redmond WA. The SOB weighs about a buck fifty and I thought I was going to have to haul his ass out on a gurney. I never liked going to an all you can eat with him, he always made a pig of his self.

    Half Japanese. I think the Japanese have some special talent for that kind of shit. There was another little Japanese human garbage disposal that won the eating contests every time they held one. He could eat my BIL under the table and was still going strong every time.

  10. Really?
    It used to be a go to place for seafood for us, but the quality hasn’t been there for quite a few visits, so we go elsewhere.
    Good, fresh seafood can be had at several places in our area, but RL ain’t one of them anymore.
    Like all too many things, they had their day.


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