England: Anjem Choudary released from prison – IOTW Report

England: Anjem Choudary released from prison

Anjem refused to take part in any of deradicalization courses or exercises.


THE REBEL: Anjem Choudary is one of the greatest monsters in the UK that the government has allowed to roam our streets, putting people in danger and radicalising followers who have committed terrible atrocities.

He’s a former solicitor and spokesman for the banned terrorist organisation, Islam4UK.

His terrorist-supporting, extremist Islamic group reappeared under many different names – from Al Muhajiroun to Muslims Against Crusades.

Choudary was a key figure in the recruitment of fighters for Osama Bin Laden in Chechnya, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

He’s called for a parallel system of Islamic education in the UK and has been accused of training extremists with handguns, rifles and mock rocket launchers on Islamic-themed camping trips.

Choudary loudly calls for the implementation of Sharia and has predicted that Muslims will control Britain within a matter of decades.  more here

10 Comments on England: Anjem Choudary released from prison

  1. After Tommy Robinson’s Treatment. After the pakistani rape cover up. After the muslim concert slaughter. After the people mowed down on the streets by muslime. I don’t give a damn about good old england. And the royal family can eff off.

  2. Some extrajudicial justice is needed. Hang him from a tree and set him on fire — anyone who complains gets the same treatment.

    These islamist pieces of shit would be begging to go back home if I was running the show over there.

    And I’d be exacting blood money from their homelands for the crimes committed in the UK. I’d kill 10,000 of them for every crime.

  3. 1 more time – Tony destroyed the UK as Maggie said he was 20 years ago! Blair’s love for the “ROP” was clear to any who took out their wallets and paid attention! Unfortunately, most kept their wallets in their pants/purse!

  4. Let me get this straight…. He was neither rehabilitated nor de-radicalized so they shrugged their collective shoulders and threw up their hands and stated, “we tried….. got to turn him loose!”
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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