England is Losing Certain British Accents – IOTW Report

England is Losing Certain British Accents

They are not “losing” them. They are being supplanted.

What the article won’t say is that it’s because of the invasion of Muslims. They call it “Multicultural London Accent.” lololol


“Multicultural London English is a relatively more recent accent,” says researcher Dr. Amanda Cole. “It is thought to have been around since the ’80s. It has a lot in common with the cockney and South Eastern dialects. But it also has linguistic features that have come from other languages and other dialects of English.” While hints of King’s English and Cockney may be picked up in these three dominant accents, they are no longer commonly heard among the region’s younger set.


“Younger set.”

They mean migrant invasion. They’ve had a “younger set” for centuries. That doesn’t change accents.


5 Comments on England is Losing Certain British Accents

  1. What’s sad is that the worst of the worst of British accents and English pronunciations, have been elevated to “acceptable” now, much in the way American English has degenerated while the worst is now commonplace or even celebrated (certainly any criticism is immediately slammed as “racist” or otherwise). Blacks in Britain speak far better English than most Blacks in the US.


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