England: Unpaid Construction Worker on Mini-Excavator Goes on Crazy Rampage – IOTW Report

England: Unpaid Construction Worker on Mini-Excavator Goes on Crazy Rampage

Breaking 911: ENGLAND — A disgruntled construction worker in Liverpool destroyed a newly built Travelodge hotel in an apparent rampage over compensation.

Witness Samuel White, 24, told the Evening Standard: “The handover was today, everything completed, we’d put the last tile in, cleaned up and made sure everything was perfect.

“Then some idiot in a mini digger decided to drive through the middle of the building.

“There were loads of workers outside all gobsmacked, jaws to the floor wondering what’s going on.

“The site manager was running around like a headless chicken, he wasn’t happy at all.”  Watch it

8 Comments on England: Unpaid Construction Worker on Mini-Excavator Goes on Crazy Rampage

  1. How many of you, on the first take, thought Sam White was the berserker? I did. How come we don’t get a description of the fugitive…who was owed back pay? Draw your own conclusions. Right, Aaron?


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