England’s Horse-Toothed Global Warmongerer Jackass Takes 4 Helicopter Flights To Watch Polo – IOTW Report

England’s Horse-Toothed Global Warmongerer Jackass Takes 4 Helicopter Flights To Watch Polo

What’s his carbon toothprint?

Daily Mail-

Prince Charles warned in 2009 that there were ‘less than 100 months’ for the world to avoid irreversible damage due to climate change.

Extravagant: Prince Charles reportedly used the royal helicopter to take him to a polo match at Windsor Great Park at the weekend. Above, the prince steps on to the field to stomp the divots during half-timeBut as the deadline approaches, he appears to be taking a relaxed approach to saving the planet. I hear the heir to the throne used the royal helicopter to take him to a polo match at the weekend in an extravagant round-trip that will have cost thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money and racked up a massive carbon footprint.

The Prince, who declared in 2012 that ‘mankind must go green or die’, booked the Sikorsky chopper, which is based at RAF Odiham, Hampshire. It flew the 60-mile journey to Charles’s Gloucestershire retreat, Highgrove, picked him up and took him the 68 miles to Windsor Great Park. There he transferred to a Jaguar for the short hop to Guards Polo Club to watch England defeat South America in the Coronation Cup.

ht/ just the tip


13 Comments on England’s Horse-Toothed Global Warmongerer Jackass Takes 4 Helicopter Flights To Watch Polo

  1. well when you hit retirement age ( or as the brits call it pension ) and you are still waiting to start your job, got to have something to do to fill your calendar up.

  2. If Charles had to take an IQ test, I bet he’d fall into the retarded category. The guy is an idiot.

    About his children, it seems there is currently a media battle going on between William and Charles. Apparently, William doesn’t like his father all that much, and Charles is trying to use the media to shame him and make it look like it’s Wills’ fault that Charles missed his grandson’s birthday and isn’t much of a grandfather.

  3. (I will now write in liberalese)

    I propose, no I demand as a ‘Citizen of the Earth’ that All future Global Warming conferences and meetings be held by Skype or other video system to save the Earth’s precious natural resources by not using energy unnecessarily.

    Everyone will save on jet fuel, security, hotels, restaurants, clothing. and missed productivity.

    All the money that would have been spent can now be used to buy acreage in the Rain Forests and endangered wetlands around the world to keep it from being destroyed by development

    The time saved in travel and preparations could be spent thinking up new ways to save the Earth’s precious Natural Resources and raising awareness by blogging

    All that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses now will not be released into the atmosphere thus reducing the carbon footprint of the Human Race and help to prevent Anthropocentric Global Warming

    (end Liberalese)

    In other words: You fooking pansies better quit spending your damn Citizen’s hard earned money jaunting around the world and partying it up and living the high life playing grab ass in endless meetings that accomplish nothing because your entire premise is bullshit drummed up to exert control over the human race, and fueled by Research Grant Whore Scientists who collectively haven’t had an original idea since the Zygote stage. All this occurs during week long parties with the ultra rich while you Imbeciles are imperiously scolding the rest of us about using fuel and energy.
    So treat it like actual work and knock off the ostentatious displays of arrogance.
    Keep it up and one day we will turn on you and you will not enjoy it.
    Not one bit.

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