English Reporter Makes the Case For Trump – It Might Kick Off Progressive Mass Suicide – IOTW Report

English Reporter Makes the Case For Trump – It Might Kick Off Progressive Mass Suicide

It takes a Brit to reorient us as to why Trump is so, so very attractive to many American voters.



It would be Trumpageddon for all the worst people in Britain, and the prospect is rather attractive

The BBC, for example, will not be happy. There will be a markedly different mood within the corporation this election night to the one we witnessed in 2008, when the studios were awash with ejaculate and we viewers were all forced to endure a relentlessly celebratory Obamathon, utterly devoid of anything even approaching impartiality: how wonderful of the Americans to elect him and what a marvelous, marvelous little black man he is! They will be instead grim-faced with incomprehension and antipathy.

Think how grossly offended will be those half a million quasi-Stalinist Brits who signed a petition demanding that Donald Trump be banned for ever from visiting this country. And the fatuous MPs who took the suggestion so seriously that they debated the issue themselves. We cannot possibly allow into our country people who disagree with our views, even if it is a view (regarding Muslim immigration) with which the majority of the population would concur.

…think of the bien-pensant slebs, the actors and the luvvies and the pop stars. Think how royally pissed off they will be. Benedict Cumberbatch will deliver an emotional denunciation in the middle of Hamlet’s third soliloquy, perhaps joined on stage by Emma Thompson, Stephen Fry, the ‘comedian’ Stewart Lee, Lenny Henry and many others, to hold hands and keen for the millions who will be murdered, maimed or simply excluded by the Trump presidency.


If Trump governs the way he says he will govern on the campaign trail, and we should have no reason to distrust him any more than any other politician that gets run up the flag pole, then the progressive depression alone from a Trump win would be sweeter than sweet.

Of course, I think a Cruz presidency will do nicely, as well. But I don’t think it will cause as much derangement syndrome, which is a slight negative for me.

I’m a sadist that way.


11 Comments on English Reporter Makes the Case For Trump – It Might Kick Off Progressive Mass Suicide

  1. I can see the attraction to tearing everything down.
    I was of that mindset 45 years ago as a teenager.
    The fact is that most ‘revolutions’ end up making people worse off than they were beforehand. Sometimes it evens out afterward, but all too often it doesn’t.
    The reason ours of the 18th century ended up so different was that it occurred through the efforts of a group of men that had a relatively clear and common goal.
    When an autocrat does it, the odds of it turning out well approach slim to none.

    Be VERY careful what you wish for.

  2. actually bfh, i tink the peplew you hate PREFER trump OVER cruz. trump has held so many contradictory, mutually exclusive, and downright leftist positions that it’s hard to know which trump you’re voting for. and then there’s the little problem of all the people who’ve said they prefer him; i.e. jimmy carter, harry reid, john mccain, lindsey graham, bob dole et al. too much at stae for me to risk it. i’m going with cruz.

  3. “… how grossly offended will be those half a million quasi-Stalinist Brits…”

    good enough reason for me!

    “… there’s the little problem of all the people who’ve said they prefer him; i.e. jimmy carter, harry reid, john mccain, lindsey graham, bob dole et al.”
    do you really think that the aforementioned people really want Trump to win? …. Really? ….you’re really not claiming that you are that obtuse, are you?

  4. “… there’s the little problem of all the people who’ve said they prefer him; i.e. jimmy carter, harry reid, john mccain, lindsey graham, bob dole et al.”
    How bad is it when you realize you are so toxic, that your endorsement is an attempt to spoil a candidacy?

  5. Great stuff here.
    “Of course, I think a Cruz presidency will do nicely, as well.
    But I don’t think it will cause as much derangement syndrome, which is a slight negative for me.”

    Shazam !!

  6. Trump’s inexplicable appeal is causing heads to explode on both sides of the aisle. He’s neither their fish nor fowl, their afoot or horseback. He’s their “your guess is as good as mine” because he doesn’t fit the conventional template. He’s so outside their areas of expertise they can’t even come up with the words to describe him. They are so used to describing problems they can’t even recognize someone who solves them. Trump is a pragmatist. It doesn’t matter if he’s the best at describing the problem, he doesn’t aspire to be a Master Problem Describer.

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