Ennie Meanie Chili Beanie the Spirits Are About to Speak – IOTW Report

Ennie Meanie Chili Beanie the Spirits Are About to Speak


Brian Dansereau says he was fired from the house featured in the film “The Conjuring” after his boss said she was told by its 19th-century [and long deceased] owner Dansereau had been stealing money. More

14 Comments on Ennie Meanie Chili Beanie the Spirits Are About to Speak

  1. ““It does not matter whether you believe in the paranormal or not,” Nuñez said in a statement. “I and every person is entitled to experiences that bring understanding and meaning to our lives, including being informed or warned about wicked actors and actions. As far as Brian goes, my experience with him devolved quickly, culminating in his at-will employment termination.””

    …the very definition of ‘subjectiovity.’

  2. I wonder how you subpoena a spirit to appear as your only defense witness.

    Perhaps the judge will allow the use of a Ouija board, though I imagine on cross the plaintiff will have to be allowed to treat the witness as hostile and ask only “yes” or “no” questions.

  3. “It does not matter whether you believe in the paranormal or not,” Nuñez said in a statement. “I and every person is entitled to experiences that bring understanding and meaning to our lives, including being informed or warned about wicked actors and actions. As far as Brian goes, my experience with him devolved quickly, culminating in his at-will employment termination.””

    I wonder how she feels about armed self defense..

  4. That line from The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show was their outro to a commercial break.

    Bullwinkle wearing a turban: “Eenie, meanie, chili beanie,the Spirits are about to speak”

    Rocky: “What do they say, Bullwinkle?”

    Bullwinkle; “Listen” (fade to commercial)


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