Enough of this friggin’ weirdo Gary Johnson – IOTW Report

Enough of this friggin’ weirdo Gary Johnson

This is the “viable option” NeverTrump talks about.

The guy’s just a weirdo, who appeals to pot-addled weirdos.

27 Comments on Enough of this friggin’ weirdo Gary Johnson

  1. It’s more fun when you watch with the sound off. He’s a crazy old coot. Who’re the numbskulls who thought he would make a good leader of the free world?! Because nothing says, “I am the face of America” than this nut case, right?

  2. “… a pacifist and libertarian … had written on his threshold: “Wherever you come from, come in and be welcome.” Who do you think answered the invitation? The militia, who made themselves at home and disemboweled him.”
    (The Fall, Camus)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The Far Left has been systematically targeting, infiltrating and Borg-assimilating the original authentic Libertarian Party for the last 15 years.
    Clearly they’ve succeeded.
    Johnson’s a Lefty fringe joke. But I think he’s a Good Thing, because whatever % he gets will bleed off votes directly from the Bernie/Jerry Brown/Liz Warren spectrum of what would otherwise have been the Dem vote.

    If Jill Stein stays in and draws off another 1-2%, that’s just gravy.

  4. Johnson’s “whats a Leppo?” response when an interviewer asked him about Aleppo and the situation in Syria was enough for me … well that and all the weed smoking, and saying he would sign the TPP, and the weed, and this thingy you posted

  5. He starts the tongue thing at 24 seconds into the clip. If Trump did something like this, the media would be proclaiming that this shows that he is not fit to be president. And all the little MSNBC chick can do is say that she has never seen anything like this. Hey Media! This is why we HATE you!

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