Enough with the Hillary cult – IOTW Report

Enough with the Hillary cult

Her admirers ignore reality, dream of worshipping a queen

hillary c univision debate

Clinton voters overlook money lust, shadowy surrogates, sociopathic policy shifts, horrific overseas record. Why? -Camille Paglia.

Salon:  What is it with the Hillary cult?

As a lifelong Democrat who will be enthusiastically voting for Bernie Sanders in next week’s Pennsylvania primary, I have trouble understanding the fuzzy rosy filter through which Hillary fans see their champion. So much must be overlooked or discounted—from Hillary’s compulsive money-lust and her brazen indifference to normal rules to her conspiratorial use of shadowy surrogates and her sociopathic shape-shifting in policy positions for momentary expedience.  MORE

h/t Halls of Macadamia.

4 Comments on Enough with the Hillary cult

  1. Answer: the secret of iniquity that’s allowed to work at all levels of this world. It’s everywhere, including on the conservative side too, and everywhere in between.

  2. The Hillary Cult: More dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, Kia Hamster bobble-headed Socialist Liberal Lemmings than you can shake a COEXIST bumper-sticker at… along with the world’s largest collection of worthless, federal tit-sucking, free-shit-grabbing, no morals, bastard-ass, unemployed, barely aware, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-ass, uninformed, short attention span, Obamaphone-carrying parasites who won’t buy a belt and can’t process a sound bite over 10 seconds in length that doesn´t rhyme, all in lock-step with Stupid!

    Now with Prisoners!!

  3. ‘fuzzy rosy filter through which Hillary fans see their champion’. More like shit covered from all the evil Hillary says, does and is.

    If evil stunk, the walking Hillary manure pile would not be able to be in public. Think; cattle pens stench, or pig pen stench.

    As it is, I can’t stand to watch that smug,(I’ve got them fooled; I got away with it, again) look and that horrid, if vultures could talk, voice are pure repulsion. Much like that of Obama, Holder, Lynch, Jeh, Lois Lerner and on and on for this administration.

  4. I’ve read, and been impressed with, a couple of CP’s columns. But when she wrote “will be enthusiastically voting for Bernie Sanders in next week’s Pennsylvania primary,” I hit the back arrow.

    I’ve never been interested in the opinions of men with pony tails, women with hyphenated names, and now I’ll add Sanders supporters, though I suspect there’s a shit load of overlap.

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