Enraged TRUMP-HATING Nutballs Are Making the World a Much Worse Place… For Themselves – IOTW Report

Enraged TRUMP-HATING Nutballs Are Making the World a Much Worse Place… For Themselves

Leftists are naturally ill-tempered $hitstains. It’s their sour disposition that attracted them to the party of embittered, jealous, angry losers in the first place.

Can you imagine the amount of crank that seeps from the pours of these gargoyles now that Trump is president? It must register on a scientific instrument in some Siberian weather shack.

“Look at this, Don. We are picking up 106 particle units of atmospheric leftist spittle per liter. That is off the charts!”

Here’s a letter from one of these nutballs –

Via KIRO  a recent op-ed column in The Charlotte Observer-

I spent a Saturday this month at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., and I arrived home feeling heartbroken. It was the last way I expected to feel. I had spent the morning sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial with my 16 year-old daughter Katherine, whose silent tears on election night had marked the beginning of this national nightmare for me.

My fury has been bottomless. I drink my morning coffee from a cup that says, ‘I hate to wake up when Donald Trump is president.’

After the march, Katherine and I hit the road. We had done our part to express our outrage. We were about 90 minutes south of D.C. when I heard a terrible popping sound. I assumed I had blown a tire…Luckily there was a gas station right off the exit and I pulled in. Before I could do anything but park my gray Prius, a man rushed over. He looked like a mechanic in his well-worn overalls.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the man who called himself a “redneck” – the man who came to our rescue. I don’t know his politics, but I sized him up as a Trump voter…

As I drove home, I felt the full extent to which Trump has actually diminished my own desire to be kind. He is keeping me so outraged that I hold ill will toward others on a daily basis. Trump is not just ruining our nation, he is ruining me.


Lady. You’re nuts.

I loathed Obama, but he didn’t ruin my day to day existence.

I find that when leftists do not get their way, everything, I MEAN EVERYTHING, is an opportunity to vent their bile ducts.

“Excuse me, you left your coffee on the roof of your car, and I didn’t want you to…”


“Uh.. kay. You have a nice day.”

HT/ illustr8r



18 Comments on Enraged TRUMP-HATING Nutballs Are Making the World a Much Worse Place… For Themselves

  1. I’m with Czar. Let them go. The longer that they do, the greater our chances of picking up the Dems who can still be saved, because I suspect that a whole lot of them are looking at these unhinged cranks to their left and thinking it might be time to skedaddle.

  2. A leftist friend posted a couple of days ago about Fred Korematsu Day, which is January 30. That of course remembers the Japanese-American who as a 23 year-old refused to be interned, defying a presidential Executive Order. She then wrote:
    “I hope I never live to see another Executive Order like that of EO 9066. The current administration is coming way too close for comfort.”

    Umm, what specific actions can you point to that would suggest Trump would do something similar to one of your favorite Leftist presidents? You have a feeling? And yet you had no such feeling about his predecessor, who called out W for executive overreach, then put it into overdrive in handing amnesty to millions, controlling any piece of land that ‘might get wet’ through the EPA, and put the FBI and other agencies to work against his adversaries?

    Why yes, she is wearing a knitted pussy hat in her profile pic.

  3. Trump is not ruining you, sweet pants. You are ruining you. What an ingrate.

    Factoid. Don’t rush to the aid of a damsel in distress driving a Prius. Or at least look at the bumper stickers first.

  4. So she’s a miserable, judgeMENTAL, self important, pompous, hate-filled snob & is sooooo generous & giving by nature, she wants to credit Trump for her lot in life?

    I don’t think so honey, that’s all on you.

  5. The condescension, the piety (“my grey Prius”), is disgusting. They have no respect for anyone they think is beneath them. This is how millions were marched off to concentration camps and gulags in the 20th century; with cooperation of people like her.

  6. Since when have leftards EVER made sense? 🙄

    What doesn’t make sense, is TARHEELS putting up with leftards! Damn if my home state hasn’t gone down the CRAPPER, since they started letting the yankee banksters move in in the late ’80’s. 🙁

  7. What gives them all the idea anybody gives a shit about how they feel?
    You have indoctrinated your daughter into a life of unhappiness, you should be proud?
    Miserable harridan.

  8. Being a musician, I occasionally scan the Craigslist musicians wanted ads.
    I bet I’ve encountered about a half dozen ads that have “No Trumplicans” added at the end.
    The Li’l darlings were assured that 0bama’s rise meant a 1000 year Reich of a Soviet Socialist United States and partay of unlimited cultural nihilism.
    They simply can’t accept that their demented dream ended in 2016.

  9. I despised Obama and every one of his henchmen but I did not let it consume me. These Trump haters are hurting themselves more than they will ever hurt Trump.

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